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wifi:state: init -> auth (b0) wifi:state: auth -> assoc (0) wifi:state: assoc -> run (10) 然后就连接上了,但我这里老是从auth状态退回到init状态,不知道啥原因? 要对芯片做什么配置吗? 错误日志:Code: Select all V (31147) esp_adapter: thread sem create: sem=0x3fce4aecV (31157) esp_adapter: thread sem get: sem=0x3fce4aecV (31157) esp_adapter: thread sem get: sem=0x3fce4aecD (31167) nvs: nvs_get opmode 1V (31167) esp_adapter: thread sem get: sem=0x3fce4aecD (31167) wifi:clear blacklistD (31177) nvs: nvs_set_blob sta.ssid 36D (31177) nvs: nvs_set_blob sta.pswd 65D (31187) nvs: nvs_set bssid.set 1 0D (31187) nvs: nvs_set sta.lis_intval 2 3D (31187) nvs: nvs_set sta.chan 1 0D (31197) nvs: nvs_set sta.scan_method 1 1D (31197) nvs: nvs_set sta.sort_method 1 0D (31217) nvs: nvs_set sta.minrssi 1 -120D (31217) nvs: nvs_set sta.minauth 1 3D (31217) nvs: nvs_set_blob sta.apsw 2D (31217) nvs: nvs_set sta.pmf_e 1 1D (31217) nvs: nvs_set sta.pmf_r 1 0D (31217) nvs: nvs_set sta.rrm_e 1 0D (31227) nvs: nvs_set sta.btm_e 1 0D (31227) nvs: nvs_set sta.mbo_e 1 0D (31247) nvs: nvs_set sta.ft 1 0D (31247) nvs: nvs_set sta.owe 1 0D (31247) nvs: nvs_set sta.bss_retry 1 0D (31247) nvs: nvs_set sta.trans_d 1 0D (31247) nvs: nvs_set sta.sae_h2e 1 2D (31247) nvs: nvs_set sta.sae_pk_mode 1 0D (31257) nvs: nvs_set_blob sta.sae_h2e_id 32D (31257) nvs: nvs_set_blob sta.apinfo 700V (31277) esp_adapter: thread sem get: sem=0x3fce4aecV (31277) wifi:ht20 freq=2412, chan=1D (31277) wifi:filter: set rx policy=0I (31277) wifi:mode : sta (7c:df:a1:f2:0a:e8)I (31277) wifi:enable tsfD (31287) wifi:filter: set rx policy=1D (31287) wifi:connect status 0 -> 0D (31287) event: running post WIFI_EVENT:2 with handler 0x4207f3fc and context 0x3c19a06c on loop 0x3c191458D (31297) wifi_init_default: wifi_start esp-netif:0x3c199e0c event-id2V (31287) pthread: pthread_task_func END 0x420ef6a4D (31307) wifi_init_default: WIFI mac address: 7c df a1 f2 a e8V (31317) esp_adapter: thread sem create: sem=0x3fce4bb0V (31317) esp_adapter: thread sem get: sem=0x3fce4bb0V (31317) esp_adapter: thread sem create: sem=0x3fce4c60D (31337) esp_netif_lwip: check: remote, if=0x3c199e0c fn=0x4207b9e0V (31337) esp_adapter: thread sem get: sem=0x3fce4c60D (31347) esp_netif_lwip: call api in lwip: ret=0x0, give semD (31307) pthread: Task stk_wm = 4496D (31357) esp_netif_handlers: esp_netif action has started with netif0x3c199e0c from event_id=2V (31337) pthread: pthread_join 0x3c1a9e1cD (31367) esp_netif_lwip: check: remote, if=0x3c199e0c fn=0x4207c284V (31377) pthread: pthread_join 0x3c1a9e1c EXIT 0V (31387) esp_adapter: thread sem get: sem=0x3fce4c60D (31387) esp_netif_lwip: esp_netif_start_api 0x3c199e0cD (31397) esp_netif_lwip: esp_netif_get_hostname esp_netif:0x3c199e0cV (31397) pthread: pthread_mutex_destroy 0x3c1a9da8D (31407) esp_netif_lwip: check: local, if=0x3c199e0c fn=0x4207caf8V (31427) esp_adapter: thread sem get: