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我们公司希望通过云远程向我们的用户提供应用程序。 XenApp是一个很好的产品,但我们对这个解决方案有一些问题,我想知道你们是否能够让我高兴! 我们想知道我们是否可以使用带有nvidia GRID的xenapp正确使用autocad,google earth等应用程序。 我们有以下问题 性能: - Autocad / Google Earth等应用程序是否正常运行? - 几个客户端是否存在性能问题以及这是多么敏感(因为您使用共享资源) 限制 - 所有应用程序是否都支持需要GPU的XenApp? - XenApp是否支持OpenCL,OpenGL,DirectX和CUDA? - XenApp与GPU有什么问题? - 在XenApp上使用GPU时有哪些限制? 与Xendesktop的比较 - 在交付图形应用程序时,何时应该在XenApp上使用Xendesktop? - Xendesktop与XenApp相比还有哪些优势? 我知道这些问题有点基本,但我们想要一些完整的信息,并且在购买之前要100%准确。 提前感谢您,希望尽快收到您的来信! 鲍比 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Good afternoon, Our company wants to deliver applications remotely to our users from the cloud. XenApp is a good product for this but we have a few questions regarding this solution and I was wondering if you guys could enlight me! We we were wondering if we could use applications like autocad, google earth etc properly with xenapp with nvidia GRID. We have the following questions Performance: - Do applications like Autocad / Google Earth work properly? - Are there performance issues with several clients and how sensitive is this (Since you use shared resources) Limitations - Do all applications support XenApp which need a GPU? - Does XenApp support OpenCL, OpenGL, DirectX and CUDA? - What issues does XenApp has with GPU's? - What are the limitations when using a GPU with XenApp? Comparison to Xendesktop - When should you use Xendesktop over XenApp when delivering graphical applications? - What are other advantages from Xendesktop over XenApp? I know these questions are kinda basic, but we'd like some full information and be 100% accurate before such a purchase. Thank you in advance and hope to hear from you soon! Bobby |
首先,如果您还没有体验过它,请查看NVIDIA的免费评估:http://www.nvidia.com/object/vmware-trygrid.html 这是使用Horizon和桌面操作系统提供的,但它可以让您大致了解可以期待的内容以及可以运行的应用程序类型。 性能 问:Autocad / Google Earth等应用程序是否正常运行? 答:是的。 如果指定了适当的硬件并且平台设计正确,则应用程序性能通常会超过本地工作站的性能。 这是由于几个因素,而不仅仅是GPU。 问:几个客户端是否存在性能问题以及这是多么敏感(因为您使用共享资源) 答:这在很大程度上取决于应用程序类型,正在运行的工作负载以及您指定的硬件类型。 但是,如果您的某个用户在使用本地硬件进行渲染的终端服务器(与渲染场上的远程硬件或类似设备相对)上启动大型渲染作业(例如),则没有单一的答案。 将影响该服务器上的所有用户。 在决定如何构建平台之前,您需要真正了解应用程序以及用户如何操作它们。 限制 问:所有应用程序是否都支持需要GPU的XenApp? 答:大多数应用程序将安装在终端服务器上,但是,以这种方式部署时,应用程序供应商可能不支持它们。 同样,有很多应用程序不适合终端服务器,即使它们确实安装并正常运行(参见上面关于渲染作业的评论)。 问:XenApp是否支持OpenCL,OpenGL,DirectX和CUDA? 答:这应该为您提供以下信息:https://docs.citrix.com/en-us/xenapp-and-xendesktop/7-12/hdx/gpu-acceleration-server.html 问:XenApp与GPU有什么问题? 答:XenApp目前不支持NVEnc *。 单个会话可能会影响其他会话,但这并非特定于GPU。 除此之外,没有其他任何东西可以立即让人想起GPU(如果我能想到任何事情,我可能会在以后添加)。 问:在XenApp上使用GPU有什么限制? 答:NVEnc,最终性能和终端服务器的某些应用程序支持。 与XenDesktop的比较 问:在交付图形应用程序时,何时应该在XenApp上使用XenDesktop? 答:您应该在XenApp上使用XenDesktop,以获得与不使用GPU时相同的用例。 如果您希望获得最佳体验,使用专用资源获得最佳性能,为安全性和应用程序兼容性提供用户隔离,或者如果某个桌面操作系统(等等)中有特定功能,则使用XenDesktop。 如果您需要用户密度,请使用XenApp。 仅仅因为现在连接了GPU,当你使用一个GPU而不是另一个时,它不会改变。 唯一的例外是,当你想要使用NVEnc *时。 问:XenDesktop比XenApp还有哪些优势? 答:上面回答。 (应用支持,专用资源,安全性,NVEnc等) * NVEnc是编码H.264的GPU,而不是CPU。 您可以在此处阅读更多相关信息:https://blogs.nvidia.com/blog/2016/09/14/citrix-xendesktop-nvidia-grid/ 希望这可以帮助 本 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Hi Bobby Firstly, if you haven't experienced it yet, have a look at the free evaluation from NVIDIA: http://www.nvidia.com/object/vmware-trygrid.html This is delivered using Horizon and a desktop Operating System, but it will give you a rough idea of what to expect and the types of applications you can run. Performance Q: Do applications like Autocad / Google Earth work properly? A: Yes. When appropriate hardware is specified and the platform designed correctly, the application performance will often exceed that of a local workstation. This is due to several factors, not just the GPU. Q: Are there performance issues with several clients and how sensitive is this (Since you use shared resources) A: This will greatly depend on the application type, the workload being run and the type of hardware you have specified. There is no single answer to this, however, if one of your users kicks off a large rendering job (for example) on a Terminal Server that uses local hardware for the render (opposed to remote hardware on a render farm or similar), you will impact all users on that server. This is where you need to really understand the applications and how your users operate them, before deciding on how to architect your platform. Limitations Q: Do all applications support XenApp which need a GPU? A: Most applications will install on a Terminal Server, however, they may not be supported by the application vendor when deployed in this way. Likewise, there are plenty of applications that would not be suitable for a Terminal Server, even if they do install and function correctly (see above comment about rendering jobs). Q: Does XenApp support OpenCL, OpenGL, DirectX and CUDA? A: This should give you the information you're after: https://docs.citrix.com/en-us/xenapp-and-xendesktop/7-12/hdx/gpu-acceleration-server.html Q: What issues does XenApp has with GPU's? A: XenApp currently does not support NVEnc*. The potential for a single session to impact others, but this is not specific to GPU. Other than that, nothing else immediately springs to mind specifically regarding GPU (I may add to this later if I can think of anything). Q: What are the limitations when using a GPU with XenApp? A: NVEnc, ultimate performance and certain application support for a Terminal Server. Comparison to XenDesktop Q: When should you use XenDesktop over XenApp when delivering graphical applications? A: You should use XenDesktop over XenApp for the same use cases as those when not using a GPU. If you want the best experience, the best performance with dedicated resources, user isolation for security and application compatibility or if there is specific functionality in a certain desktop Operating System (etc etc), then use XenDesktop. If you want user density then use XenApp. Just because a GPU is now attached, it doesn't change when you would use one over the other. The only exception to this, is when you want to make use of NVEnc*. Q: What are other advantages from XenDesktop over XenApp? A: Answered above. (Application support, dedicated resources, security, NVEnc etc etc) * NVEnc is the GPU encoding the H.264, rather than the CPU. You can read more about that here: https://blogs.nvidia.com/blog/2016/09/14/citrix-xendesktop-nvidia-grid/ Hope this helps Ben |
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