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嗨,各位,也许这在某处是一个简单的省略,但是我不能从dspic33fj128mc802的PWM1H1端口得到任何pwm信号。预期的输出应该是在RB14的TrISB语句,如你在下面的代码中看到的。我试着在没有PPS的情况下产生这个信号,但是没有运气!我会感激任何输入。注意。//PWM具有由电机控制单元include//Configuration Register-FOSCpragma config FCKSM=3//时钟切换和故障安全模式都被禁用pragma config OSCIOFNC=0//OSCO pin是通用I/O pinpragma config POSCMD=33//主振荡器被禁用//配置寄存器-FOSCSEL#pragma配置IESO=0//从用户选择的振荡器在复位#pragma配置FNOSC=7//选择FRC振荡器在复位//配置寄存器-电机控制PWM FPOR#pragma配置PWMPIN=0//A开始所有电机控制PWM输出在Resetpragma config HPOL=1//电机控制高输出为活动高pragma config LPOL=1//电机控制低输出为活动高//define PPSUnLock_builtin_write_OSCCONL(OSCCON&0xBF)//define PPSLock_builtin_write_OSCCONL(OSCCON|0)x40)int main(){//OSCTUNRegisCTUNRegisterCTCTCTCTCTCTCTCTUNbits.TUN=0; //选择FRC=7.37MHz///选择FRC=7.37MHz//7.37MHz///CLKDIV注册CLKDIV注册CLCDCDCDCDCDCDCDVV RegisterCLCLCLCDCDCDCDCDCDCDCDCDCDV比特.ROI=0;0;//选择FRC=7.37MHz=7.37MHz//CLKDIV RegisCLKDIV RegisCLKDIV注册注册CDDIVCDCDCDCDDIV比特.CLI=7.37MHz=0;ROI=0;ROI=0;//中断对时钟恢复没有影响,CLKDI时钟恢复CLKDIK28.8KHz->FCYCLKDIVbits.DOZEN=1;//DOZE定义cpu和外围时钟之间的比率//定义RB14作为PWM1H1TRISBbits的输出.TRISB14=0;//引脚RB14被指定为输出//PWM1时基控制寄存器P1TCONbits.PTEN=0;//不允许时钟传递到PWM1定时器yetP1TCONbits.PTCKPS。等于0;//Precale是1:1,因此Timer2时钟=28.8KHzP1TCONbits.PTMOD=0;//PWM1在自由运行模式//PWM1计数器和周期P1TMRbits.PTMR=0;//PWM1计数器寄存器中的初始值P1TPER=576;//PWM1周期寄存器->PWM周期//PWM1控制寄存器1PWM1CON1bits.PMOD3=1;//PWM1H3和PWM1L3输出是独立的modePWM1CON1bit.PMOD2=1;//PWM1H2和PWM1L2输出是独立的modePWM1CON1bit.PMOD1=1;//PWM1H1和PWM1L1输出是独立的modePWM1CON1bit.PEN3H=0;//PWM1H3禁用PWM1CON1bit.PEN2H=0;//PWM1H2禁用PWM1CON1bit.PEN1H=0。1; //PWM1H1启用PWM1CON1bits.PEN3L=0;//PWM1H3禁用PWM1CON1bits.PEN2L=0;//PWM1H2禁用PWM1CON1bits.PEN1L=0;//PWM1H1禁用//PWM1控制寄存器2PWM1CON2bits.IUE=0;//更新与时间基PWM1CON2bits.UDIS=0同步;//从周期和dut更新y周期寄存器被启用//PWM1占空比寄存器1P1DC1=29;//占空比寄存器1将产生1msec脉冲//PPSUnLock;//对PWM1H1//RPOR7bits使用RP14.RP14R=0;//将PWM1H1重定向到RP14//PPSLock;//启用时基控制寄存器P1TCONbits.PTEN=1;//启用时钟传递到PWM1时限(1);



    Hi guys,
Probably this is a simple omission somewhere, but I cannot get any pwm signal from PWM1H1 port of the dspic33fj128mc802. The expected output is supposed to be at RB14 by TRISB-statement as you see in the code below.  I tried to produce this signal with and without PPS, but no luck!  I would appreciate any input.   Take care.