sem=0x3fce4c60D (31417) esp_netif_lwip: esp_netif_update_default_netif_lwip 0x3c199e0cV (31437) esp_netif_lwip: esp_netif_is_netif_up esp_netif:0x3c199e0cD (31447) esp_netif_lwip: call api in lwip: ret=0x0, give semD (31447) event: running post WIFI_EVENT:2 with handler 0x4200d528 and context 0x3c1a8490 on loop 0x3c191458V (31457) esp_adapter: thread sem get: sem=0x3fce4bb0D (31467) wifi:Start wifi connectD (31467) wifi:connect status 0 -> 0D (31477) wifi:connect chan=0V (31477) wifi:nvs=0, ssid=NetGear, channel=255V (31477) wifi:ssid=NetGear match nvs 0, channel=255D (31487) wifi:first chan=1D (31487) wifi:connect status 0 -> 1D (31487) wifi:filter: set rx policy=3D (31497) wifi:clear scan ap listD (31497) wifi:start scan: type=0x50f, priority=2, cb=0x420b0bd0, arg=0x0, ss_state=0x1, time=31517326, index=0V (31507) wifi:inter_channel_timeout: arg=0x0, ss_state=0x1D (31517) wifi:perform scan: ss_state=0x9, chan<1,0>, dur<0,120>V (31517) wifi:change: chan<1,0>, dur<0,240>V (31527) wifi:enter start op, arg=0x3fca3f1eV (31527) wifi:scan operation: state=0x3, chan<1,0>, arg=0x3fca3f1e, status=0V (31537) wifi:scan specific ssid=NetGearV (31537) wifi:start max timerV (31637) esp_adapter: thread sem get: sem=0x3fce4c60D (31777) wifi:scan end: arg=0x0, status=0, ss_state=0x3D (31777) wifi:perform scan: ss_state=0x9, chan<2,0>, dur<0,120>V (31777) wifi:change: chan<2,0>, dur<0,240>V (31787) wifi:ht20 freq=2417, chan=2V (31787) wifi:enter start op, arg=0x3fca3f1eV (31787) wifi:scan operation: state=0x3, chan<2,0>, arg=0x3fca3f1e, status=0V (31797) wifi:scan specific ssid=NetGearV (31797) wifi:start max timerV (31897) esp_adapter: thread sem get: sem=0x3fce4c60D (32047) wifi:scan end: arg=0x0, status=0, ss_state=0x3D (32047) wifi:perform scan: ss_state=0x9, chan<3,0>, dur<0,120>V (32047) wifi:change: chan<3,0>, dur<0,240>V (32047) wifi:ht20 freq=2422, chan=3V (32047) wifi:enter start op, arg=0x3fca3f1eV (32057) wifi:scan operation: state=0x3, chan<3,0>, arg=0x3fca3f1e, status=0V (32067) wifi:scan specific ssid=NetGearV (32067) wifi:start max timerV (32167) esp_adapter: thread sem get: sem=0x3fce4c60D (32307) wifi:scan end: arg=0x0, status=0, ss_state=0x3D (32307) wifi:perform scan: ss_state=0x9, chan<4,0>, dur<0,120>V (32307) wifi:change: chan<4,0>, dur<0,240>V (32317) wifi:ht20 freq=2427, chan=4V (32317) wifi:enter start op, arg=0x3fca3f1eV (32317) wifi:scan operation: state=0x3, chan<4,0>, arg=0x3fca3f1e, status=0V (32327) wifi:scan specific ssid=NetGearV (32327) wifi:start max timerV (32427) esp_adapter: thread sem get: sem=0x3fce4c60D (32577) wifi:scan end: arg=0x0, status=0, ss_state=0x3D (32577) wifi:perform scan: ss_state=0x9, chan<5,0>, dur<0,120>V (32577) wifi:change: chan<5,0>, dur<0,240>V (32577) wifi:ht20 freq=2432, chan=5V (32577) wifi:enter start op, arg=0x3fca3f1eV (32587) wifi:scan operation: state=0x3, chan<5,0>, arg=0x3fca3f1e, status=0V (32587) wifi:scan