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    Hello All,
I do hope that I am missing something obvious, and can improve on my crypto education.

I begin with the following:
Whatever is programmed into the Cryptographic Engine OTP array survives a full chip erase. ** You can safely ignore this post/question, if this is not true **
The only useful thing to put in the OTP array is a key.
There are at most 7 keys in the OTP array.
There are perhaps 3 key length variations, which affects the number of keys on the OTP array.
There are perhaps 4 modes of encryption.
I bought two identical devices, based on a PIC24 with a Cryptographic Engine, storing crypto keys in the OTP array.
One device I keep alive in my laboratory.
The other I completely reprogram with a handy PicKit2 or similar.

I have full access to the Cryptographic Engine complete with the hidden keys in the OTP array.
With some work I can catch the encrypted messages from/to the live device.
It looks as though, with modest effort, I can decrypt incoming messages or forge outgoing encrypted messages.
I don't need to try and reveal the hidden keys in the OTP array.

Is using the OTP array a bad idea?

What am I missing? Something obvious no doubt.

Thanks in advance



2019-5-30 15:24:26



    What you describe is a limitation of any pre-shared key (PSK) system.  When have a pre-shared key between N nodes, all you have to do to crack the communication between those nodes is break one of the nodes (if the pre-shared key is also used for communication as implied above).  Forget having one hacked node decrypt/spoof the messages.  De-process the node you captured and take the keys directly.  If someone uses the same PSK on all devices, then you've cracked everything all at once.

And thus PSK has limitations.  You need to create a system where capturing they key destroys its usefulness.  For example, in the situation where a physical device is talking to a server through a PSK and each physical device has a different PSK pair with the server (they are all unique), then cracking one device any not be very useful.  You can decrypt messages received and you can encrypt your own messages like you implied, but you will not be able to use them in application since you have destroyed the firmware of the physical device that actually uses them.  Since each device has a unique PSK, you will not be able to apply that information to attack a second device.  
So if the confidentiality of the data transmitted to the physical node that someone possesses is important to maintain, even after the destruction of the device, then an OTP key probably isn't a good idea.  You'd want to use a RAM key.  You'd probably also want to consider using something other than PSK in that case as well...
If the confidentiality of the data doesn't matter past the destruction of the device as long as that data can't be applied to other similar devices, then a unique PSK per device in OTP should be perfectly fine.  The assumption here is that there shouldn't be a device that the attacker can destroy and then spoof that would provide useful to them.  So if they have a IoT light that can be controlled via a server (through a smartphone let's say), then it is no use to them to destroy the light to be able to spoof the light since they lost the functionality of the light in the process (not to mention you have to already have physical access).  They can't then use that information to control some other remote light by sending data spoofed from the server.  This is because the other light has a different, unknown PSK.  The attacker doesn't have access to the server so they can't attack that end and try to then spoof the data to the light to control that light.  In this example the confidentiality of the data isn't valuable after the transmission.  So I found out that you sent a "light-on" command or a "light-off" command... not very useful to know after the fact.
If you have a situation where the person has access to both devices and there is benefit to being able to destroy and then spoof the destroyed device, then the key in OTP would be a problem.
So is using an OTP key array a bad idea?  Yes and no.  It depends on your situation.  It is perfectly reasonable for some situations and a really bad idea in others.  


2019-5-30 15:38:32



    Thanks, that was a good explanation for me.

From the PIC24F point of view I suppose a possible 'best practice' would include
using CodeGuard at its highest setting,
storing the key in flash memory,
transferring the flash memory direct to the CRYKEY register,
keeping a paper list of which device has which key...
And what else?