// PWM has a single HIGH output generated by motor control unit

// Configuration Register - FOSC
#pragma config FCKSM = 3    // both clock switching and fail-safe modes are disabled
#pragma config OSCIOFNC = 0 // OSCO pin is a general purpose I/O pin
#pragma config POSCMD = 3   // primary oscillators are disabled

// Configuration Register - FOSCSEL
#pragma config IESO = 0     // start with a user-selected oscillator at reset
#pragma config FNOSC = 7    // select FRC oscillator with postscalar at reset

// Configuration Register - Motor Control PWM FPOR
#pragma config PWMPIN = 0   // All Motor Control PWM outputs are active at Reset
#pragma config HPOL = 1     // Motor control HIGH outputs are active high
#pragma config LPOL = 1     // Motor control LOW outputs are active high

//#define PPSUnLock       __builtin_write_OSCCONL(OSCCON & 0xBF)
//#define PPSLock         __builtin_write_OSCCONL(OSCCON | 0x40)

int main ()

// OSCTUN Register
OSCTUNbits.TUN = 0;    // select FRC = 7.37MHz

// CLKDIV Register
CLKDIVbits.ROI = 0;    // interrrupts have no effect on clock recovery
CLKDIVbits.FRCDIV = 6; // FRCDIVN = FRC/64 = 7.37/64 = 115.15KHz -> FOSC
CLKDIVbits.DOZE = 1;   // FOSC/4 = 115.15/4 = 28.8KHz -> FCY
CLKDIVbits.DOZEN = 1;  // DOZE defines the ratio between cpu and peripheral clocks

// Define RB14 as an output for PWM1H1
TRISBbits.TRISB14 = 0;  // Pin RB14 is assigned as output

// PWM1 timebase control register
P1TCONbits.PTEN = 0;    // Do not enable the clock delivery to PWM1 timer yet
P1TCONbits.PTCKPS = 0;  // Prescale is 1:1 so Timer2 clock = 28.8KHz
P1TCONbits.PTMOD   = 0; // PWM1 is in free-running mode

// PWM1 counter and period
P1TMRbits.PTMR = 0;     // Initial value in PWM1 counter register
P1TPER = 576; // PWM1 period register -> PWM period

// PWM1 control register1
PWM1CON1bits.PMOD3 = 1; // PWM1H3 and PWM1L3 outputs are independent mode
PWM1CON1bits.PMOD2 = 1; // PWM1H2 and PWM1L2 outputs are independent mode
PWM1CON1bits.PMOD1 = 1; // PWM1H1 and PWM1L1 outputs are independent mode
PWM1CON1bits.PEN3H = 0; // PWM1H3 is disabled
PWM1CON1bits.PEN2H = 0; // PWM1H2 is disabled
PWM1CON1bits.PEN1H = 1; // PWM1H1 is enabled
PWM1CON1bits.PEN3L = 0; // PWM1H3 is disabled
PWM1CON1bits.PEN2L = 0; // PWM1H2 is disabled
PWM1CON1bits.PEN1L = 0; // PWM1H1 is disabled

// PWM1 control register2
PWM1CON2bits.IUE = 0; // Updates are synchronized with timebase
PWM1CON2bits.UDIS = 0; // Updates from period and duty cycle registers are enabled

// PWM1 duty cycle register1
P1DC1 = 29;    // Duty cycle register1 will produce 1msec pulse

// Use RP14 for PWM1H1
//RPOR7bits.RP14R = 0; //Redirect PWM1H1 to RP14

// Enable timebase control register
P1TCONbits.PTEN = 1;    // Enable the clock delivery to PWM1 timer

while (1);



2019-5-31 10:29:59



    I don't have a datasheet for that chip in front of me, but I've set a few PWM outputs up in various configurations.  Some things to look for:

  • What is providing the time base (sometimes it's a timer and that timer needs to run).
  • Is the pwm timebase timer actually running (enable the timer interrupt and stick a breakpoint in there)
  • Is the pwm module actually running (enable the pwm interrupt and stick a breakpoint in there).
  • Finally, if all of those are working, check the IOCONx registers (if you have them on your chip) to make sure the pwm output is being tied to the pins.


2019-5-31 10:41:38



    Actually, it was an mplabx problem.  It was not running correctly.  I created an identical project, and then it ran without any hick up.  Thank you for the help.

