联合STM32CUBEMX MDK SIMULINK的基于模型设计,能够快速搭建STM32应用模型,通过本课程的学习,能够快速搭建基于WINDOWS的开发环境,本课程提供相应必要的安装包,及配套的课件。
The STM32 Embedded Target enables you to quickly deploy your application models in MATLAB and Simulink to STM32 MCUs.
STM32-MAT/TARGET allows running Simulink applications models for STM32 MCUs.
In a first step, run Simulink application models, using Processor In the Loop (PIL) configuration and USART communication link. Results are the Code generation report and the Code execution profiling report.
In a second step, STM32 Embedded Target provides a Simulink blockset library, containing STM32 peripherals, to manage peripherals data. The generated code can be built and downloaded on the target.
Key Features
Simulink applications configuration for STM32 microcontrollers.
STM32 configuration is done with STM32CubeMX
Automatic "C" code generation for STM32 is based on STM32Cube HAL libraries.
Processor In the Loop (PIL) with USART RTioStream
Code generation
Code execution profiling
STM32 peripherals Simulink library models
联合STM32CUBEMX MDK SIMULINK的基于模型设计,能够快速搭建STM32应用模型,通过本课程的学习,能够快速搭建基于WINDOWS的开发环境,本课程提供相应必要的安装包,及配套的课件。
The STM32 Embedded Target enables you to quickly deploy your application models in MATLAB and Simulink to STM32 MCUs.
STM32-MAT/TARGET allows running Simulink applications models for STM32 MCUs.
In a first step, run Simulink application models, using Processor In the Loop (PIL) configuration and USART communication link. Results are the Code generation report and the Code execution profiling report.
In a second step, STM32 Embedded Target provides a Simulink blockset library, containing STM32 peripherals, to manage peripherals data. The generated code can be built and downloaded on the target.
Key Features
Simulink applications configuration for STM32 microcontrollers.
STM32 configuration is done with STM32CubeMX
Automatic "C" code generation for STM32 is based on STM32Cube HAL libraries.
Processor In the Loop (PIL) with USART RTioStream
Code generation
Code execution profiling
STM32 peripherals Simulink library models