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* 硬石YS-F1Pro开发板例程功能说明
* 例程名称: YSF1_HAL_MOTOR-004. 57&42步进电机基本旋转实现
* 说明:
* 本例程配套硬石 STM32开发板YS-F1Pro使用。
* 淘宝:
* 论坛:硬石 电子社区
* 版权归硬石嵌入式开发团队所有,请勿商用。
/******************* (C) COPYRIGHT 2015-2020 硬石嵌入式开发团队 *****END OF FILE****/
- void
- TB6600_AxisMoveAbs(int32_t step, uint32_t accel, uint32_t decel,
- uint32_t speed)//绝对运动,step是目标位置,accel是加速度,decel是减速度,speed是速度
- {
- //! Number of steps before we hit max speed.达到最大速度时的步数
- uint32_t max_s_lim;
- //! Number of steps before we must start deceleration (if accel does not hit max speed).
- //如果加速没有达到最大速度,但是必须要开始减速的步数
- uint32_t accel_lim;
- float ftemp=0.0;
- step=step-position;
- if(step <0)
- {
- {
- if(LmtSnsNeg==0)
- {
- bLmtNeg=FALSE;
- }
- else
- {
- bLmtNeg=TRUE;
- return;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if(LmtSnsNeg==0)
- {
- bLmtNeg=TRUE;
- return;
- }
- else
- {
- bLmtNeg=FALSE;
- }
- }
- srd.dir = CCW;
- TB6600_SETDIR_CCW();
- step =-step;
- }
- else
- {
- {
- if(LmtSnsPos==0)
- {
- bLmtPos=FALSE;
- }
- else
- {
- bLmtPos=TRUE;
- return;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if(LmtSnsPos==0)
- {
- bLmtPos=TRUE;
- return;
- }
- else
- {
- bLmtPos=FALSE;
- }
- }
- srd.dir = CW;
- TB6600_SETDIR_CW();
- }
- if(step == 1)
- {
- srd.accel_count = -1; // Move one step...
- srd.run_state = DECEL;// ...in DECEL state.
- srd.step_delay = 1000; // Just a short delay so main() can act on 'running'.
- __HAL_TIM_SET_COMPARE(&htimx_TB6600,TB6600_TIM_CHANNELn,TIMx_pluse);
- __HAL_TIM_SET_AUTORELOAD(&htimx_TB6600,TIMx_pluse);
- MotionStatus = 1;
- __HAL_TIM_ENABLE(&htimx_TB6600);
- }
- else if(step != 0) // Only move if number of steps to move is not zero.
- {
- // Refer to documentation for detailed information about these calculations.
- // Set max speed limit, by calc min_delay to use in timer.
- // min_delay = (alpha / tt)/ w
- srd.min_delay = T1_FREQ/speed/2;
- // Set accelration by calc the first (c0) step delay .
- // step_delay = 1/tt * axis_sqrt(2*alpha/accel)
- // step_delay = ( tfreq*0.676/100 )*100 * axis_sqrt( (2*alpha*10000000000) / (accel*100) )/10000
- srd.step_delay = ((long)T1_FREQ*0.676* axis_sqrt(2000000 / accel))/1000/2;
- // Find out after how many steps does the speed hit the max speed limit.
- // max_s_lim = speed^2 / (2*alpha*accel)
- max_s_lim = speed*speed/(2*accel);
- // If we hit max speed limit before 0,5 step it will round to 0.
- // But in practice we need to move atleast 1 step to get any speed at all.
- if(max_s_lim == 0){
- max_s_lim = 1;
- }
- // Find out after how many steps we must start deceleration.
- // n1 = (n1+n2)decel / (accel + decel)
- if((accel+decel)>step)
- {
- // accel_lim = step*decel/(accel+decel);
- ftemp=(float)decel/(float)(accel+decel);
- accel_lim = (float)step*ftemp;
- }
- else
- {
- accel_lim = step/(accel+decel)*decel;
- }
- // We must accelrate at least 1 step before we can start deceleration.
- if(accel_lim == 0){
- accel_lim = 1;
- }
- // Use the limit we hit first to calc decel.
- if(accel_lim <= max_s_lim){
- srd.decel_val = accel_lim - step;
- }
- else{
- srd.decel_val =-(int32_t)(max_s_lim*accel/decel);
- }
- // We must decelrate at least 1 step to stop.
- if(srd.decel_val == 0){
- srd.decel_val = -1;
- }
- // Find step to start decleration.
- srd.decel_start = step + srd.decel_val;
- // If the maximum speed is so low that we dont need to go via accelration state.
- if(srd.step_delay <= srd.min_delay)
- {
- srd.step_delay = srd.min_delay;
- srd.run_state = RUN;
- }
- else{
- srd.run_state = ACCEL;
- }
- // Reset counter.
- srd.accel_count = 0;
- MotionStatus = 1;
- __HAL_TIM_SET_COMPARE(&htimx_TB6600,TB6600_TIM_CHANNELn,TIMx_pluse);
- __HAL_TIM_SET_AUTORELOAD(&htimx_TB6600,TIMx_pluse);
- __HAL_TIM_ENABLE(&htimx_TB6600);
- }
- }
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