* Copyright (c) 2006-2021, RT-Thread Development Team
* SPDX-License-Iden
tifier: Apache-2.0
* Change Logs:
* Date Author Notes
* 2023-03-01 DYC the first version
#include “dht11.h”
#include 《stdio.h》
#include “hal_data.h”
#include 《board.h》
#define DBG_TAG “sensor.asair.dhtxx”
#include 《rtdbg.h》
/* timing */
#define DHT1x_BEGIN_TIME 20 /* ms */
#define DHT2x_BEGIN_TIME 1 /* ms */
#define DHTxx_PULL_TIME 30 /* us */
#define DHTxx_REPLY_TIME 100 /* us */
#define MEASURE_TIME 40 /* us */
RT_WEAK void rt_hw_us_delay(rt_uint32_t us)
rt_uint32_t delta;
us = us * (SysTick-》LOAD / (1000000 / RT_TICK_PER_SECOND));
delta = SysTick-》VAL;
while (delta - SysTick-》VAL 《 us) continue;
* This function will split a number into two part according to times.
@param num the number will be split
* @param integer the integer part
* @param decimal the decimal part
* @param times how many times of the real number (you should use 10 in this case)
@Return 0 if num is positive, 1 if num is negative
int split_int(const int num, int *integer, int *decimal, const rt_uint32_t times)
int flag = 0;
if (num 《 0) flag = 1;
int anum = num《0 ? -num : num;
*integer = anum / times;
*decimal = anum % times;
return flag;
* This function will convert temperature in degree Celsius to Kelvin.
* @param c the temperature indicated by degree Celsius
* @return the result
float convert_c2k(float c)
return c + 273.15;
* This function will convert temperature in degree Celsius to Fahrenheit.
* @param c the temperature indicated by degree Celsius
* @return the result
float convert_c2f(float c)
return c * 1.8 + 32;
* This function will convert temperature in degree Fahrenheit to Celsius.
* @param f the temperature indicated by degree Fahrenheit
* @return the result
float convert_f2c(float f)
return (f - 32) * 0.55555;
* This function will read a bit from sensor.
* @param pin the pin of Dout
* @return the bit value
static uint8_t dht_read_bit(const rt_base_t pin)
uint8_t retry = 0;
while(rt_pin_read(pin) && retry 《 DHTxx_REPLY_TIME)
retry = 0;
while(!rt_pin_read(pin) && retry 《 DHTxx_REPLY_TIME)
return rt_pin_read(pin);
* This function will read a byte from sensor.
* @param pin the pin of Dout
* @return the byte
static uint8_t dht_read_byte(const rt_base_t pin)
uint8_t i, byte = 0;
for(i=0; i《8; i++)
byte 《《= 1;
byte |= dht_read_bit(pin);
return byte;
* This function will read and update data array.
* @param dev the device to be operated
* @return RT_TRUE if read successfully, otherwise return RT_FALSE.
rt_bool_t dht_read(dht_device_t dev)
uint8_t i, retry = 0, sum = 0;
rt_base_t level;
/* Reset data buffer */
rt_memset(dev-》data, 0, DHT_DATA_SIZE);
/* MCU request sampling */
rt_pin_mode(dev-》pin, PIN_MODE_OUTPUT);
rt_pin_write(dev-》pin, PIN_LOW);
if (dev-》type == DHT11) {
rt_thread_mdelay(DHT1x_BEGIN_TIME); /* Tbe */
} else {
level = rt_hw_interrupt_disable();
rt_pin_mode(dev-》pin, PIN_MODE_INPUT_PULLUP);
rt_hw_us_delay(DHTxx_PULL_TIME); /* Tgo */
/* Waiting for sensor reply */
while (rt_pin_read(dev-》pin) && retry 《 DHTxx_REPLY_TIME)
rt_hw_us_delay(1); /* Trel */
if(retry 》= DHTxx_REPLY_TIME) return RT_FALSE;
retry = 0;
while (!rt_pin_read(dev-》pin) && retry 《 DHTxx_REPLY_TIME)
rt_hw_us_delay(1); /* Treh */
if(retry 》= DHTxx_REPLY_TIME) return RT_FALSE;
/* Read data */
for(i=0; i《DHT_DATA_SIZE; i++)
dev-》data[i] = dht_read_byte(dev-》pin);
/* Checksum */
for(i=0; i《DHT_DATA_SIZE-1; i++)
sum += dev-》data[i];
if(sum != dev-》data[4]) return RT_FALSE;
return RT_TRUE;
* This function will get the humidity from dhtxx sensor.
