本帖最后由 gk320830 于 2015-3-5 13:45 编辑
由于最近做一个供电电路板,需要用到电流采样功能,于是选用max4080 芯片
current from the source flows through RSENSE to the load, crea
ting a sense voltage, VSENSE. Since the internal-sense amplifier’s inverting input has high impedance, negligible current flows through RG2 (neglecting the input bias current). Therefore, the sense amplifier’s inverting input voltage equals VSOURCE - (ILOAD)(RSENSE). The amplifier’s open-loop gain forces its noninverting input to the same voltage as the inverting input. Therefore, the drop across RG1 equals VSENSE. The internal current mirror multiplies IRG1 by a current gain factor, β, to give IA2 = β IRG1. Amplifier A2 is used to convert the output current to a voltage and then sent through amplifier A3.