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我有一些3.5毫米到N的适配器* 2 x公N到母3,5 mm * 1 x公N到公3.5 mm * 1 x母N到公3.5 mm * 1 x母N到母3.5 mm这些适配器随附
我从eBay购买的85033E 3.5 mm 9 GHz校准套件。 这些适配器在新的时候可能没有随校准套件一起提供,因为套件所带的盒子只有选件100(母头3.5毫米到母头3.5毫米,P / N 85027-60005,不幸丢失了)。 据我所知,通过查看套件中的五个N / 3.5 mm适配器和安捷伦网站上的图片,适配器可能是*安捷伦的,部件号:N-m-型到3.5 mm -m 1250-1743型-N-m-至3.5 mm -f 1250-1744 N型-f-至3.5 mm -f 1250-1745型-N -f-至3.5 mm -m 1250-1750 使用该套件的选项400,但正如我所说,套件内容没有列出这些部件,或选项400.我没有安装名称的5个适配器,可能是中文副本。 我有点怀疑是这样,因为质量非常高,但这并非不可能。 我可以想到几种方法,我可以检查这些适配器是否相位匹配,但想知道*最佳方式。 是否公布了Agilent适配器的电气延迟? (我注意到这些适配器都是“11878A 50欧姆3.5毫米适配器套件”的一部分,但我没有看到该套件手册中有任何电气延迟。)我可以使用85032B N校准套件, 属于朋友,但如果需要,我可以借用它。 (我也有一个订单,但开始认为它永远不会到达)。 我有一个8720D VNA,它启用了选项010(TDR)。 我的初衷是:*使用3.5 mm套件校准VNA。 *如果我使用N cal套件,我知道http://na.tm.agilent.com/pna/caldefs/stddefs.html对男性短片的延迟是1.78E-11 s而女性短片的延迟是9.30 E-14 s *将未知适配器放在3,5毫米导线上。 *使用N短裤终止适配器。 *使用TDR模式(我从未使用过),找到反射的时间。 *如果在纠正N短路中的不同延迟后,短路+适配器的整体延迟总是相同的,那么我可以得出结论,适配器是相位匹配的。 我认为*这将达到6 GHz(N cal套件的极限),其中短路的电感可以忽略不计。 但是,如果我有一个更好的校准套件,并希望检查这些适配器到更高的频率,短路的电感不能忽略怎么办? 如果适配器是我认为的那样,那么它们的额定频率为18 GHz,尽管我无法访问任何校准套件。 那么最好的方法是什么? 戴夫 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 I have some 3.5 mm to N adapters * 2 x Male N to female 3,5 mm * 1 x Male N to male 3.5 mm * 1 x Female N to male 3.5 mm * 1 x Female N to female 3.5 mm These adapters came with a 85033E 3.5 mm 9 GHz Calibration Kit I purchased used from eBay. These adapters were probably *not* supplied with the calibration kit when it was new, as the box the kit came in only has option 100 (female 3.5 mm to female 3.5 mm, P/N 85027-60005, which is unfortunately missing). As far as I can tell, from looking at the five N/3.5 mm adapters in the kits, and pictures on the Agilent web site, the adapters are *probably* Agilent ones, part numbers: Type-N -m- to 3.5 mm -m 1250-1743 Type-N -m- to 3.5 mm -f 1250-1744 Type-N -f- to 3.5 mm -f 1250-1745 Type-N -f- to 3.5 mm -m 1250-1750 which are supplied with option 400 for this kit, but as I said, the kit contents does not list these parts, or option 400. The 5 adapters I have do not have the Agilent name, and could be Chinese copies. I somewhat doubt this is so, as the quality is very high, but it is not impossible. I can think of a several ways I can probably check if these adapters are phase matched, but would like to know the *best* way. Is the electrical delay of the Agilent adapters published? (I note these adapters are all part of the "11878A 50 Ohm 3.5 mm Adapter Kit", but I don't see any mention of electrical delay in the manual for that kit.) I have access to an 85032B N calibration kit, which belongs to a friend, but I can borrow it if needed. (I also have one on order, but are begining to think it will never arrive). I have a 8720D VNA, which has option 010 (TDR) enabled. My inital thinking was: * Calibrate the VNA with the 3.5 mm kit. * If I use the N cal kit, I know from http://na.tm.agilent.com/pna/caldefs/stddefs.html the delay to the male short is 1.78E-11 s and to the female short is 9.30E-14 s * Put the unknown adapters on the 3,5 mm leads. * Terminate the adapters in N shorts. * Use the TDR mode (which I have never used), and find the time to the reflection. * If, after correcting for the different delays in the N shorts, the overall delay of shorts + adapters are always the same, then I can conclude the adapters are phase matched. I *think* this will work up to 6 GHz (the limit of the N cal kit), where the inductance of the shorts can be ignored. But what if I had a better cal kits, and wanted to check these adapters to a higher frequency, where the inductance of the shorts could not be ignored? If the adapters are what I think they are, then they are rated to 18 GHz, though none of the cal kits I have access to are. So what is the best way? Dave |
