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/****************************************************************************************** //四位数码管电子钟 //应用程序 C //neo //V1.1 2011-7-16 //MCS-51 12MHZ C语言 //接口说明: DS1302、DS18B20 *********************************************************************************************/ #include #include #define uint8 unsigned char #define uchar unsigned char #define uint unsigned int uchar Disp_Buff[4]; char SB=4; // clock set time bit //bit Set_Flag; // set time flag bit T=0; // display Temperature and Time flag bit TT=0; // 10S Auto change display Temperature and Time flag //#define T0_H 0xf0 // 4ms //#define T0_L 0x60 #define T0_H 0xf5 // 2666us #define T0_L 0x96 #define ST 20 #define T1_H 0xb1 //20ms #define T1_L 0xe0 #define NumLed_Bit P2 #define Disp P1 #define Key P3 #define Key1 1 #define Key2 2 #define Key3 3 #define Key4 4 #define Key_NULL 0 ***it Beep=P0^7; void Play(uchar t); ***it Red_Led=P3^7; // Driver DS1302 /********************************************************************************************/ ***it RST=P0^0; ***it IO=P0^1; ***it SCLK=P0^2; #define second_write 0x80 #define minute_write 0x82 #define hour_write 0x84 #define week_write 0x8a #define day_write 0x86 #define month_write 0x88 #define year_write 0x8c #define second_read 0x81 #define minute_read 0x83 #define hour_read 0x85 #define week_read 0x8b #define day_read 0x87 #define month_read 0x89 #define year_read 0x8d #define sclk_high SCLK=1; #define sclk_low SCLK=0; #define io_high IO=1; #define io_low IO=0; #define io_read IO #define rst_high RST=1; #define rst_low RST=0; struct {uint8 second; uint8 minute; uint8 hour; uint8 day; uint8 week; uint8 month; uint8 year; } current_time; /********************************************************************************************/ static void ds1302write(uint8 content) { uint8 i; for(i=8;i>0;i--) { if(content&0x01) io_high else io_low content>>=1; sclk_high sclk_low } } /********************************************************************************************/ static uint8 ds1302read(void) { uint8 i,readvalue; io_high for(i=8;i>0;i--) { readvalue>>=1; if(io_read) readvalue|=0x80; else readvalue&=0x7f; sclk_high sclk_low } return readvalue; } /********************************************************************************************/ void ds1302write_byte (uint8 address,uint8 content) { rst_low sclk_low rst_high ds1302write(address); ds1302write(content); rst_low sclk_high } uint8 ds1302read_byte(uint8 address) { uint8 readvalue; rst_low sclk_low rst_high ds1302write(address); readvalue=ds1302read(); rst_low sclk_high return readvalue; } /********************************************************************************************/ void Clock_Init(void) { uchar R; if(ds1302read_byte(0xc1)!