1)VCD : Value/Variable Change Dump
> It is an event-based format that contains every value change for the signals in the design and the time at which they occurred
>VCD is supported in both the average and time-based analysis modes
>Either Gate-level VCD or RTL VCD are fine for the PTPX flow, and it need mapping when use RTL based VCD, and command is (set_rtl_to_gate_name) then check annotation ratio;
>VCD (Value Change Dump)是一个通用的格式。 VCD文件是IEEE1364标准(Verilog HDL语言标准)中定义的一种ASCII文件。它主要包含了头信息,变量的预定义和变量值的变化信息。正是因为它包含了信号的变化信息,就相当于记录了整个仿真的信息,我们可以用这个文件来再现仿真,也就能够显示波形。因为VCD是 Verilog HDL语言标准的一部分,因此所有的verilog的仿真器都要能够实现这个功能,也要允许用户在verilog代码中通过系统函数来dump VCD文件。我们可以通过Verilog HDL的系统函数$dumpfile 来生成波形,通过$dumpvars的参数来规定我们抽取仿真中某些特定模块和信号的数据。
2)SAIF: Switching Activity Interface Format
>It captures signal transitions and the time spent at each logic level. The SAIF file contains the toggle counts and static probabilities for the nets in the design
>It is supported only the average power analysis mode
>ICCII/FC only support SAIF, then you can convert VCD into SAIF format, by this utility under PT installation directory: vcd2saif -input vcd_file -output saif_file
3)FSDB: Fast signal Data Base
>It is similar with VCD, removing some unnecessary information from VCD for PTPX, the this FSDB size is far smaller than VCD and benefit runtime of simulation
fsdb(Fast Signal DataBase) 是 Debussy / Verdi 支持的波形文件,文件size一般较小,使用较为广泛,其余仿真工具如ncsim,modlesim等等可以通过加载Verdi 的PLI (一般位于安装目录下的share/pli 目录下) 而直接dump fsdb文件。fsdb文件是verdi使用一种专用的数据格式,类似于VCD,但是它是只提出了仿真过程中信号的有用信息,除去了VCD中信息冗余,就像对VCD数据进行了一次huffman编码。因此fsdb数据量小,而且会提高仿真速度。我们知道VCD文件使用verilog内置的系统函数来实现的,fsdb是通过verilog的PLI接口来实现的。$fsdbDumpfile,$fsdbDumpvars等
# Set the Power Analysis Mode: Averarged or time_based
set power_enable_analysis TRUE
set power_analysis_mode time_based # or Averarged
# Read design with gate level netlist and link
set search_path "/prj/library/path/. "
set link_library " * std_typ.db memory_type.db"
read_verilog my_design.vg
current_design my_design
#Set transition time by reading sdc and readin parasitics by spef format
read_sdc ./my_design.sdc
read_parasitics ./my_design_power_corner.spef.gz
# read switching activity file by wave format recommended
read_vcd ../my_design.vcd.dump.gz -strip_path tb/macinst
# analyze power
set_power_analysis_options -waveform_format out -waveform_output vcd
report_power -nosplit > ./rpt/power_time_based.rpt
report_power -hierarchy -level 6 -power_greater_than 0.001 -nosplit > ./rpt/power_hier_time_based.rpt
这个流程是假定有 波形VCD 作为输入,这样就可以将真实的翻转率反标到Design 的各个Net上,report_switching_activity可以来查看annotate的比例,其值越高得到的power越准确。
关于flow 的输入文件:
-logic library,包含timing和power信息,支持NLPM和CCS类型的library。
-Gate_level netlist,支持verilog,VHDL,systemverilog格式。
-Design constraints,计算primary input的transition time和define clock。
-net parasitic,SPEF文件,包含net RC参数。
有兴趣的小伙伴,可以测试比较 两种 modes(Avderged or time_based) 得到的power 值的差别。