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似乎当在复位状态下启动状态机时,即使地址引脚表示,例如线程2,写入总是会转到线程0。但是,一旦PKONCE第一次声明,写将开始到正确的线程,如引脚指定的。 我们发现,通过在空闲状态下启动状态机,第一个写应该按照正确的线程进行。 重置状态有什么不同,使得它不能正常工作,而空闲时呢? 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 We have a synchronous slave fifo set up and running at 40 MHz, with the active thread selected by the A0 and A1 pins. It seems that when starting the state machine in the RESET state, writes will always go to thread 0, even if the address pins say, for example, thread 2. Once pktend asserts for the first time, though, the write will start going to the correct thread as specified by the pins. We have found that by starting the state machine in IDLE, however, the first write goes to the correct thread as it should. What is different about the RESET state such that it does not work properly, while IDLE does? |
我假设您使用CyU3PGPIFSMSTART,并将其设置为StestCurrand并面临此问题。请确认。 你是如何发现它被写入线程0的?API应该以StaskEnter作为空闲启动,这在ApGuIDE中表示。我将检查是否有任何先决条件,如果我们使用API与其他状态作为StestCurnor和更新这里。 当做, 阿南德 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Hi, I assume you're using CyU3PGpifSMStart with RESET as startindex and facing this issue. Please confirm. How did you find out that it is getting written to Thread 0? The API should be started with startindex as IDLE, this is indicated in the API Guide. I'll check if there is any pre-requisites if we use the API with other state as startindex and update here. Regards, Anand |
我从重置开始。演示者正在做同样的事情,而且文档似乎是从状态0开始的,它被重置。 为了找出它正在写入哪个线程,我使用DMA自动通道将内容发送到两个不同的USB端点,并看到所描述的行为。 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Thanks. I am starting with RESET. The demos were doing the same thing, and it seems the documentation says to start in state 0, which is RESET. To find out which thread it is writing to, I used DMA auto channels to send the contents over to two different USB endpoints, and saw the behavior described. |
和那些在这方面做了大量工作的工程师聊天。我们以前没有见过这个问题。 请创建一个技术支持案例(MyActudio & Gt;MyCox),这样我们的工程师就可以分析这个问题。 当做, 阿南德 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Hi, Have a chat with the engineers who've extensively worked on this. We've not seen this issue before. Please create a tech support case (MyAccount -> MyCases) so that one of our engineers can analyze this issue. Regards, Anand |
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