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将值更改为WR-284后,将hp应用笔记8510-5B的WR-62校准套件示例输入hp 8753D。
但是,当尝试完全2端口校准时,在测量第一个标准后出现“需要的附加标准”错误消息。 不知道如何解决这个问题。 我想知道的第一件事是这是驾驶舱错误,还是vna的问题,等等。一切都是从前面板手动完成的。 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 The WR-62 cal kit example from hp app note 8510-5B was entered into an hp 8753D after changing the values to those for WR-284. But, when a Full 2-port calibration was attempted, the "Additional Standards Needed" error message came up after measuring the first standard. Not sure how to troubleshoot this one. The first thing I would like to know is whether this is cockpit error, or a problem with the vna, etc. Everything was done manually, from the front panel. |
我认为总共有3个或者4个文件。 我会在我的8753ES上试一试。 我为Maury Microwave X-band套件创建了8720D的校准套件文件,没有任何问题。 8720D更像是8753而不是8510。 戴夫 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Can you save the cal kit to a floppy, and attach the files. I think there are 3 or perhaps 4 files in total. I will try it on my 8753ES. I created a cal kit file for an 8720D for a Maury Microwave X-band kit without any problems. The 8720D is much more like an 8753 than what an 8510 is. Dave |
谢谢。 我确实将仪器状态保存到3.5英寸软盘,但它不是ASCII文件。不确定如何在成功完成校准之前保存校准套件。对于这个特定的vna来说,这是一种新的东西。 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Thanks. I did save the instrument state to a 3.5" floppy disk, but it was not an ASCII file. Not sure how to save the cal kit before successfully completing a calibration. Am kind of new to this particular vna. |
储蓄叛逆 发表于 2018-10-22 17:49 如果将套件保存到软盘,它将是3或4(我无法回想起)二进制文件。 如果您可以将软盘放入PC并将其复制到zip文件并发布,我会看看。 我不承诺任何事情,但我之前已经为HP / Agilent VNA设置了波导校准套件。 注意8753,但我已经完成了8720和8510.我在这里有一个8753ES,所以可以尝试一下。 我已经附上了Maury Microwave X7005E X-band套件的部分手册,以及显示8720定义的关键页面。我认为你会发现8720定义也适用于8753,只要你改变了 截止频率和偏移延迟。 请注意,此套件包含lamba / 8和3 lambda / 8偏移短裤。 另请注意,要从千分尺测量的厚度转换为ps的延迟,您需要使用空气中的EM辐射速度,而不是真空。 我认为最好从8720套装而不是8510套装开始,因为8753更像8720而不是8510.8510支持的标准远远超过8753或8720.事实上,看起来 在X7005E手册中,使用的一些8510标准号码永远不能输入8753.祝你好运。 戴夫 Maury_Microwave_X7005E_X-Band_Cal_Kit_Manual.pdf1,002.4 KB 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 If you save the kit to a floppy, it will be in 3 or 4 (I can't recall) binary files. If you can put the floppy in a PC and copy them off to a zip file and post it, I will take a look. I don't promise anything, but I have set up waveguide cal kits for HP/Agilent VNAs before. Note for an 8753, but I've done it for an 8720 and 8510. I have an 8753ES here, so can try it out. I have attached part of the manual for the Maury Microwave X7005E X-band kit, as well as the critical page showing the definitions for an 8720. I think you will find the 8720 definitions would work for an 8753 too, as long as you changed the cutoff frequency and offset delays. Note this kit has lamba/8 and 3 lambda/8 offset shorts. Also note that to convert from a thickness measured on a micrometer, to a delay in ps, you need to use the velocity of EM radiation in air, not a vacuum. I think it will be better to start from an 8720 set, rather than an 8510 set, since the 8753 is much more like an 8720 than it is an 8510. The 8510 supports far more standards than the 8753 or 8720. In fact, looking in the X7005E manual, some of the 8510 standard numbers used could never be entered into an 8753. Good luck. Dave 附件
60user7 发表于 2018-10-22 17:56 如果你遇到麻烦,给我两条短裤的厚度(或者用短裤加垫片),我会尝试为你制作一条短裤。 戴夫 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 If you have trouble, give me the thicknesses of your two shorts (or flush short plus spacer), and I'll try to create one for you. Dave |
