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我想要使用VNA E5071c测量S参数,并希望将其传输到PC而不在VNA中保存文件。
但是当我通过LAN电缆(TCPIP)将VNA连接到PC时。 我在vee pro 9.3中得到以下错误:在vvisa设备上发生I / O错误或超时:'newinstrument'。 VISA错误:VI_ERROR_SYSTEM_ERROR错误号:811 VISA viOpen失败在事务编号1对象标题:newInstrument(@TCPIP ::对象类型:直接I / O请给出解决方案。 谢谢! 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 I want measure S-parameter using VNA E5071c and want transfer it to PC without saving file in VNA itself. but when I connect VNA to PC via LAN cable (TCPIP). I get following error in vee pro 9.3 : I/O error or timeout occurred on vvisa device : 'newinstrument'. VISA error:VI_ERROR_SYSTEM_ERROR Error number : 811 VISA viOpen failed In Transaction number1 Object title : newInstrument (@TCPIP:: Object type : Direct I/O Please give solution. Thanks! |
您好,虽然我不是ENA的专家,但我想知道您的特定ENA上是否已经启用了网络I / O.
要进行检查,请转至系统>其他设置>网络设置,并确保将启用设置为开,如此处的ENA在线帮助中所述。 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Hello, although I'm not an expert on the ENA, I'm wondering if the network I/O might not already be enabled on your particular ENA. To check, go to System > Misc Setup > Network Setup, and ensure Enable is set to ON, as described in the ENA online help here. |
uwyywefwd 发表于 2018-10-26 09:51 亲爱的Utkarsh,正如bhokkan评论的那样,似乎缺少ENA网络设置。 还请运行Keysight Connectio Expert并检查您的E5071C是否配置正确。 如果配置了E5071C,VEE上的仪器管理器(菜单I / O - >仪器管理器)也将显示E5071C。 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Dear Utkarsh, As bhokkan commented, it seems to be of missing ENA networks setting. Please also run Keysight Connectio Expert and check if your E5071C is configured correctly. If the E5071C is configured, Instrument manager on VEE (Menu I/O -> Instrument manager) will show the E5071C as well. |
大洼球王 发表于 2018-10-26 10:09 好。 现在我还设置了VNA网络设置并打开了SICL-LAN服务器。 但后来我也遇到了同样的问题。 或建议另一种方式。 是否需要VNA E5071c和外部Pc都应具有相同的IO库套件和操作系统。 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 ok. Now I also set VNA Network Setting and Turn ON the SICL-LAN server. But then also I am getting same problem. or suggest another way. is there any need that both VNA E5071c and External Pc should have same IO libraries suite and Operating system. |
亲爱的Utkarsh,您是否在Keysight I / O库中成功地看到了“测试连接”和“识别仪器”的结果? 如果您这样做,请检查Keysight VEE计划中的VISA地址是否正确。 如果不这样做,仪器的网络设置可能是错误的。 另请检查局域网设置。 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Dear Utkarsh, Do you see results of "Test Connection" and "Identify Instrument" successfully in Keysight I/O Library as described in the webhelp? If you do, please check if VISA address is correnct in Keysight VEE program. If you don't, network setting of the instrument may be wrong. Please also check LAN setting. |
