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我在ESP8266上使用 I2c 协议时遇到了一些问题。
我正在使用基本引脚(用于 SDA 的 GPIO2 和用于 SCL 的 GPIO14)并且仅使用 C 语言。 我正在尝试与只能从属的 gps 模块 (Sam-M8q) 进行交换。 https://www.u-blox.com/sites/default/files/sam-m8q_datasheet_(UBX-16012619).pdf 当我使用 Raspberry 3 作为主服务器时,通信工作正常。 我遇到的主要麻烦是 I2c 时钟(通过 saleae 逻辑软件获取的数据): - 第1张图片:请求执行读取任务,但Esp8266未启动时钟以按应有的方式开始通信,因此交换不起作用,我得到了错误的数据(0x00不是有效字符是NMEA帧) - 第 2 张图片:未发送足够的时钟段(仅发送 7 个,而请求的为 9 个) 我知道奴隶可以拉长时钟,让他有时间计算和发送数据,但他不能启动时钟序列,只有主人才能做到。 Esp 和 GPS 设置在面包板上,通过标准电缆和恒定的 3.3V 电源连接。 以下是我正在使用的以下代码: --> HalI2cWrite and HalI2cRead are basic functions using the Esp I2c_master.h functions, they are sending the setup address to read/write and then they send or receive the data only one byte at a time. --> I am not sending a positioning order each time I want to read as the Gps documentation certifies that multiple read will always read in this position once it has been set once uint16 HalSamM8qGetFrame(uint8 *gnrmcFrame_tu8, uint8 maxFrameLength_u8) { uint8 highBytes_u8; uint8 lowBytes_u8; uint16 frameLength_u16 = 0u; uint16 counter_u16 = 0u; uint8 i2cBuffer_tu8[GPSRECEIVER_MAXFRAMESIZE] = {0u}; i2cBuffer_tu8[0] = 0xFDu; /* The address 0xFD is containing the higher byte of the frame length */ HalI2cWrite(GPSRECEIVER_I2C_ADDR, i2cBuffer_tu8, 1u); /* Setting the pointer to the address */ os_delay_us(500u); HalI2cRead(GPSRECEIVER_I2C_ADDR, i2cBuffer_tu8, 1u); /* Reading register 0xFD */ highBytes_u8 = i2cBuffer_tu8[0]; i2cBuffer_tu8[0] = 0xFEu; /* The address 0xFE is containing the lower byte of the frame length */ HalI2cWrite(GPSRECEIVER_I2C_ADDR, i2cBuffer_tu8, 1u); /* Setting the pointer to the address */ os_delay_us(500u); HalI2cRead(GPSRECEIVER_I2C_ADDR, i2cBuffer_tu8, 1u); /* Reading register 0xFE */ lowBytes_u8 = i2cBuffer_tu8[0]; frameLength_u16 = (uint16)((highBytes_u8 << 8u) + lowBytes_u8); if(frameLength_u16 != 0xFFFFu) { i2cBuffer_tu8[0] = 0xFFu; HalI2cWrite(GPSRECEIVER_I2C_ADDR, i2cBuffer_tu8, 1u); /* Setting the pointer to the address */ os_delay_us(500u); HalI2cRead(GPSRECEIVER_I2C_ADDR, i2cBuffer_tu8, 1u); /* Reading register 0xFF and so on, to see the frame */ while((i2cBuffer_tu8[0] != '$') && (counter_u16 < frameLength_u16)) /* We have to read all the buffer to try to find the '$' */ { HalI2cRead(GPSRECEIVER_I2C_ADDR, i2cBuffer_tu8, 1u); counter_u16++; } if(counter_u16 < frameLength_u16) /* We don't want to read anything more if we haven't found the '$' in frameLength_u16 tries */ { counter_u16 = 0u; gnrmcFrame_tu8[counter_u16] = i2cBuffer_tu8[0]; while((i2cBuffer_tu8[0] != '*') && (counter_u16 < (maxFrameLength_u8 - 2u))) /* Reading and saving all the bytes until we found the "*" */ { counter_u16++; HalI2cRead(GPSRECEIVER_I2C_ADDR, i2cBuffer_tu8, 1u); gnrmcFrame_tu8[counter_u16] = i2cBuffer_tu8[0u]; system_soft_wdt_feed(); } HalI2cRead(GPSRECEIVER_I2C_ADDR, i2cBuffer_tu8, 1u); /* First byte of the checksum */ counter_u16++; gnrmcFrame_tu8[counter_u16] = i2cBuffer_tu8[0u]; counter_u16++; HalI2cRead(GPSRECEIVER_I2C_ADDR, i2cBuffer_tu8, 1u); /* Second byte of the checksum */ gnrmcFrame_tu8[counter_u16] = i2cBuffer_tu8[0u]; counter_u16++; } else { counter_u16 = GPSRECEIVER_MAXFRAMESIZE; /* Setting the length of the frame to its max frame otherwise we have counter_u16 = frameLength_u16 */ } } else { counter_u16 = GPSRECEIVER_MAXFRAMESIZE; /* Setting the length of the frame to its max frame otherwise we have counter_u16 = 0u */ } return counter_u16; } 在这一点上,我是否可以做些什么来使 Esp 100% 可行,或者 在这段时间里,我做错了什么吗? |
要解决ESP8266 I2C通信故障,我们可以按照以下步骤进行排查和修复:
1. 检查硬件连接:确保ESP8266的GPIO2(SDA)和GPIO14(SCL)与GPS模块的相应引脚正确连接。同时,确保连接线路没有松动或损坏。 2. 检查电源:确保ESP8266和GPS模块的电源供应稳定,电压在规定的范围内。 3. 检查I2C地址:确保ESP8266和GPS模块的I2C地址设置正确。根据GPS模块的数据手册,设置正确的I2C地址。 4. 检查I2C速率:确保ESP8266和GPS模块的I2C速率匹配。如果速率不匹配,可能会导致通信故障。 5. 检查ESP8266的I2C驱动:确保ESP8266的I2C驱动程序已正确安装并配置。如果需要,可以尝试更新或重新安装驱动程序。 6. 检查C语言代码:检查你的C语言代码,确保I2C通信的相关函数(如初始化、读取、写入等)已正确实现。可以参考ESP8266的官方文档或示例代码。 7. 使用调试工具:使用逻辑分析仪(如Saleae)或其他调试工具,观察I2C通信过程中的信号波形,以便更好地了解问题所在。 8. 检查GPS模块的初始化:确保GPS模块已正确初始化并处于工作状态。根据GPS模块的数据手册,检查初始化过程中的参数设置。 9. 尝试其他I2C设备:如果可能,尝试使用其他I2C设备与ESP8266进行通信,以排除ESP8266本身的问题。 |
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