specific ssid=NetGearV (32597) wifi:start max timerV (32697) esp_adapter: thread sem get: sem=0x3fce4c60D (32837) wifi:scan end: arg=0x0, status=0, ss_state=0x3D (32837) wifi:perform scan: ss_state=0x9, chan<6,0>, dur<0,120>V (32837) wifi:change: chan<6,0>, dur<0,240>V (32837) wifi:ht20 freq=2437, chan=6V (32847) wifi:enter start op, arg=0x3fca3f1eV (32847) wifi:scan operation: state=0x3, chan<6,0>, arg=0x3fca3f1e, status=0V (32857) wifi:scan specific ssid=NetGearV (32857) wifi:start max timerV (32957) esp_adapter: thread sem get: sem=0x3fce4c60D (33107) wifi:scan end: arg=0x0, status=0, ss_state=0x3D (33107) wifi:perform scan: ss_state=0x9, chan<7,0>, dur<0,120>V (33107) wifi:change: chan<7,0>, dur<0,240>V (33107) wifi:ht20 freq=2442, chan=7V (33107) wifi:enter start op, arg=0x3fca3f1eV (33117) wifi:scan operation: state=0x3, chan<7,0>, arg=0x3fca3f1e, status=0V (33117) wifi:scan specific ssid=NetGearV (33127) wifi:start max timerD (33197) wifi:rsn valid: gcipher=3 ucipher=3 akm=5V (33197) wifi:updated connection retries to 0D (33197) wifi:profile match: ss_state=0x7V (33197) wifi:scan histroy table is not full yet, addV (33197) wifi:add ssid=NetGear, chan=7 to scan historyV (33227) esp_adapter: thread sem get: sem=0x3fce4c60D (33297) wifi:rsn valid: gcipher=3 ucipher=3 akm=5D (33297) wifi:set max rate: from to D (33297) wifi:sig_b=0, sig_g=0, sig_n=0, max_b=22, max_g=108, max_n=144D (33307) wifi:profile match: ss_state=0x7V (33307) wifi:update scan history ssid=NetGear, channel=7D (33367) wifi:scan end: arg=0x0, status=0, ss_state=0x7D (33367) wifi:perform scan: ss_state=0xd, chan<8,0>, dur<0,120>V (33367) wifi:change: chan<8,0>, dur<0,240>V (33367) wifi:ht20 freq=2447, chan=8V (33377) wifi:enter start op, arg=0x3fca3f1eV (33377) wifi:scan operation: state=0x7, chan<8,0>, arg=0x3fca3f1e, status=0V (33387) wifi:scan specific ssid=NetGearV (33387) wifi:start max timerV (33487) esp_adapter: thread sem get: sem=0x3fce4c60D (33637) wifi:scan end: arg=0x0, status=0, ss_state=0x7D (33637) wifi:perform scan: ss_state=0xd, chan<9,0>, dur<0,120>V (33637) wifi:change: chan<9,0>, dur<0,240>V (33637) wifi:ht20 freq=2452, chan=9V (33637) wifi:enter start op, arg=0x3fca3f1eV (33647) wifi:scan operation: state=0x7, chan<9,0>, arg=0x3fca3f1e, status=0V (33647) wifi:scan specific ssid=NetGearV (33657) wifi:start max timerV (33757) esp_adapter: thread sem get: sem=0x3fce4c60D (33897) wifi:scan end: arg=0x0, status=0, ss_state=0x7D (33897) wifi:perform scan: ss_state=0xd, chan<10,0>, dur<0,120>V (33897) wifi:change: chan<10,0>, dur<0,240>V (33897) wifi:ht20 freq=2457, chan=10V (33907) wifi:enter start op, arg=0x3fca3f1eV (33907) wifi:scan operation: state=0x7, chan<10,0>, arg=0x3fca3f1e, status=0V (33917) wifi:scan specific ssid=NetGearV (33917) wifi:start max timerV (34017) esp_adapter: thread sem get: sem=0x3fce4c60D (34157) wifi:scan end: arg=0x0, status=0, ss_state=0x7D (34167) wifi:perform scan: ss_state=0xd, chan<11,0>, dur<0,120>V (34167) wifi:change: chan<11,0>, dur<0,240>V (34167) wifi:ht20 freq=2462, chan=11V (34167) wifi:enter start op, arg=0x3fca3f1eV (34177) wifi:scan operation: state=0x7, chan<11,0>, arg=0x3fca3f1e, status=0V (34177) wifi:scan specific ssid=NetGearV (34187) wifi:start max timerV (34287) esp_adapter: thread sem get: sem=0x3fce4c60D (34427) wifi:scan end: arg=0x0, status=0, ss_state=0x7D (34427) wifi:perform scan: ss_state=0xd, chan<12,0>, dur<360,360>V (34427) wifi:change: chan<12,0>, dur<0,240>V (34427) wifi:ht20 freq=2467, chan=12V (34437) wifi:enter start op, arg=0x3fca3f1eV (34437) wifi:scan operation: state=0x7, chan<12,0>, arg=0x3fca3f1e, status=0V (34447) wifi:passive scan, listen onlyV (34447) wifi:start max timerV (34547) esp_adapter: thread sem get: sem=0x3fce4c60D (34697) wifi:scan end: arg=0x0, status=0, ss_state=0x7D (34697) wifi:perform scan: ss_state=0xd, chan<13,0>, dur<360,360>V (34697) wifi:change: chan<13,0>, dur<0,240>V (34697) wifi:ht20 freq=2472, chan=13V (34697) wifi:enter start op, arg=0x3fca3f1eV (34707) wifi:scan operation: state=0x7, chan<13,0>, arg=0x3fca3f1e, status=0V (34707) wifi:passive scan, listen onlyV (34717) wifi:start max timerV (34817) esp_adapter: thread sem get: sem=0x3fce4c60D (34957) wifi:scan end: arg=0x0, status=0, ss_state=0x7D (34957) wifi:perform scan: ss_state=0xd, chan<14,0>, dur<360,360>V (34957) wifi:change: chan<14,0>, dur<0,240>V (34957) wifi:ht20 freq=2484, chan=14V (34967) wifi:enter start op, arg=0x3fca3f1eV (34967) wifi:scan operation: state=0x7, chan<14,0>, arg=0x3fca3f1e, status=0V (34977) wifi:passive scan, listen onlyV (34977) wifi:start max timerV (35077) esp_adapter: thread sem get: sem=0x3fce4c60D (35227) wifi:scan end: arg=0x0, status=0, ss_state=0x7V (35227) wifi:back home chan=<1,0>, current chan=<14,0>V (35227) wifi:ht20 freq=2412, chan=1D (35227) wifi:filter: set rx policy=4D (35227) wifi:first chan=1V (35227) wifi:scan_done: arg=0x0, status=0, cur_time=35250976, scan_id=128, scan state=0V (35237) wifi:call scan_done cb, arg=0x0D (35247) wifi:handoff_cb: status=0V (35247) wifi:best bss has set.D (35247) wifi:ap found, mac=5c:78:f8:da:18:80V (35257) wifi:bssid=5c:78:f8:da:18:80, LR=0D (35257) wifi:new_bss=0x3fca4218, cur_bss=0x0, new_chan=<7,0>, cur_chan=1D (35267) wifi:filter: set rx policy=5I (35267) wifi:new:<7,0>, old:<1,0>, ap:<255,255>, sta:<7,0>, prof:1V (35277) wifi:ht20 freq=2442, chan=7D (35277) wifi:connect_op: status=0, auth=5, cipher=3 D (36117) nvs: nvs_set_blob sta.apinfo 700V (36117) esp_adapter: thread sem get: sem=0x3fce4c60D (36127) wifi:auth mode is not noneD (36127) wifi:connect_bss: auth=1, reconnect=0I (36127) wifi:state: init -> auth (b0)D (36127) wifi:start 1s AUTH timerD (36137) wifi:clear scan ap listV (36227) esp_adapter: thread sem get: sem=0x3fce4c60V (36327) esp_adapter: thread sem get: sem=0x3fce4c60V (36427) esp_adapter: thread sem get: sem=0x3fce4c60V (36527) esp_adapter: thread sem get: sem=0x3fce4c60V (36627) esp_adapter: thread sem get: sem=0x3fce4c60V (36727) esp_adapter: thread sem get: sem=0x3fce4c60V (36827) esp_adapter: thread sem get: sem=0x3fce4c60V (36927) esp_adapter: thread sem get: sem=0x3fce4c60V (37027) esp_adapter: thread sem get: sem=0x3fce4c60V (37127) esp_adapter: thread sem get: sem=0x3fce4c60D (37137) wifi:auth timeoutI (37137) wifi:state: auth -> init (200)D (37137) wifi:connect status 1 -> 4D (37137) wifi:stop beacon/connect timerD (37137) wifi:reason: auth expire(2)D (37137) wifi:add bssid 5c:78:f8:da:18:80 to blacklist, cnt=0D (37147) wifi:stop CSA timerV (37147) wifi:bss connection retry cnt=0D (37157) wifi:remove 5c:78:f8:da:18:80 from rc listI (37157) wifi:new:<7,0>, old:<7,0>, ap:<255,255>, sta:<7,0>, prof:1D (37167) wifi:filter: set rx policy=8D (37167) wifi:Send disconnect event, reason=2, AP number=0D (37177) event: running post WIFI_EVENT:5 with handler 0x4207f370 and context 0x3c19a0fc on loop 0x3c191458D (37177) esp_netif_handlers: esp_netif action disconnected with netif0x3c199e0c from event_id=5D (37187) esp_netif_lwip: check: remote, if=0x3c199e0c fn=0x4207c040V (37177) esp_adapter: thread sem get: sem=0x3fce4c60D (37197) esp_netif_lwip: esp_netif_down_api esp_netif:0x3c199e0cD (37207) esp_netif_lwip: esp_netif_start_ip_lost_timer esp_netif:0x3c199e0cD (37217) esp_netif_lwip: if0x3c199e0c start ip lost tmr: no need start because netif=0x3c199e90 interval=120 ip=0D (37227) esp_netif_lwip: check: local, if=0x3c199e0c fn=0x4207caf8D (37237) esp_netif_lwip: esp_netif_update_default_netif_lwip 0x3c199e0cV (37237) esp_adapter: thread sem get: sem=0x3fce4c60V (37237) esp_netif_objects: esp_netif_next_unsafe 0x0V (37247) esp_netif_lwip: esp_netif_is_netif_up esp_netif:0x3c199e0cV (37257) esp_netif_objects: esp_netif_next_unsafe 0x3c199e0cD (37217) mqtt_client: Reconnecting...D (37257) esp_netif_lwip: call api in lwip: ret=0x0, give semD (37267) event: running post MQTT_EVENTS:7 with handler 0x4200cc00 and context 0x3c1a8e24 on loop 0x3c1a9b9cD (37267) event: running post WIFI_EVENT:5 with handler 0x4200d528 and context 0x3c1a8490 on loop 0x3c191458 |
1. **密码错误**:请确保您输入的WiFi密码是正确的。如果密码错误,设备可能会在认证阶段失败并返回到初始化状态。 2. **WiFi信号弱**:如果ESP32S3与路由器之间的信号较弱,可能会导致连接不稳定,从而导致认证失败。 3. **路由器设置问题**:检查您的路由器设置,确保没有MAC地址过滤或其他限制措施阻止ESP32S3连接。 4. **固件问题**:确保您的ESP32S3设备上运行的是最新的固件版本。有时候,固件中的错误可能会导致连接问题。 5. **ESP32S3配置问题**:检查您的ESP32S3配置,确保所有必要的设置都已正确设置。例如,确保SSID和密码已正确配置。 6. **硬件问题**:如果可能的话,尝试使用另一块ESP32S3开发板,以排除硬件故障的可能性。 7. **错误日志分析**:您提供的错误日志显示了一些关键信息,但没有足够的上下文来确定问题所在。请检查完整的错误日志,看看是否有更详细的错误信息。 8. **软件重置**:尝试对ESP32S3进行软件重置,看看是否能解决问题。 9. **检查电源**:确保ESP32S3的电源供应稳定,因为不稳定的电源可能会影响设备的正常运行。 10. **环境干扰**:检查周围环境是否有可能干扰WiFi信号的设备,如微波炉、无线电话等。 如果以上建议都不能解决问题,您可能需要联系ESP32S3的技术支持或在相关论坛上寻求帮助。在那里,您可以找到更多关于此问题的信息和解决方案。 |
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