亲爱的Utkarsh,有几种类型的命令来获取测量数据。 :计算{1] -160} [:选择]:数据:FDATA? ([webhelp]此命令设置/获取格式化数据数组,用于所选通道的活动跟踪。 获取ch1,trace1数据数组的示例代码:: CALC1:PAR1:SEL:CALC1:DATA:FDAT? 读取实数格式数组1D中的fdata(数组大小取决于NOP):CALCulate {1] -160} [:SELected]:DATA:SDATa? ([webhelp]此命令设置/获取已更正的数据数组,用于所选通道的活动跟踪。 获取ch1,trace1数据数组的示例代码:: CALC1:PAR1:SEL:CALC1:DATA:SDAT? 读取复杂格式数组1D中的sdata(数组大小取决于NOP)编辑:takehio于2014年12月16日上午11:58编辑:takeshio于2014年12月16日中午12:00 PM 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Dear Utkarsh, There are a few types of command to get measurement data. :CALCulate{1]-160}[:SELected]:DATA:FDATa? ( [webhelp) This command sets/gets the formatted data array, for the active trace of selected channel. Sample code to get ch1, trace1 data array: :CALC1:PAR1:SEL :CALC1:DATA:FDAT? read fdata in real format array 1D (array size depends on NOP) :CALCulate{1]-160}[:SELected]:DATA:SDATa? ( [webhelp) This command sets/gets the corrected data array, for the active trace of selected channel. Sample code to get ch1, trace1 data array: :CALC1:PAR1:SEL :CALC1:DATA:SDAT? read sdata in comlex format array 1D (array size depends on NOP) Edited by: takeshio on Dec 16, 2014 11:58 AM Edited by: takeshio on Dec 16, 2014 12:00 PM |
大洼球王 发表于 2018-10-26 11:09 谢谢Mr.takeshio但是我想读取跟踪数量的数据。 实际上,当手动我要保存跟踪时,它只保存该瞬间的跟踪。 因为我不断传输信号,我不想要。 痕迹进一步分析。 那我应该怎么做呢。 请给出建议。 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Thanks Mr.takeshio But i want to read the data for No. of traces. actually when manually i am going to save trace, it save trace only for that instant. since i am continuously transmitting the signal, I want no. of traces for further analysis. so what should i do for that. Please give the suggestion. |
hongliwei 发表于 2018-10-26 11:24 你有没有看过修改MATLAB文档中的PNA示例:http://www.mathworks.com/help/instrument/examples/characterizing-a-low-noise-amplifier-by-measuring-its-s-parameters.html 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Have you looked at modifying the PNA example in the MATLAB documentation: http://www.mathworks.com/help/instrument/examples/characterizing-a-low-noise-amplifier-by-measuring-its-s-parameters.html |
fen556 发表于 2018-10-26 11:39 vcherian先生我修改了ENA E5071C的代码。 现在我的代码如下所示:%创建一个tcpip对象。 obj1 = instrfind('Type','tcpip','RemoteHost','','RemotePort',80,'Tag',''); %如果tcpip对象不存在,则创建它%否则使用找到的对象。 if isempty(obj1)obj1 = tcpip('',80); 否则fclose(obj1); obj1 = obj1(1)end%连接到仪器对象obj1。 的fopen(OBJ1); %定义频率范围2.3GHz至2.6GHz frequencyRange = [3.0e5 14.0e9]; %测量中的点数numPoints = 201; %定义测量名称和参数fprintf(obj1,'CALCulate:PARameter:DEFine:EXT''SParamMeasurementS11'',S11'); fprintf(obj1,'CALCulate:PARameter:DEFine:EXT''SParamMeasurementS12'',S12'); fprintf(obj1,'CALCulate:PARameter:DEFine:EXT''SParamMeasurementS21'',S21'); fprintf(obj1,'CALCulate:PARameter:DEFine:EXT''SParamMeasurementS22'',S22'); %创建一个新的显示窗口并在fprintf上打开它(obj1,'DISPlay:WINDow1:STATE ON'); %将测量值与WINDow1 fprintf关联(obj1,'DISPlay:WINDow1:TRACe1:FEED''SParamMeasurementS11'''); fprintf(obj1,'DISPlay:WINDow1:TRACe2:FEED''SParamMeasurementS12'''); fprintf(obj1,'DISPlay:WINDow1:TRACe3:FEED''SParamMeasurementS21'''); fprintf(obj1,'DISPlay:WINDow1:TRACe4:FEED''SParamMeasurementS22'''); %打开标题,频率和曲线注释,以允许在仪器显示屏fprintf(obj1,'DISPlay:WINDow1:TITLe:STATe ON')上进行测量的%可视化; fprintf(obj1,'DISPlay:ANNotation:FREQuency ON'); fprintf(obj1,'DISPlay:WINDow1:TRACe1:STATe ON'); fprintf(obj1,'DISPlay:WINDow1:TRACe2:STATe