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我的开发板是TMDXEVM6678LE,Rev 1.0
MCSDK 版本是mcsdk_2_01_02_06 我的步骤如下: 1. 将IBL烧入EEPROM中 1、将i2crom_0x51_c6678_le.bin文件从"mcsdk_2_00_05_17toolsboot_loaderiblsrcmakebin"拷贝到"mcsdk_2_01_02_06toolswritereepromevmc6678lbin" 2、使用mcsdk_2_00_04_16toolswritereepromevmc6678lbineepromwriter_evm6678l.out进行烧写 其中eepromwriter_input.txt的内容为: file_name = i2crom_0x51_c6678_le.bin bus_addr = 0x51 start_addr = 0 swap_data = 0 2. 应用程序生成ELF 的 app.out,直接更名为app.bin. 使用mcsdk_2_01_02_06toolswriternorevmc6678lbinnorwriter_evm6678l.out 对app.bin进行烧写 其中nor_writer_input.txt文件的内容为 file_name = app.bin start_addr = 0x80000000 烧写步骤工程readme.txt有介绍 3. 配置IBL 1、运行程序mcsdk_2_00_05_17toolsboot_loaderiblsrcmakebini2cparam_0x51_c6678_le_0x500.out 2、加载文件 i2cConfig.gel然后在CCS的DEBUG界面上点击,Srcipts->EVM c6678 IBL -> setConfig_c6678_main 3、几秒钟以后,在console界面上敲击回车键. 配置也成功了 1 2 3步骤时候的启动模式 (pin1, pin2, pin3, pin4) SW3(off, on, on, on), SW4(on, on, on, on), SW5(on, on, on, off), SW6(on, on, on, on) 步骤3完成之后断电重启的启动模式 (pin1, pin2, pin3, pin4) SW3(off, off, on, off), SW4(on, on, on, on), SW5(on, on, on, off), SW6(on, on, on, on) 我的问题:我采用D:MCSDKmcsdk_2_01_02_06examplesndkclientevmc6678l 这个例程的.out 文件执行上述操作可以boot 但是我采用自己编写的程序boot不成功。我的程序测试没有问题,并且可以通过spi nor boot 成功,但是就是无法通过ibl boot。 请问这是什么原因呢,期待您的答复,谢谢 |
2 个讨论
问题出在cmd上, Note: It is IBL (in local L2) that monitors magic address and boots the DDR init (in local L2) or POST (in local L2) in those two demos. If one wants to load his/her own boot demo code, then it shouldn’t overlap with the IBL code. As a guideline, the IBL uses memory from 0x00800000 to 0x0081BDFF.” 在工程中cmd内存分配避开0x800000 --- 0x81bdef这段空间即可 |
huangxie 发表于 2018-8-6 07:16 请问下面这段话的出处是那里?是那个文档?谢谢 “Note: It is IBL (in local L2) that monitors magic address and boots the DDR init (in local L2) or POST (in local L2) in those two demos. If one wants to load his/her own boot demo code, then it shouldn’t overlap with the IBL code. As a guideline, the IBL uses memory from 0x00800000 to 0x0081BDFF.” |
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