谢谢。 已经下载了2个文件并正在处理它。 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Thanks. Have downloaded the 2 files and am working on it. |
现在,从前面板手动输入的WR-284校准套件用于Maury Microwave S7005SB。 它在文档中说这是针对8753& 8720(两个)。 我按下“保存/调用 - >保存状态”,并在显示屏上出现“保存仪器状态”。 这2个文件已保存,请参阅附件。 尚未进行校准。 请参阅附件中的3个文件。 FILE01.CK716字节FILE01.I2.4 KB 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 The WR-284 cal kit is in there now, entered manually from the front panel, for the Maury Microwave S7005SB. It says in the documentation that this is for the 8753 & 8720 (both). I pressed "SAVE/RECALL-->Save State" and "saving instrument state" appeared on the display screen. These 2 files were saved, see attachment. A calibration has not been performed, yet. See 3 files, attached. 附件 |
储蓄叛逆 发表于 2018-10-22 18:32 当我有一点时间,我会看一看。 但在我这样做之前,你的两条短裤的机械深度是多少? 戴夫 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 When I have a bit of time, I will take a look. But before I do so, what is the mechanical depth of your two shorts? Dave |
1)。 0.00英寸2)。 3.00英寸3)。 4.375英寸(任意两个。) 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 1). 0.00 inches 2). 3.00 inches 3). 4.375 inches (pick any two.) |
> {quote:title = Mizow写道:} {quote}> 1)。 0.00英寸> 2)。 3.00英寸> 3)。 4.375英寸>>(挑选任何两个。)这些厚度对我来说不合适。 任何两个都不会很好。 它们之间的差异应该是1/4波,因此反射角分开接近180度。 如果3.0“是四分之一波,那么显然4.375-3.0 = 1.375”将不会像四分之一波。 稍后我会根据波导中的波长计算出看似合理的厚度。 您是在特定频率或波导的工作频率范围内工作吗? 根据一些消息来源,1/8& 3/8波长偏移短路是最好的,因为连接是在低电流点进行的,而如果是冲洗短路和短路。 使用1/4短路,元件在高电流点连接。 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 > {quote:title=Mizow wrote:}{quote} > 1). 0.00 inches > 2). 3.00 inches > 3). 4.375 inches > > (pick any two.) Those thicknesses don't look right to me. Any two will not work well. The difference between them should be 1/4 wave, so that the angles of reflection are close to 180 degrees apart. If 3.0" was a quarter wave, then clearly 4.375-3.0=1.375" would be nothing like a quarter wave. Later on I will work out what seems to be sensible thicknesses, based on the wavelength in the waveguide. Are you working at a specific frequency, or the operating frequency range of the waveguide? According to some sources, 1/8 & 3/8 wavelength offset shorts are best as the join is made at a low current point, whereas if a flush short & 1/4 short are used, the components are joined at a high current point. |
您好drkirkby,如果需要将vna送回修理,那么我需要知道。 我试图找出“需要额外标准”错误消息的原因。 这些长度本身并非来自cal kit。 它们是我在架子上的长度。 cal也不适用于实际的Maury Microwave cal套件编号。 我没有对使用无校准的结果印象深刻。 使用内部7毫米校准套件定义运行“全2端口”校准时没有任何校准套件(只需按下按钮),就不会出现错误消息! 但是,我的项目不同轴。 我的项目是使用波导。 如果您的vna喜欢我发送的cal kit文件,那么这将是一个很好的信息。 或者,如果你现在太忙,试试看,我明白了。 此致,Mizow 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Hello drkirkby, If the vna needs to be sent back for repair, then I would need to know that. Am trying to isolate the reason for the "Additional Standards Needed" error message. Those lengths are not from a cal kit, per se. They are the lengths I have on the shelf. The cal also did not work with actual Maury Microwave cal kit numbers. I was not very impressed with the results using no cal. The error message did not occur when running the "Full 2-port" calibration using the internal 7mm cal kit definitions without any cal kit (just pushing buttons)! But, my project is not coaxial. My project is using waveguide. If your vna likes the cal kit file I sent, then that would be good information. Or, if you are too busy right now to try it, I understand. Regards, Mizow |