ON'); fprintf(obj1,'DISPlay:WINDow1:TRACe3:STATe ON'); fprintf(obj1,'DISPlay:WINDow1:TRACe4:STATe ON'); %关闭平均fprintf(obj1,'SENSe1:AVERage:STATe OFF'); %设置点数fprintf(obj1,sprintf('SENSe:SWEep:POINts%s',num2str(numPoints))); %设置频率范围fprintf(obj1,sprintf('SENSe:FREQuency:STARt%sHz',num2str(frequencyRange(1)))); fprintf(obj1,sprintf('SENSe:FREQuency:STOP%sHz',num2str(frequencyRange(2)))); %选择测量值并将测量触发器设置为立即fprintf(obj1,'CALCulate:PARameter:SELect''SParamMeasurementS11'''); fprintf(obj1,'CALCulate:PARameter:SELect''SParamMeasurementS12'''); fprintf(obj1,'CALCulate:PARameter:SELect''SParamMeasurementS21'''); fprintf(obj1,'CALCulate:PARameter:SELect''SParamMeasurementS22'''); fprintf(obj1,'TRIG:SOURce IMMediate'); %Autoscale显示fprintf(obj1,'DISPlay:WIND:Y:AUTO'); %选择频率范围内的单次扫描以触发测量fprintf(obj1,':SENSe:SWEep:MODE CONTINUOUS'); %设置仪器使用binblock格式fprintf(obj1,'FORMat REAL,64')返回数据; %将字节顺序设置为交换(little-endian)格式。 使用IBM兼容计算机fprintf(obj1,'FORMat:BORDer SWAP')时,SWAPped是必需的%; %从仪器fprintf请求2端口测量数据(obj1,'CALC:DATA:SNP:PORTs?''1,2'''); %读取测量数据rawDataDB = binblockread(obj1,'double'); 的fread(obj1,1); 但是在运行时它会在命令窗口中显示错误:*警告:无法读取binblock。* *警告:在超时期限内未返回指定数量的数据。*我的目标是读取数据(s11) 在VNA的第1频道上可用,并将其传输到matlab workspace.Edited:Utkarsh于2015年1月2日上午3:15 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Mr. vcherian I have modify the code for ENA E5071C. Now my code look as follow : % Create a tcpip object. obj1 = instrfind('Type', 'tcpip', 'RemoteHost', '', 'RemotePort', 80, 'Tag', ''); % Create the tcpip object if it does not exist % otherwise use the object that was found. if isempty(obj1) obj1 = tcpip('', 80); else fclose(obj1); obj1 = obj1(1) end % Connect to instrument object, obj1. fopen(obj1); % Define frequency range of 2.3GHz to 2.6GHz frequencyRange = [3.0e5 14.0e9]; % Number of points in measurement numPoints = 201; % Define a measurement name and parameter fprintf(obj1,'CALCulate:PARameter:DEFine:EXT ''SParamMeasurementS11'',S11'); fprintf(obj1,'CALCulate:PARameter:DEFine:EXT ''SParamMeasurementS12'',S12'); fprintf(obj1,'CALCulate:PARameter:DEFine:EXT ''SParamMeasurementS21'',S21'); fprintf(obj1,'CALCulate:PARameter:DEFine:EXT ''SParamMeasurementS22'',S22'); % Create a new display window and turn it on fprintf(obj1,'DISPlay:WINDow1:STATE ON'); % Associate the measurements to WINDow1 fprintf(obj1,'DISPlay:WINDow1:TRACe1:FEED ''SParamMeasurementS11'''); fprintf(obj1,'DISPlay:WINDow1:TRACe2:FEED ''SParamMeasurementS12'''); fprintf(obj1,'DISPlay:WINDow1:TRACe3:FEED ''SParamMeasurementS21'''); fprintf(obj1,'DISPlay:WINDow1:TRACe4:FEED ''SParamMeasurementS22'''); % Turn ON the Title, Frequency, and Trace Annotation to allow for % visualization of the measurements on the instrument display fprintf(obj1,'DISPlay:WINDow1:TITLe:STATe ON'); fprintf(obj1,'DISPlay:ANNotation:FREQuency ON'); fprintf(obj1,'DISPlay:WINDow1:TRACe1:STATe ON'); fprintf(obj1,'DISPlay:WINDow1:TRACe2:STATe ON'); fprintf(obj1,'DISPlay:WINDow1:TRACe3:STATe ON'); fprintf(obj1,'DISPlay:WINDow1:TRACe4:STATe ON'); % Turn OFF averaging