Energy Filter,Attack Filters ,Decay Filters的设定分别对应DRC中的系数“ae”,“aa”,"ad"。这些系数有的是9.23格式,有的是3.23格式。分别有相应的寄存器设置这些系数。例如TAS5711中的register0x3A-0x46。这些系数最终影响的是Energy time,Attack time,Decay time。这些系数通过固定的公式可以计算得到相应的时间。无论是codec还是TAS57XX系列,TI的GUI中都有工具,用户只需要在GUI上设定时间,GUI会通过I2C修改filter的寄存器控制这三个时间。用户开发时,只需要通过GUI导出寄存器,用MCU控制即可。所以,对于用户来说,这些filter系数都是中间变量,用户需要关心的是时间如何设定,对于DRC的影响。
1.AAV estimator—This DRC element derives an estimate of the average absolute value (AAV) of the audio data stream into the DRC. A time constant, t_energy, is used to control the effective time window over which the AAV estimate is made.
2.Compression coefficient computation—This DRC element converts the output of the AAV estimator to a logarithmic number, determines the region where the input resides, and then computes and outputs the appropriate gain coefficient to the attack/decay element. Parameters K define the slopes of the gain curve for these three regions. T specify the boundaries of the regions, in terms of input level. O specify offsets of the gain curve relative to a 1:1 transfer function at the thresholds.
3.Attack/decay control—This DRC element controls the transition time of changes in the coefficient computed in the compression/expansion coefficient computation element. User-specified parameters t_a and t_d are used to set the attack and decay time constants used in the gain adjustment.