三.Modelsim库,Quartus II生成do文件代码分析及自行设计do文件
Design Library Overview
A design library is a directory or archive that serves as a repository for compiled design units.
The design units contained in a design library consist of VHDL entities, packages, architectures,and configurations; Verilog modules and UDPs (user-defined primitives); and SystemC modules. The design units are classified as follows:
• Primary design units — Consist of entities, package declarations, configuration
declarations, modulesUDPs, and SystemC modules. Primary design units within a given
library must have unique names.
• Secondary design units — Consist of architecture bodies, package bodies, and
optimized Verilog modules. Secondary design units are associated with a primary
design unit. Architectures by the same name can exist if they are associated with
different entities or modules.
Working Library Versus Resource Libraries
Design libraries can be used in two ways:
1. as a local working library that contains the compiled version of your design;
2. as a resource library.
The contents of your working library will change as you update your design and recompile. A resource library is typically static and serves as a parts source for your design. You can create your own resource libraries or they may be supplied by another design team or a third party(e.g., a silicon vendor).
Only one library can be the working library.
Any number of libraries can be resource libraries during a compilation. You specify which
resource libraries will be used when the design is compiled, and there are rules to specify in
which order they are searched (refer to Specifying Resource Libraries).
A common example of using both a working library and a resource library is one in which your gate-level design and testbench are compiled into the working library and the design references gate-level models in a separate resource library.
2.Quartus II生成do文件代码分析
- transcript on
- if ![file isdirectory verilog_libs] {
- file mkdir verilog_libs
- }
- vlib verilog_libs/cycloneii_ver
- vmap cycloneii_ver ./verilog_libs/cycloneii_ver
- vlog -vlog01compat -work cycloneii_ver {d:/altera/quartusii/quartus/eda/sim_lib/cycloneii_atoms.v}
- if {[file exists gate_work]} {
- vdel -lib gate_work -all
- }
- vlib gate_work
- vmap work gate_work
- vlog -vlog01compat -work work +incdir+. {test_sim.vo}
- vlog -vlog01compat -work work +incdir+D:/Programs/Quartus/test_sim/src {D:/Programs/Quartus/test_sim/src/sim.v}
- vsim -t 1ps +transport_int_delays +transport_path_delays -L cycloneii_ver -L gate_work -L work -voptargs="+acc" sim
- add wave *
- view structure
- view signals
- run -all
下面扼要的介绍一下它的控制流程。首先调用它的时候它会检测当前目录下有没有Verilog_libs这个文件夹,没有的话创建;然后在该文件夹下创建了一个物理库cyclone_ver并把逻辑库cyclone_ver映射到前面的物理库;由于前面的工程很简单,只用到了一些基本部件,所以只编译了cycloneii_atoms.v文件到cyclone_ver库;之后又创建了一个gate_work的物理库并把逻辑库work库映射到gate_work;编译了网表文件和仿真激励文件到work库;启动仿真(注意-L后面的库,这条指令的作用和第二部分最后一步的添加搜索库是一样的,感兴趣可以打开Start simulation看一下);加窗口波形信号等后运行。
通过上面库的介绍和Quartus II代码的分析,可以自己写一下简单的do文件自动运行了。
点击tools>tcl>execute macro..打开刚刚保存的do文件运行即可。
- cd D:/Programs/Quartus/test_sim/simulation/modelsim
- vlib work
- vmap work work
- vlog -vlog01compat -work work +incdir+. {test_sim.vo}
- vlog -vlog01compat -work work +incdir+D:/Programs/Quartus/test_sim/src {D:/Programs/Quartus/test_sim/src/sim.v}
- vsim -t 1ps +transport_int_delays +transport_path_delays -L cycloneii -L primitive -L lpm -L altera_mf -L work -voptargs="+acc" sim
- add wave *
- view structure
- view signals
- run -all
- module test_sim(
- a,
- b,
- c
- );
- input a;
- input b;
- output c;
- assign c = a & ( ~ b);
- endmodule
- `timescale 1ns/1ps
- `define period 10
- module sim ();
- reg a;
- reg b;
- wire c;
- initial
- begin
- # (`period * 10) a = 1'b0;
- # (`period * 10) b = 1'b0;
- # (`period * 1000) $stop;
- end
- always #(`period * 10) a = {$random} % 2;
- always #(`period * 15) b = {$random} % 2;
- test_sim t_sim (
- .a(a),
- .b(b),
- .c(c)
- );
- endmodule