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下图,波形分别为比较器输出和epwm输出,比较器下降沿触发epwm关断信号,对比两图发现,比较触发电平宽度太大时,epwm一直被触发,为低。 |
5 个讨论
60user68 发表于 2020-6-1 17:27 恢复跟PWM出什么波形没关系,主要看TBCTR = 0 的时候,比较器是否还被触发。Blank window可以参考TRM的3.2.9节。 The DCAEVT1/2 and DCBEVT1/2 events can be filtered via event filtering logic to remove noise by optionally blanking events for a certain period of time. This is useful for cases where the analog comparator outputs may be selected to trigger DCAEVT1/2 and DCBEVT1/2 events, and the blanking logic is used to filter out potential noise on the signal prior to tripping the PWM outputs or generating an interrupt or ADC start-of-conversion. The event filtering can also capture the TBCTR value of the trip event. The diagram below shows the details of the event filtering logic. If the blanking logic is enabled, one of the digital compare events – DCAEVT1, DCAEVT2, DCBEVT1, DCBEVT2 – is selected for filtering. The blanking window, which filters out all event occurrences on the signal while it is active, will be aligned to either a CTR = PRD pulse or a CTR = 0 pulse (configured by the DCFCTL[PULSESEL] bits). An offset value in TBCLK counts is programmed into the DCFOFFSET register, which determines at what point after the CTR = PRD or CTR = 0 pulse the blanking window starts. The duration of the blanking window, in number of TBCLK counts after the offset counter expires, is written to the DCFWINDOW register by the application. During the blanking window, all events are ignored. Before and after the blanking window ends, events can generate soc, sync, interrupt, and force signals as before. The diagram below illustrates several timing conditions for the offset and blanking window within an ePWM period. Notice that if the blanking window crosses the CTR = 0 or CTR = PRD boundary, the next window still starts at the same offset value after the CTR = 0 or CTR = PRD pulse. |
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