I SOURCE-FIELD RELAtiONS SINGLE ANTENNA ELEMENTS 1 1 The Far-Field Integrals, Reciprocity, Directivity 3 1.1 Introduction 3 1.2 Electrostatics and Magnetostatics in Free Space 4 1.3 The Introduction of Dielectric, Magnetic, and Conductive Materials 7 1.4 Time-Varying Fields 10 1.5 The Retarded Potential Functions I1 1.6 Poynting's Theorem 13 1.7 The Stratton-Chu Solution 17 1.8 Conditions at Infinity 21 1.9 Field Values in the Excluded Regions 25 1.10 The Retarded Potential Functions: Reprise 26 1. l l The Far Field: Type I Antennas 27 1.12 The Schelkunoff Equivalence Principle 31 1.13 The Far Field: Type IL Antennas 36 1.14 The Reciprocity Theorem 39 1.15 Equivalence of the Transmitting and Receiving Patterns of an Antenna 41 1.16 Directivity and Gain 46 1.17 Receiving Cross Section 48 I . I8 Polarization of the Electric Field 53 2 Radiation Patterns of Dipoles, Loops, and Helices 58 2.1 Introduction 58 2.2 The Center-Fed Dipole 58 2.3 Images in a Ground Plane 65 2.4 A Monopole Above a Ground Plane 67 2.5 A Dipole in Front of a Ground Plane 68