它最初失败了,但我相信我已经解决了你的校准套件定义错误。 事实上,有两个无关的问题。 1)您的标准被定义为最小频率为2.078 GHz,这是WR284的TE~10~模式截止频率。 这是正确的做法。 *但*您保存的VNA状态是以300 kHz开始分析仪扫描。 因此,没有标准可以覆盖300 kHz至2.078 GHz的频率范围,因此分析仪总是需要额外的标准,以覆盖波导无法工作的频率范围。 当我将起始频率设置为2.078 GHz或更高时,我就可以校准我的8753ES。 我建议你将分析仪的起始频率设置为* 2.6 GHz *,这是WR284 + +正常+操作的频率下限,然后保存状态。 当调用状态时,起始频率将为2.6GHz,并且它将通过校准程序运行而不寻找低于波导的TE~10-模式截止频率的标准。 2)第一次短路的延迟为0 ps,因此第二次短路应为WR284的四分之一波长。 计算厚度并不是特别困难,但我不打算通过计算,因为它有点单调乏味。 但是,您希望制作垫片厚度,使得波导边缘(2.60和3.95 GHz)的相移尽可能接近90度。 我知道在Keysight X11644A(WR90 X波段)套件中,四分之一波长垫片是9.78毫米,所以作为一个*非常粗略的猜测,我预计WR284中的四分之一波长垫片的厚度约为9.78 * 284/90 = 30.9毫米。 (我只是按较大的波导尺寸缩放)第二个短路的偏移延迟为50.835 ps,相当于15.24 mm的厚度。 这对我来说,这个厚度的垫片是1/8波形垫片,所以除非你使用3/8波长垫片,否则效果不好。 你声明你有垫片0,3和4.375“,但是你定义的厚度与它们中的任何一个都没有任何关系。作为*粗略*猜测,我认为你需要补偿1的短路0和31毫米(0 和100 ps) - 这些是齐平的和lambda / 4 * OR * 2)15和45 mm。(50和150 ps) - 这些是lambda / 8和3 * lambda / 8 *我没有检查上面的计算,并且 它们只是非常粗略的估计。* DaveEdited:drkirkby于2015年5月10日晚上9:24 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 I downloaded your 3 waveguide calibration kit files, wrote them to a floppy, then tried to calibrate my 8753ES. It initially failed, but I believe I have worked out what you done wrong with your calibration kit definitions. In fact, there are two unrelated problems. 1) Your standards are defined as having a minimum frequency of 2.078 GHz, which is the TE ~10~ mode cutoff frequency for WR284. That is the correct thing to do. *But* the VNA state you have saved is starting the analyzer sweep at 300 kHz. Hence there's no standards to cover the frequency range 300 kHz to 2.078 GHz, so the analyzer is always wanting extra standards, to cover a frequency range the waveguide can't possibly work at. When I set the start frequency at 2.078 GHz or higher, then I could calibrate my 8753ES. I suggest you set the analyzer start frequency to be *2.6 GHz*, which is the lower frequency limit for +normal+ operation of WR284, then save the state. When the state is recalled, the start frequency will then be 2.6 GHz, and it will run though the calibration routine without looking for standards below the TE ~10~ mode cutoff frequency of the waveguide. 2) The delay of your 1st short is 0 ps, so the second short should be a quarter of a wavelength in WR284. It is not particularly difficult to work out the thickness, but neither am I going to work through the calculations, as it is a bit tedious. But you want to make the shim thickness such that the phase shift at the edges of the waveguide (2.60 & 3.95 GHz) are as close to 90 degrees as possible. I know that in the Keysight X11644A (WR90 X-band) kit, the quarter wave shim is 9.78 mm, so as a *very* rough guess, I would have expected a quarter wave shim in WR284 to have a thickness of approximately 9.78*284/90 = 30.9 mm. (I just scaled by the larger waveguide dimension) The offset delay of your 2nd short is 50.835 ps, which corresponds to a thickness of 15.24 mm. That suggests to me a shim of that thickness would be an 1/8 wave shim, so will not work well unless you used it with a 3/8 wavelength shim. You stated you had shims of 0, 3 and 4.375", but the thickness you have defined is nothing like any of them. As a *rough* guess, I think you need to offset shorts of either 1) 0 and 31 mm (0 and 100 ps) - these are flush and lambda/4 *OR* 2) 15 and 45 mm. (50 and 150 ps) - these are lambda/8 and 3*lambda/8 *I have not checked the calculations above, and they are only very rough estimates.* Dave Edited by: drkirkby on May 10, 2015 9:24 PM |
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