前言 上一篇我们使用Dhrystone进行了整数运算性能的测试。这次我们使用whetstone进行浮点相关的计算性能测试。 过程添加代码获取代码 http://www.roylongbottom.org.uk/classic_benchmarks.tar.gz 解压classic_benchmarks.tar.gz将classic_benchmarksclassic_benchmarkssource_codewhetstone文件夹复制到自己的工程。 添加代码 将classic_benchmarkssource_codewhetstone文件夹复制到工程目录,并添加工程中 移植接口whets.c中 161行 ************************************************************************** 改为 **************************************************************************/ 167行注释掉 //#include "cpuidh.h" 添加 extern uint32_t Systick_Gettime(void); #include 201行int main(int argc, char *argv[]) 改为 int whets_main(int argc, char *argv[]) 212行 int nopause = 1; 改为 int nopause = 0; 注释掉228行以下内容 #if 0 getDetails(); for (i=1; i<10; i++) { printf("%sn", configdata); } local_time(); printf("n"); printf("##########################################n"); printf("%s Precision C Whetstone Benchmark %s, %sn", Precision, opt, timeday); outfile = fopen("whets.txt","a+"); if (outfile == NULL) { printf ("Cannot open results file nn"); printf("Press Enter to exitn"); i = getchar(); exit (0); } #endif 注释掉314行以下内容 #if 0 fprintf (outfile, "n"); fprintf (outfile, "##############################################nn"); for (i=1; i<10; i++) { fprintf(outfile, "%s n", configdata); } fprintf (outfile, "n"); fprintf (outfile, "##############################################nn"); fprintf (outfile, "Whetstone %s Precision C Benchmark %s, %sn",Precision, opt, timeday); fprintf (outfile, "n"); fprintf (outfile,"Loop content Result" " MFLOPS MOPS Secondsnn"); for (section=1; section<9; section++) { fprintf (outfile, "%s %24.17f ", headings[section], results[section]); if (loop_mops[section] == 99999) { fprintf (outfile," %9.3f %9.3fn", loop_mflops[section], loop_time[section]); } else { fprintf (outfile, " %9.3f %9.3fn", loop_mops[section], loop_time[section], results[section]); } } fflush(outfile); fprintf (outfile, "nMWIPS "); fprintf (outfile, "%39.3f%20.3fnn",mwips,TimeUsed); fprintf (outfile, "Results to load to spreadsheet "); fprintf (outfile, " MWIPS Mflops1 Mflops2 Mflops3 Cosmops" " Expmops Fixpmops Ifmops Eqmopsn"); fprintf (outfile, "Results to load to spreadsheet "); fprintf (outfile, " %9.3f %9.3f %9.3f", mwips, loop_mflops[1], loop_mflops[2]); fprintf (outfile, " %9.3f %9.3f %9.3f", loop_mflops[6], loop_mops[5], loop_mops[8]); fprintf (outfile, " %9.3f %9.3f %9.3fnn", loop_mops[4], loop_mops[3], loop_mops[7]); fflush(outfile); fclose (outfile); printf ("n"); printf ("A new results file, whets.txt, will have been created in the samen"); printf ("directory as the .EXE files, if one did not already exist.nn"); if (nopause) { printf(" Press Enternn"); i = getchar(); } #endif 407行 start_time();改为 uint32_t s_stime_u32 = SysTick_Gettime(); 423行 end_time();改为 uint32_t s_etime_u32 = SysTick_Gettime()(); 其他地方类似不再枚举 测试hal_entry中 申明 void whets_main (int argc, char *argv[]); 调用whets_main(0,0); http://www.roylongbottom.org.uk/whetstone%20results.htm 下可以对比 总结本篇测试了浮点运算能力,还有其他的线性浮点运算能力测试linpack,并发计算基准测试livermore_loops等都可以参考,不再一一测试。