=0xf0) { ds1302write_byte(0x8e,0x00); ds1302write_byte(year_write,0x11); ds1302write_byte(week_write,0x06); ds1302write_byte(month_write,0x04); ds1302write_byte(day_write,0x09); ds1302write_byte(hour_write,0x23); ds1302write_byte(minute_write,0x59); ds1302write_byte(second_write,0x30); ds1302write_byte(0x90,0xa5); ds1302write_byte(0xc0,0xf0); for (R=0;R<10;R+=2) { ds1302write_byte(0xc2+R,0); } ds1302write_byte(0x8e,0x80); } } /********************************************************************************************/ void Clock_Updata(void) { current_time.second=ds1302read_byte(second_read); current_time.minute=ds1302read_byte(minute_read); current_time.hour= ds1302read_byte(hour_read); current_time.day= ds1302read_byte(day_read); current_time.month= ds1302read_byte(month_read); current_time.week= ds1302read_byte(week_read); current_time.year= ds1302read_byte(year_read); } /********************************************************************************************/ void Write_Time(void) { ds1302write_byte(0x8e,0x00); ds1302write_byte(0x82,((Disp_Buff[2]<<4)|Disp_Buff[3])); ds1302write_byte(0x84,((Disp_Buff[0]<<4)|Disp_Buff[1])); ds1302write_byte(0x8e,0x80); } /********************************************************************************************/ void Write_Alarm(void) { ds1302write_byte(0x8e,0x00); ds1302write_byte(0xca,((Disp_Buff[2]<<4)|Disp_Buff[3])); // alarm minute ds1302write_byte(0xc8,((Disp_Buff[0]<<4)|Disp_Buff[1])); // alarm hour ds1302write_byte(0xc6,1); ds1302write_byte(0x8e,0x80); } /********************************************************************************************/ void Alarm(void) { if(ds1302read_byte(0xc7)==1&& current_time.minute==ds1302read_byte(0xcb)&& current_time.hour==ds1302read_byte(0xc9) ) { ds1302write_byte(0x8e,0x00); ds1302write_byte(0xc6,0); ds1302write_byte(0x8e,0x80); Play(3); } } /********************************************************************************************/ // DS18B20 driver ***it io_DQ=P0^6; #define DQ_HIGH io_DQ=1; #define DQ_LOW io_DQ=0; #define DQ_READ io_DQ unsigned char Temperature[4]; void Delay_10Us (unsigned int Count) { while(--Count) { _nop_(); } } /********************************************************************************************/ unsigned char Ds18b20_Init(void) { unsigned char Flag; DQ_HIGH Delay_10Us(3); DQ_LOW Delay_10Us(80); DQ_HIGH Delay_10Us(15); Flag=DQ_READ; return Flag; } /********************************************************************************************/ void Write_f(unsigned char cmd) { unsigned char i; for(i=8;i>0;i--) { EA=0; DQ_LOW DQ_READ=cmd&0x01; Delay_10Us(5); DQ_HIGH EA=1; cmd>>=1; } } /********************************************************************************************/ unsigned char Read_f(void) { unsigned char Read_Value,i; for (i=8;i>0;i--) { EA=0; DQ_LOW Read_Value>>=1; DQ_HIGH if (DQ_READ==1) Read_Value|=0x80; EA=1; Delay_10Us(3); } return Read_Value; } /********************************************************************************************/ unsigned int Read_Temp(void) { unsigned char Temp_H, Temp_L; unsigned int Return_Temp; EA=0; // close interrupt; Ds18b20_Init(); Write_f(0xcc); Write_f(0x44); Ds18b20_Init(); Write_f(0xcc); Write_f(0xbe); Temp_L=Read_f(); Temp_H=Read_f(); EA=1; Return_Temp=Temp_H; Return_Temp<<=8; Return_Temp|=Temp_L; return Return_Temp; } /********************************************************************************************/ void Temperature_Update(void) { unsigned char T_flag=0; unsigned int Temp_Dat; float Temp; Temp_Dat=Read_Temp(); if(Temp_Dat&0xf000) {T_flag=1; Temp_Dat=~Temp_Dat+1; } Temp=Temp_Dat*0.0625; Temp_Dat=Temp*10; Temperature[0]=T_flag; Temperature[1]=Temp_Dat/100; Temperature[2]=Temp_Dat%100/10; Temperature[3]=Temp_Dat%10; } /********************************************************************************************/ void Timer0_Init(void) { TMOD|=0x01; TH0=T0_H; TL0=T0_L; EA=1; ET0=1; TR0=1; } /********************************************************************************************/ bit T_10S,T_1S; bit S; // shining flag bit pp=1; // open or close : unsigned int ms1,ms2,ms3; uchar Bit;// Number Led select uchar code Disp_NumCode[]={0xc0,0xf9,0xa4,0xb0, 0x99,0x92,0x82,0xf8, 0x80,0x90, // dp-a P07-P00 0-9, 0xa7, //c 10 0xc8,0x86,0xc0, //NEO 11-13 0x92,0xc6,0x88, // S,C,A 14-16 0xa1,0x8c,0x8e, // d,p,F 17-19 0xff, // " " 20 0xc7,0xf7 // L 21 _ 22 }; /********************************************************************************************/ uchar code Open_Logo[]={11,12,13,20}; uchar code S_C[]={14,22,15,20}; uchar code S_A[]={14,22,16,20}; uchar code d_p[]={17,22,18,20}; uchar code BELL[]={17,12,21,21}; uchar code ON[]= {20,13,11,20}; uchar code OFF[]={20,13,19,19}; void Put_In(uchar *P) { uchar a; for (a=0;a<4;a++) { Disp_Buff[a]=P[a]; } } /********************************************************************************************/ void Timer0_Isr(void) interrupt 1 { TH0=T0_H; //4ms TL0=T0_L; Disp=0xff; /* switch(Bit) { case 0 : NumLed_Bit=0xfe; break; case 1 : NumLed_Bit=0xfd; break; case 2 : NumLed_Bit=0xfb; break; case 3 : NumLed_Bit=0xf7; break; case 4 : NumLed_Bit=0xf3; break; // display : default : break; } */ switch(Bit) { case 0 : { if(SB==0) { if (S) NumLed_Bit=0xfe; if(S==0) NumLed_Bit=0xff; } else NumLed_Bit=0xfe; }break; case 1 : { if(SB==1) { if (S) NumLed_Bit=0xfd; if(S==0) NumLed_Bit=0xff; } else NumLed_Bit=0xfd; }break; case 2 : { if(SB==2) { if (S) NumLed_Bit=0xfb; if(S==0) NumLed_Bit=0xff; } else NumLed_Bit=0xfb; } break; case 3 : { if(SB==3) { if (S) NumLed_Bit=0xf7; if(S==0) NumLed_Bit=0xff; } else NumLed_Bit=0xf7; } break; case 4 : { if(T==0||TT==0) NumLed_Bit=0xf3; // display : if( T || TT ) NumLed_Bit=0xfb; // display . } break; default : break; } if(Bit<4) { Disp=Disp_NumCode[Disp_Buff[Bit]]; } else { if(pp==1) { if (T==0||TT==0) { if(current_time.second%2) Disp=0x7f; else Disp=0xff; } if( T || TT ) Disp=0x7f; } else Disp=0xff; // close : } if(++Bit>4) Bit=0; } /********************************************************************************************/ void Timer1_Init(void) { TMOD|=0x10; TH1=T1_H; //20ms TL1=T1_L; EA=1; ET1=1; TR1=1; } /********************************************************************************************/ uchar Key_Time; void Timer1_Isr(void) interrupt 3 { TH1=T1_H; TL1=T1_L; if(Key!=0xff) Key_Time++; if(++ms1>ST) { ms1=0; S=~S; } //when set time Shining bit if(++ms2>=50) { ms2=0; T_1S=1; } if(++ms3>500) { ms3=0; T_10S=1;} } /********************************************************************************************/ void DelayM(unsigned int a){//-延时函数 1MS/次 unsigned char i; while(a--) { for(i = 0; i < 125; i++) {} } //i 从0加到125,CPU大概就耗时1毫秒 } /********************************************************************************************/ void Play(uchar t) { uchar i; switch(t) { case 1: { Beep=0; DelayM(100); } break; case 2: { Beep=0; DelayM(400); Beep=1; DelayM(500); Beep=0; DelayM(100); } break; case 