* Cortex-M1
* Cri
tical Section Management
* Method #1: Disable/Enable interrupts using simple instructions. After critical section, interrupts
* will be enabled even if they were disabled before entering the critical section.
* Method #2: Disable/Enable interrupts by preserving the state of interrupts. In other words, if
* interrupts were disabled before entering the critical section, they will be disabled when
* leaving the critical section.
* Method #3: Disable/Enable interrupts by preserving the state of interrupts. Generally speaking you
* would store the state of the interrupt disable flag in the local variable 'cpu_sr' and then
* disable interrupts. 'cpu_sr' is allocated in all of uC/OS-II's functions that need to
* disable interrupts. You would restore the interrupt disable state by copying back 'cpu_sr'
* into the CPU's status register.