下一个最好的方法是使用适配器移除校准,它需要适配器和N型端口之间的两个2端口cals,以及adapater和3.5 cal之间的第二个cals,然后处理两个cals(使用适配器移除 8720)并使用该校准来测量适配器。 第三种方法是在适配器之前校准,然后在适配器之后校准,然后处理两个校准文件以获得适配器特性(此方法用于PNA宏功能“特征化适配器”)。 有关这方面的数据,请参见此参考文献的第573页:http://www.wiley.com/WileyCDA/WileyTitle/productCd-1119979552.html 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 The best way is to use a VNA with Unknown Thru calibration, using a quality cal-kit for each port for each connector type (many modern VNAs have this, including PNA). The next best way is to use adapter-removal calibration, which requires two 2-port cals between the adapter and the Type N port and a second one between the adpater an the 3.5 cal, then process the two cals (using adapter removal in the 8720) and use that calibration to measure the adapter. A third way is to calibrate before the adapter, then calibrate after the adapter, then process the two calibration files to get the adapter characteristics (this method is used in the PNA Macro function "characterize adapter"). The math for this can be found on page 573 of this reference: http://www.wiley.com/WileyCDA/WileyTitle/productCd-1119979552.html |
脑洞大赛9 发表于 2019-5-28 10:43 > {quote:title = Dr_joel写道:} {quote}>最好的方法是使用带有Unknown Thru校准的VNA,为每种连接器类型的每个端口使用高质量的cal-kit(许多现代VNA都有这个,包括PNA) 。 谢谢。 那个方法可能就在那时,因为我没有PNA。 它是公共知识的数学,那么我可以通过8720D测量并对数据进行后处理来实现它吗? *(更新,我发现费列罗和黄先生的几篇论文,以及其他一些参考文献,所以也许这不是秘密,或者也许安捷伦已经改进了什么是公开的)。*>下一个最好的方法是 使用适配器移除校准,在适配器和N型端口之间需要两个2端口cals,在adapater和3.5 cal之间需要第二个cals,然后处理两个cals(使用8720中的适配器移除)并使用该校准 测量适配器。 我不是在这里关注你,但是我会在阅读8720D关于适配器删除的手册之前阅读一下,然后再请你澄清一些在我阅读手册后可能更明显的内容。 我确实在8720D手册或固件中看到了适配器移除的参考 - 我忘记了哪一个。 >第三种方法是在适配器之前校准,然后在适配器之后校准,然后处理两个校准文件以获得适配器特性(此方法用于PNA宏功能“特征化适配器”)。 有关这方面的数据可以在此参考的第573页找到:>> http://www.wiley.com/WileyCDA/WileyTitle/productCd-1119979552.html感谢您的支持。 我应该在一两天内拿到你的书,所以我会读它。 顺便说一句,Wiley网站上的价格(81.50英镑)略高于我从亚马逊英国支付的价格(77.43英镑)。 差异就足以从超市购买几品脱啤酒,但不是来自酒吧! DaveEdited:drkirkby于2012年9月19日下午7:46 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 > {quote:title=Dr_joel wrote:}{quote} > The best way is to use a VNA with Unknown Thru calibration, using a quality cal-kit for each port for each connector type (many modern VNAs have this, including PNA). Thanks. That method is probably out then, since I don't have a PNA. Is the maths of it public knowledge, so could I implement it by taking measurement with the 8720D and post-processing the data? *(UPDATE, I found a couple of papers by Ferrero and Wong, as well as a few other references, so perhaps this is not so secret, or perhaps Agilent have improved on what's is public).