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本帖最后由 TDB1111 于 2014-6-14 13:01 编辑
以下是我的代码: void UpdateListView(void) { unsigned char i; unsigned char str_date[10]; unsigned char str_time[10]; unsigned char str_num[10]; char Record[3][10]; /********* date translate to string type (example : 2014-06-06) **************/ str_date[0] = Clock.Year/1000+0x30; //year first bit str_date[1] = (Clock.Year/100)%10+0x30; //year second bit str_date[2] = (Clock.Year%100)/10+0x30; //year third bit str_date[3] = Clock.Year%10+0x30; //year fouth bit str_date[4] = '-'; str_date[5] = Clock.Month/10+0x30; //month first bit str_date[6] = Clock.Month%10+0x30; //month second bit str_date[7] = '-'; str_date[8] = Clock.Day/10+0x30; //day fisrt bit str_date[9] = Clock.Day%10+0x30; //day second bit /*********** time translte to string type (example: 12:12:00) **************/ str_time[0] = Clock.Hour/10+0x30; //hour fisrt bit str_time[1] = Clock.Hour%10+0x30; //hour second bit str_time[2] = '-'; str_time[3] = Clock.Min/10+0x30; //minute 1 bit str_time[4] = Clock.Min%10+0x30; //minute 2 bit str_time[5] = '-'; str_time[6] = Clock.Sec/10+0x30; //second 1 bit str_time[7] = Clock.Sec%10+0x30; //second 2 bit /*********** number of student or teacher translate to string ***************/ str_num[0] = card_num; for(i=0;i<10;i++) { Record[0] = str_date; Record[1] = str_time; Record[2] = str_num; } /************* translate to Record to display in listview *******************/ for (i = 0; i < GUI_COUNTOF(Record); i++) { LISTVIEW_AddRow(listview, ( GUI_ConstString *)Record); } } 我创建了一个LISTVIEW 这个函数是用于当检测到数据是添加一行,但是这最基本的都不行: 原型:void LISTVIEW_AddRow(LISTVIEW_Handle hObj, const GUI_ConstString * ppText); 原型:void LISTVIEW_SetItemText(LISTVIEW_Handle hObj, unsigned Column,unsigned Row, const char * s); 这两个添加 数据的函数都是 const 类型,而且我使用变量 作为数据添加到行时,就进入硬件错误,不知道怎么回事?有没有好的建议,和例程呢,谢谢! |
for(i=0;i<10;i++) { Record[0] = str_date; Record[1] = str_time; Record[2] = str_num; } 这个循环里面,i 没有起到任何作用, Record[x] = str_xxxx的实质是 const ((char *)(Record[x])) = (unsigned char *)str_xxxx; 即将指向str_xxxx的指针赋值给指针常数Record[x],数据类型不匹配; 如果编译能够通过,这个程序也存在不确定的问题; |
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