fprintf(obj1,'SENSe1:AVERage:STATe OFF'); % Set the number of points fprintf(obj1, sprintf('SENSe:SWEep:POINts %s',num2str(numPoints))); % Set the frequency ranges fprintf(obj1, sprintf('SENSe:FREQuency:STARt %sHz',num2str(frequencyRange(1)))); fprintf(obj1, sprintf('SENSe:FREQuency:STOP %sHz',num2str(frequencyRange(2)))); % Select measurements and set measurement trigger to immediate fprintf(obj1,'CALCulate:PARameter:SELect ''SParamMeasurementS11'''); fprintf(obj1,'CALCulate:PARameter:SELect ''SParamMeasurementS12'''); fprintf(obj1,'CALCulate:PARameter:SELect ''SParamMeasurementS21'''); fprintf(obj1,'CALCulate:PARameter:SELect ''SParamMeasurementS22'''); fprintf(obj1,'TRIG:SOURce IMMediate'); % Autoscale display fprintf(obj1, 'DISPlay:WIND:Y:AUTO'); % Select a single sweep across the frequency range to trigger a measurement fprintf(obj1,':SENSe:SWEep:MODE CONTINUOUS'); % Set instrument to return the data back using binblock format fprintf(obj1, 'FORMat REAL,64'); % Set byte order to swapped (little-endian) format. SWAPped is required % when using IBM compatible computers fprintf(obj1, 'FORMat:BORDer SWAP'); % Request 2-port measurement data from instrument fprintf(obj1, 'CALC:DATA:SNP:PORTs? ''1,2'''); % Read the measured data rawDataDB = binblockread(obj1, 'double'); fread(obj1,1); But when run it give error in command window : *Warning: A binblock is not available to be read.* *Warning: The specified amount of data was not returned within the Timeout period.* my aim is to read the data (s11) available on channel 1 of VNA and transfer it to matlab workspace. Edited by: Utkarsh on Jan 2, 2015 3:15 AM |
hongliwei 发表于 2018-10-26 11:47 我不确定ENA的命令,也没有访问权限。 您需要在连接仪器的情况下逐步执行MATLAB代码,看看是否有任何错误产生错误。 或者,浏览ENA的SCPI程序员手册并找到正确的命令集。 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 I'm not sure of the commands for the ENA and don't have access to one. You will need to step through the MATLAB code with your instrument connected and see if any of those produce an error. Alternatively, go through the SCPI programmers manual for the ENA and find the right set of commands. |
hongliwei 发表于 2018-10-26 11:47 亲爱的Utkarsh,我不熟悉Matlab编程,但这是我对ENA SCPI命令的评论。 >%设置仪器使用binblock格式返回数据> fprintf(obj1,'FORMat REAL,64'); >%将字节顺序设置为交换(little-endian)格式。 使用IBM兼容计算机时,SWAPped是必需的>%fprintf(obj1,'FORMat:BORDer SWAP'); 当您使用binblock格式时,可以使用有限的SCPI命令,如下面的webhelp节目所示,http://ctdkobe-lp.png.is.keysight.com/webhelp/ena/programming/command_reference/format/scpi_format_data.htm>%Request 2 - 仪器的测量数据> fprintf(obj1,'CALC:DATA:SNP:PORTs?''1,2'''); 它看起来像PNA的SCPI命令,这个保存touchstone文件的命令不支持ENA的binblock格式。 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Dear Utkarsh , I am not familiar with Matlab programming, but here are my comment regarding ENA SCPI commands. > % Set instrument to return the data back using binblock format > fprintf(obj1, 'FORMat REAL,64'); > % Set byte order to swapped (little-endian) format. SWAPped is required > % when using IBM compatible computers > fprintf(obj1, 'FORMat:BORDer SWAP'); When you use binblock format, limited SCPI command can be used as below webhelp shows, http://ctdkobe-lp.png.is.keysight.com/webhelp/ena/programming/command_reference/format/scpi_format_data.htm > % Request 2-port measurement data from instrument > fprintf(obj1, 'CALC:DATA:SNP:PORTs? ''1,2'''); It looks PNA's SCPI command and this command to save touchstone file does not support binblock format for the ENA. |