* > The next best way is to use adapter-removal calibration, which requires two 2-port cals between the adapter and the Type N port and a second one between the adpater an the 3.5 cal, then process the two cals (using adapter removal in the 8720) and use that calibration to measure the adapter. I'm not following you here, but I'll take a read of the 8720D manual about adapter removal, before asking you to clarify something that might be more obvious once I've read the manual. I did see a reference to adapter removal in the 8720D manual or firmware - I forget which. > A third way is to calibrate before the adapter, then calibrate after the adapter, then process the two calibration files to get the adapter characteristics (this method is used in the PNA Macro function "characterize adapter"). The math for this can be found on page 573 of this reference: > > http://www.wiley.com/WileyCDA/WileyTitle/productCd-1119979552.html Thank you for that. I should have your book in a day or two, so I'll read it then. BTW, the price on the Wiley web site (£81.50) is a bit higher than I paid from Amazon UK (£77.43). The difference is just about enough to buy a couple of pints of beer from the supermarket, but not from a pub! Dave Edited by: drkirkby on Sep 19, 2012 7:46 PM |
60user7 发表于 2019-5-28 10:53 你最近没买N9923A FieldFox吗? N9923A通过校准未知。 如果正确选择DUT连接器,它将引导您进行未知的直通校准。 您可以使用相同的DUT进行校准,然后进行测量。 我们的小N9923A中的Cal引擎与强大的PNA相同。 :-)如果您收到N9923A后有任何问题,请告诉我们。 此致,Afsi 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Didn't you recently buy an N9923A FieldFox? N9923A has unknown thru calibration. If you select your DUT connectors correctly, it will guide you to the unknown thru calibration. You can use the same DUT for your calibration through and then meausre it. The Cal engine in our little N9923A is the same as the mighty PNA. :-) Let us know if you have any questions once you receive your N9923A. Regards, Afsi |
> {quote:title = am95405写道:} {quote}>你最近没买N9923A FieldFox吗? 是的,但它还没有从Malasia发货。 预计将于10月10日在这里。 > N9923A通过校准未知。 如果正确选择DUT连接器,它将引导您进行未知的直通校准。 您可以使用相同的DUT进行校准,然后进行测量。 我们的小N9923A中的Cal引擎与强大的PNA相同。 :-) 谢谢。 但我预计这款电池供电的便携式仪器将不如实验室8720D准确,但我没有仔细比较这些规格。 当然,我的8720D也达到了20 GHz。 我已经支付了N9923A上的所有选项,但8720D上只有010(TDR)和1D5(高稳定时基)。 >如果您收到N9923A后有任何问题,请告诉我们。 我相信我会有很多问题! 我没有太多的麻烦让8720D启动和运行,因为我之前使用过类似的仪器。 但我从来没有使用类似于便携式设备的远程任何东西。 >问候,> Afsi谢谢你Afsi。 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 > {quote:title=am95405 wrote:}{quote} > Didn't you recently buy an N9923A FieldFox? Yes, but it is not shipped from Malasia yet. It is expected to be here on the 10th of October. > N9923A has unknown thru calibration. If you select your DUT connectors correctly, it will guide you to the unknown thru calibration. You can use the same DUT for your calibration through and then meausre it. The Cal engine in our little N9923A is the same as the mighty PNA. :-) Thank you. But I expect this battery powered portable instrument will be less accurate than the laboratory 8720D, though I have not compared the specs closely. Also of course my 8720D goes to 20 GHz. I've paid for all the options on the N9923A, but only have 010 (TDR) and 1D5 (high stability time base) on the 8720D. > Let us know if you have any questions once you receive your N9923A. I'm sure I'll have lots of questions! I've not had too much trouble getting the 8720D up and running, as I have used a similar instrument before. But I've never used anything remotely similar to the portable device. > Regards, > Afsi Thank you Afsi. |
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