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一、 内容
本期学习的主要内容是对正弦波有传感器的程序部分进行学习,主要体现在对电流环和相关代码的理解。 二、 知识点 上一期的学习初步认识了PID控制下的三个控制环,分别是速度环、电流环和力矩环,下图为三个闭环的关系图,其中逆变器工作之后,黄色部分的电流环开始工作,根据FOC原理,首先读取电机转动过程中的电流信号Ia、Ib和Ic,三相电流Ia、Ib和Ic 经过各种数学变换最终被转换为Id、Iq 电流分量,然后根据参考值Iqs 和Ids来计算e,最后 SVPWM 模块实现最终对三相定子电压的矢量控制。 速度环体现在对转子速度或者位置的检测,而力矩环则是转矩的控制器,给出参考值Iqs 和Ids。相关函数如下: ① 电流采样函数 Curr_Components SVPWM_3ShuntGetPhaseCurrentValues(void) { Curr_Components Local_Stator_Currents; s32 wAux; switch (bSector) { case 4: //取得在那个扇区时刻读取AD case 5: // Ia = (hPhaseAOffset)-(ADCChannel 11 value) wAux =(s32)(hPhaseAOffset)- ((ADC1->JDR1)<<1); //Saturation of Ia if (wAux < S16_MIN) { Local_Stator_Currents.qI_Component1=S16_MIN; } else if (wAux > S16_MAX) { Local_Stator_Currents.qI_Component1= S16_MAX; } else { Local_Stator_Currents.qI_Component1= wAux; } // Ib =(hPhaseBOffset)-(ADC Channel 12 value) wAux = (s32)(hPhaseBOffset)-((ADC2->JDR1)<<1); // Saturation of Ib if (wAux < S16_MIN) { Local_Stator_Currents.qI_Component2= S16_MIN; } else if (wAux > S16_MAX) { Local_Stator_Currents.qI_Component2=S16_MAX; } else { Local_Stator_Currents.qI_Component2= wAux; } break; case 6: case 1: //Current on Phase A not accessible // Ib =(hPhaseBOffset)-(ADC Channel 12 value) wAux = (s32)(hPhaseBOffset)-((ADC1->JDR1)<<1); //Saturation of Ib if (wAux < S16_MIN) { Local_Stator_Currents.qI_Component2= S16_MIN; } else if (wAux > S16_MAX) { Local_Stator_Currents.qI_Component2= S16_MAX; } else { Local_Stator_Currents.qI_Component2=wAux; } // Ia = -Ic -Ib wAux =((ADC2->JDR1)<<1)-hPhaseCOffset-Local_Stator_Currents.qI_Component2; //Saturation of Ia if (wAux> S16_MAX) { Local_Stator_Currents.qI_Component1= S16_MAX; } else if (wAux Local_Stator_Currents.qI_Component1 = S16_MIN; } else { Local_Stator_Currents.qI_Component1 = wAux; } break; case 2: case 3: // Ia = (hPhaseAOffset)-(ADC Channel 11 value) wAux =(s32)(hPhaseAOffset)-((ADC1->JDR1)<<1); //Saturation of Ia if (wAux < S16_MIN) { Local_Stator_Currents.qI_Component1= S16_MIN; } else if (wAux > S16_MAX) { Local_Stator_Currents.qI_Component1= S16_MAX; } else { Local_Stator_Currents.qI_Component1= wAux; } // Ib = -Ic-Ia; wAux =((ADC2->JDR1)<<1)-hPhaseCOffset-Local_Stator_Currents.qI_Component1; // Saturation of Ib if (wAux> S16_MAX) { Local_Stator_Currents.qI_Component2=S16_MAX; } else if (wAux Local_Stator_Currents.qI_Component2 = S16_MIN; } else { Local_Stator_Currents.qI_Component2 = wAux; } break; default: break; } return(Local_Stator_Currents); Curr_Components SVPWM_3ShuntGetPhaseCurrentValues( )电流采样函数主要是在特定的六个扇区读取状态AD,并且计算出A相和B相的电流值,又由于三相电流矢量之和为0,则可得到C相电流值,为之后的Clark变换做准备工作。 ②Clark变换 Curr_Components Clarke(Curr_Components Curr_Input) { Curr_Components Curr_Output; s32 qIa_divSQRT3_tmp; s32 qIb_divSQRT3_tmp ; s16 qIa_divSQRT3; s16 qIb_divSQRT3 ; // qIalpha = qIas Curr_Output.qI_Component1= Curr_Input.qI_Component1; qIa_divSQRT3_tmp = divSQRT_3 * Curr_Input.qI_Component1; //电流平方根3 qIa_divSQRT3_tmp /=32768; qIb_divSQRT3_tmp = divSQRT_3 * Curr_Input.qI_Component2; qIb_divSQRT3_tmp /=32768; qIa_divSQRT3=((s16)(qIa_divSQRT3_tmp)); qIb_divSQRT3=((s16)(qIb_divSQRT3_tmp)); //qIbeta = -(2*qIbs+qIas)/sqrt(3) Curr_Output.qI_Component2=(-(qIa_divSQRT3)-(qIb_divSQRT3)-(qIb_divSQRT3)); return(Curr_Output); } Clark变换是自然坐标系 ABC 变换到静止坐标系α-β的坐标变换,其中,结合原理和程序,我们可知: qIalpha = qIas 式1 qIbeta = -(2*qIbs+qIas)/sqrt(3) 式2 即输出iα和iβ。 ③Park变换 Curr_Components Park(Curr_Components Curr_Input, s16 Theta) { Curr_Components Curr_Output; s32 qId_tmp_1, qId_tmp_2; s32 qIq_tmp_1, qIq_tmp_2; s16 qId_1, qId_2; s16 qIq_1, qIq_2; Vector_Components = Trig_Functions(Theta); //No overflow guaranteed qIq_tmp_1 = Curr_Input.qI_Component1 * Vector_Components.hCos; qIq_tmp_1 /= 32768; //No overflow guaranteed qIq_tmp_2 = Curr_Input.qI_Component2 *Vector_Components.hSin; qIq_tmp_2 /= 32768; qIq_1 = ((s16)(qIq_tmp_1)); qIq_2 = ((s16)(qIq_tmp_2)); //Iq component in Q1.15 Format Curr_Output.qI_Component1 = ((qIq_1)-(qIq_2)); //No overflow guaranteed qId_tmp_1 = Curr_Input.qI_Component1 * Vector_Components.hSin; qId_tmp_1 /= 32768; //No overflow guaranteed qId_tmp_2 = Curr_Input.qI_Component2 * Vector_Components.hCos; qId_tmp_2 /= 32768; qId_1 = (s16)(qId_tmp_1); qId_2 = (s16)(qId_tmp_2); //Id component in Q1.15 Format Curr_Output.qI_Component2 = ((qId_1)+(qId_2)); return (Curr_Output); } Park变换是将静止坐标系α-β变换到同步旋转坐标系d - q的坐标变换,其中,结合原理和程序,我们可知: qId=qIalpha_tmp*sin(theta)+qIbeta_tmp*cos(Theta) 式3 qIq=qIalpha_tmp*cos(Theta)-qIbeta_tmp*sin(Theta) 式4 即输出iq和id。 经过Park变换得到的iq和id,而后经过PID调节、Park的逆变换与SVPWM计算,反馈给逆变器系统,则构成一个完整的电流环。 三、总结 本期主要是对正弦波有感部分程序的学习,总的来说,这段时间由于专业考试较多,相比于之前花的时间和精力少了,所以进展不大。本期学习有收获的地方是进一步学习了程序部分,但是还是不能完全理解。之后的学习重点将从程序学习转向仿真部分,当仿真理解了之后,再来看程序,可能有不一样的收获。 |
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