1. 外部仅需要连接温湿度传感器(SI7020,SI7021,HTU20,SHT20) 和 电池 (3-3.6V)
2. 传输距离可以选择: 50米, 和 500米直线两种
3. 传感器,用串口进行各种配置(测温间隔,发送间隔,温度高温门限)
4. 目前有4种板型可供选择,满足客户各种外观需求
5. 静态功耗低至 2.7-6UA, 60S检测一次, 5分钟发一次. 平均功耗小于10UA
6. 实时电池电压检测
7 发射功率: 500米 20DBM (MAX), 50米 0DBM 符合FCC, CE, SRCC,认证标准
8 支持在线升级, 串口可以升级最新温度传感的固件来满足市场的变化
9. 256 通道,同时允许256组产品工作,互不干扰.
无线温湿度传感器, 广泛用于 粮库, 蔬菜大棚 ,电力监控, 机房监控, 智能家居 等各种环境监控场合.
1. External Connect Sensor Small board and Battery (3-3.6V)
2. Transmit Distance can be chose: 50- 800 Meter
3. The flexible set
ting Parameter meet the complex environment
4. Four Type's wireless module suit for Case and cost.
5. Static Power Consumption 2.7-6UA. Average Power consumption is less than 10ua if send sensor data each 60s.
6. Battery Monitor function is Active. RSSI is support in the receive Part.
7 Output Power: 0-20DBM
8 Firmware can be updated according to customer requirement.
9. 256 Channel
Wireless temperature and humidity sensors, widely used in grain, vegetable greenhouses, power monitoring, monitoring room, smart home, a variety of environmental monitoring applications.