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用于 STWINKT1B 的 FP-CLD-AWS1 软件包 v3.0.1 无法在高于 1.8.0 的 STM32CubeIDE 版本中编译。发生库链接错误。它仅在 1.8.0 中编译成功。版本。这似乎是 IDE 错误。
我希望它被检查和修复。 |
Issue building SBSFU with latest STM32CubeIDE 1.9.0 : here is the solution Hello SBSFU users ! The latest release of STM32CubeIDE 1.9.0 is introducing GNU Tools version 10.3 as toolchain. This new toolchain creates an issue in the SBSFU final build. A new release of X-CUBE-SBSFU is coming in around one month to fix this but, in the meanwhile, I would like to share with you the changes needed to be able to use this version of STM32CubeIDE. First, the issue is related the the ability to call services in the secure engine. So, if you do not need this feature, just remove it. Here is how to do this. 1- Open Properties of your user application 2- in C/C++ Build/Settings/MCU GCC Linker/Miscellaneous, remove the content of Additional objects. Something like "./../../2_Images_SBSFU/STM32CubeIDE/Debug/se_interface_app.o" 3- Also remove in your code any call to SE_*. The common service implemented is usually SE_APP_GetActiveFwInfo That's it. Now, if you use the SE service, here is what you need to do. The following is the description of the changes done in the SBSFU provided in the STM32WL firmware package. So, you can also get this package for reference. Principle is to generate a specific .ld file containing the service name and associated address. 1) In SBSFU project, you need to create a postbuild.sh ...SBSSU/STM32CubeIDE/postbuild.sh containing the following