hongliwei 发表于 2018-10-26 11:47 > {quote:title = Utkarsh写道:} {quote}>%从仪器请求2端口测量数据> fprintf(obj1,'CALC:DATA:SNP:PORTs?''1,2'''); >我认为这只会返回alpha,而不是二进制。 您可以以二进制形式获取单个跟踪数据,但不能获取完整的SnP数据。 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 > {quote:title=Utkarsh wrote:}{quote} > % Request 2-port measurement data from instrument > fprintf(obj1, 'CALC:DATA:SNP:PORTs? ''1,2'''); > I think this only returns alpha, not binary. You can get individual trace data in binary form, but not full SnP data. |
脑洞大赛9 发表于 2018-10-26 12:20 哪个命令应该用于从VNA到PC的SnP数据传输。 是校正数据和SnP(试金石文件)是一样的吗? 我想将校正数据(Real-Imaginary格式)从VNA e5071c(ENA系列)传输到matlab工作空间。 请帮忙。 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 which command should be used for SnP data transfer from VNA to PC. is the corrected data and SnP (touchstone file) are same? I want to transfer corrected data (Real-Imaginary format) from VNA e5071c (ENA series) to matlab workspace. Please help. |
hongliwei 发表于 2018-10-26 12:38 从ENA的vee程序示例:Calc:Par:Sel 1 // for trace 1 Calc:data:sdata? 然后读取1个字符的标题。 然后读取一个字符,该字符是下一个条目的大小“x”(通常为3或4),在本例中为4然后读取'x'字符,这是下一个条目的大小(例如1601)然后读取下一个1601 表示数据的字节。 这通常是真实的32位数和虚数的32位数。 或使用IEEE bin块进行读取。 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 From the vee program example for the ENA: Calc:Par:Sel 1 //for trace 1 Calc:data:sdata? Then Read a header which is 1 character. Then read a character which is the size 'x' of the next entry (usually 3 or 4), in this example 4 Then read 'x' charaters which is the size of the next entry (for example 1601) Then read the next 1601 bytes that represents the data. This would normally be a 32 bit number for real and a 32 bit number for imaginary. Or use IEEE bin block to read. |
vee有一个很好的示例程序,用于快速和最佳地读取ENA:C: Program Files(x86) Agilent VEE Pro 9.3 examples InstrumentIO InstrManagerIntegrated并查找ENA示例AgE50xxx-ENA1或2 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 vee has an excellent example program for quickly and optimally reading the ENA: C:Program Files (x86)AgilentVEE Pro 9.3examplesInstrumentIOInstrManagerIntegrated and look for ENA example AgE50xxx-ENA1 or 2 |
脑洞大赛9 发表于 2018-10-26 13:05 谢谢Dr.Joel但是你建议的示例程序是用于GPIB接口,而我使用的是LAN接口。 实际上我想连续读取数据。 用于测量S参数的迹线。 可以将数据从Vee pro保存到matlab工作区吗? 请给出你的建议。 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Thank you Dr.Joel But the example program you suggest is for GPIB interface while i am using LAN interface. Actually i want to read the data continuously for no. of traces to measure the S-parameter. Can save the data from Vee pro to matlab workspace? Please give your suggestion. |
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