* @param dev the device to be operated
* @return the humidity value
rt_int32_t dht_get_humidity(dht_device_t const dev)
rt_int32_t humi = 0;
case DHT11:
humi = dev-》data[0] * 10 + dev-》data[1];
return humi;
* This function will get the temperature from dhtxx sensor.
* @param dev the device to be operated
* @return the temperature value
rt_int32_t dht_get_temperature(dht_device_t const dev)
rt_int32_t temp = 0;
case DHT11:
temp = dev-》data[2] * 10 + (dev-》data[3] & 0x7f);
if(dev-》data[3] & 0x80) {
temp = -temp;
return temp;
* This function will init dhtxx sensor device.
* @param dev the device to init
* @param pin the pin of Dout
* @return the device handler
rt_err_t dht_init(struct dht_device *dev, const rt_base_t pin)
if(dev == NULL)
return -RT_ERROR;
dev-》type = DHT_TYPE;
dev-》pin = pin;
rt_memset(dev-》data, 0, DHT_DATA_SIZE);
rt_pin_mode(dev-》pin, PIN_MODE_INPUT_PULLUP);
return RT_EOK;
// 1、初始化类型
dht_device_t dht_create(const rt_base_t pin)
dht_device_t dev;
dev = rt_calloc(1, sizeof(struct dht_device));
if (dev == RT_NULL)
LOG_E(“Can‘t allocate memory for dhtxx device”);
return RT_NULL;
dev-》type = DHT_TYPE;
dev-》pin = pin;
rt_memset(dev-》data, 0, DHT_DATA_SIZE);
rt_pin_mode(dev-》pin, PIN_MODE_INPUT_PULLUP);
return dev;
void dht_delete(dht_device_t dev)
if (dev)
* Copyright (c) 2006-2021, RT-Thread Development Team
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
* Change Logs:
* Date Author Notes
* 2023-03-01 DYC the first version
#ifndef SRC_DHT11_H_
#define SRC_DHT11_H_
#include 《stdio.h》
#include 《rthw.h》
#include 《rtdevice.h》
#include 《board.h》
#include 《rtthread.h》
#define DHTLIB_VERSION “0.9.0”
#define DHT_DATA_SIZE 5
/* sensor model type */
#define DHT11 0
#define DHT_TYPE DHT11
struct dht_device
rt_base_t pin;
rt_uint8_t type;
rt_uint8_t data[DHT_DATA_SIZE];
rt_mutex_t lock;
typedef struct dht_device *dht_device_t;
dht_device_t dht_create(const rt_base_t pin);
void dht_delete(dht_device_t dev);
rt_err_t dht_init(struct dht_device *dev, const rt_base_t pin);
rt_bool_t dht_read(dht_device_t dev);
rt_int32_t dht_get_humidity(dht_device_t dev);
rt_int32_t dht_get_temperature(dht_device_t dev);
float convert_c2k(float c);//将摄氏温度转为开氏温度
float convert_c2f(float c);//将摄氏温度转为华氏温度
float convert_f2c(float f);//将华氏温度转为摄氏温度
rt_int32_t split_int(const rt_int32_t num, rt_int32_t *integer,
rt_int32_t *decimal, const rt_uint32_t times);
rt_err_t rt_hw_dht_init(const char *name, struct rt_sensor_config *cfg);
#endif /* SRC_DHT11_H_ */
这里DHT11 使用的是 GPIO 0208,所以需要把这个引脚配置为输入模式