3: { for(i=0;i<20;i++) { Beep=0; DelayM(100); Beep=1; DelayM(100); Beep=0; DelayM(100); Beep=1; DelayM(500); } } break; default : break; } Beep=1; } /********************************************************************************************/ uchar Key_Scan(void) { static bit Key_Down; static uchar K; uchar K_Value=0; if(Key_Time>250) Key_Time=3; if(Key_Time>=3&&Key_Down==0) { Key_Time=0; Key_Down=1; switch(Key) { case 0xfe : K=1; break; case 0xfd : K=2; break; case 0xfb : K=3; break; case 0xf7 : K=4; break; default : K=0; break; } } if(Key==0xff&&Key_Down==1) { Key_Down=0; K_Value=K; Play(1); } return K_Value; } /********************************************************************************************/ void Disp_Time(void) { Disp_Buff[3]=current_time.minute%16; Disp_Buff[2]=current_time.minute/16; Disp_Buff[1]=current_time.hour%16; Disp_Buff[0]=current_time.hour/16; } /********************************************************************************************/ void Disp_Temperature_3bit(void) { Disp_Buff[3]=20; Disp_Buff[2]=10; // display 'c' Disp_Buff[1]=Temperature[2]; Disp_Buff[0]=Temperature[1]; } /******************************************************************************************** void Disp_Temperature_4bit(void) { Disp_Buff[3]=Temperature[3]; Disp_Buff[2]=10; // display c Disp_Buff[1]=Temperature[2]; Disp_Buff[0]=Temperature[1]; } ********************************************************************************************/ uchar Select_M=4; void MENU (void) { uchar K; char Menu=0; pp=0; // close ':' while(Menu!=4) { K=Key_Scan(); switch (Menu) { case 0 : { Put_In(S_C); } break; case 1 : { Put_In(S_A); } break; case 2 : { Put_In(d_p); } break; case 3 : { Put_In(BELL);} default : break; } if(K==Key3) Menu=4; if(K==Key2) Menu=(Menu+1)%4; if(K==Key1) { Select_M=Menu; Menu=4; } } pp=1; } /********************************************************************************************/ void Set_Time(void) { bit Set_Flag=1; // set time flag uchar K; SB=0; Disp_Time(); T=0; TT=0; while(Set_Flag) { K=Key_Scan(); if(K==Key1) { switch(SB) { case 0 : { if(Disp_Buff[1]>3) Disp_Buff[0]=(Disp_Buff[0]+1)%2; else Disp_Buff[0]=(Disp_Buff[0]+1)%3; } break; case 1 : { if(Disp_Buff[0]==2) Disp_Buff[1]=(Disp_Buff[1]+1)%4; else Disp_Buff[1]=(Disp_Buff[1]+1)%10; } break; case 2 : { Disp_Buff[2]=(Disp_Buff[2]+1)%6; } break; case 3 : { Disp_Buff[3]=(Disp_Buff[3]+1)%10; } break; default : break; } } if(K==Key2) { SB= (SB+1)%4; } if(K==Key3) { Set_Flag=0; SB=4; } if(K==Key4) { Set_Flag=0; SB=4; Write_Time(); T_10S=0; } } } /********************************************************************************************/ void Write_Ds1302Ram(uchar address,uchar dat) { ds1302write_byte(0x8e,0x00); ds1302write_byte(address,dat); ds1302write_byte(0x8e,0x80); } /********************************************************************************************/ uchar dp; // display modle select bit void Set_Dp(void) { bit dp_Set=1; uchar K; pp=0; // close ':' //dp=ds1302read_byte(0xc3); while(dp_Set) { K=Key_Scan(); switch(dp) { case 1 : Put_In(ON); break; case 0 : Put_In(OFF); break; default : break; } if(K==Key3) dp_Set=0; if(K==Key2) dp=(dp+1)%2; if(K==Key1) { dp_Set=0; Write_Ds1302Ram(0xc2,dp); T=0; TT=0; T_10S=0; } } pp=1; } /********************************************************************************************/ uchar Bell_State; void Set_Bell(void) { bit Bell_Set=1; uchar K; pp=0; //Bell_State=ds1302read_byte(0xc5); while(Bell_Set) { K=Key_Scan(); switch(Bell_State) { case 1 : Put_In(ON); break; case 0 : Put_In(OFF); break; default : break; } if(K==Key3) Bell_Set=0; if(K==Key2) Bell_State=(Bell_State+1)%2; if(K==Key1) { Write_Ds1302Ram(0xc4,Bell_State); Bell_Set=0; T=0; TT=0; T_10S=0; } } pp=1; } /********************************************************************************************/ void Set_Alarm(void) { static bit First_Alarm_Set=0; bit Set_Flag=1; // set time flag uchar K; SB=0; T=0; TT=0; if(First_Alarm_Set) { Disp_Buff[0]=ds1302read_byte(0xc9)/16; //alarm hour Disp_Buff[1]=ds1302read_byte(0xc9)%16; Disp_Buff[2]=ds1302read_byte(0xcb)/16; //alarm minute Disp_Buff[3]=ds1302read_byte(0xcb)%16; } else Disp_Time(); while(Set_Flag) { K=Key_Scan(); if(K==Key1) { switch(SB) { case 0 : { if(Disp_Buff[1]>3) Disp_Buff[0]=(Disp_Buff[0]+1)%2; else Disp_Buff[0]=(Disp_Buff[0]+1)%3; } break; case 1 : { if(Disp_Buff[0]==2) Disp_Buff[1]=(Disp_Buff[1]+1)%4; else Disp_Buff[1]=(Disp_Buff[1]+1)%10; } break; case 2 : { Disp_Buff[2]=(Disp_Buff[2]+1)%6; } break; case 3 : { Disp_Buff[3]=(Disp_Buff[3]+1)%10; } break; default : break; } } if(K==Key2) { SB= (SB+1)%4; } if(K==Key3) { Set_Flag=0; SB=4; } if(K==Key4) { Set_Flag=0; SB=4; First_Alarm_Set=1; Write_Alarm(); T_10S=0; } } } /********************************************************************************************/ /* void Ds1302Ram_Init(void) { uchar i; //for(i=0xc3;i<0xc7;i+=2) i=ds1302read_byte(0xc3); if(i!=0||i!=1) { Write_Ds1302Ram(0xc2,0); } i=ds1302read_byte(0xc5); if(i!=0||i!=1) { Write_Ds1302Ram(0xc4,0); } } */ /********************************************************************************************/ void main() { uchar K; Key=0xff; Timer0_Init(); Timer1_Init(); Clock_Init(); //Ds1302Ram_Init(); Put_In(Open_Logo); Play(1); DelayM(3000); dp=ds1302read_byte(0xc3); Bell_State=ds1302read_byte(0xc5); Clock_Updata(); while(1) { //if(T_1S) { T_1S=0; Clock_Updata(); Temperature_Update(); } Clock_Updata(); if(current_time.minute==0&& current_time.second==0&& Bell_State==1) { DelayM(1000); Play(2); } K=Key_Scan(); if(K==4) MENU(); if(K==1&&dp==0) T=~T; switch (Select_M) { case 0 : { Set_Time(); Select_M=4; } break; case 1 : { Set_Alarm(); Select_M=4; } break; case 2 : { Set_Dp(); Select_M=4; } break; case 3 : { Set_Bell(); Select_M=4; };break; default : break; } if(T_10S==1&&dp) { TT=~TT; T_10S=0; } if(TT==0&&dp) { Disp_Time(); } if(TT&&dp) { Temperature_Update(); Disp_Temperature_3bit(); } if(T==0&&dp==0) { Disp_Time(); } if(T&&dp==0) { Temperature_Update(); Disp_Temperature_3bit(); } Alarm(); } } /********************************************************************************************/ |
/********************************************************************************************/ uchar Key_Time; void Timer1_Isr(void) interrupt 3 { TH1=T1_H; TL1=T1_L; if(Key!=0xff) Key_Time++; if(++ms1>ST) { ms1=0; S=~S; } //when set time Shining bit if(++ms2>=50) { ms2=0; T_1S=1; } if(++ms3>500) { ms3=0; T_10S=1;} } |
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