分享一神器给大家,使用Visual Studio+VisualGDB开发ARM,告别keil,用过visual stdio的都知道,不管是项目管理功能还是智能代码提示都秒杀keil,今天分享给大家的名叫VisualGDB的插件正好解决了这个需求。先来句官网(http://visualgdb.com/?features=embedded)的介绍:
1000+ modern devices. One IDE.
VisualGDB automatically installs all necessary tools and code libraries to get your first project working with just a few mouse clicks. It supports STM32, Freescale Kinetis, NXP LPC, TIVA, MSP430, ESP8266 and many other devices.
Simply select your device in the wizard, connect the debug probe and you can start stepping through your first project.