本帖最后由 jf_00240724 于 2020-11-23 21:24 编辑
- 简介
这里将介绍coslink具体协议设计及软件架构。以及python实现上位机软件。 - RT1064开发板有足够的RAM和ROM,但仍然有必要将状态机的资源使用保持在最低限度。
Coslink 数据格式: First Byte | Second Byte | Third Byte | Fourth Byte … | End – 1 Byte | End Byte | Start Bit | Length of data segment | CDM-ID | Data segment | Checksum | End Flag | 0xAA | 0xxx | 0xxx | 0xxx | 0xxx | ‘/n’ | CDM-ID:
-发送方加起始位+数据段长度+CMD id+所有数据段,将每一位的结果倒置,得到低位字节为校验和接收机加起始位+数据段长度+命令id+所有数据段+校验和+1,如果结果为0,则数据正确,否则错误。如果错误,发送重新发送请求并报告错误的校验和。- 软件系统设计
Current state | | Next state | Action | Transition | S1 | C1 | S2 | action_1 | t1 | S1 | C2 | S1 | action_4 | t4 | S1 | C3 | S1 | action_1 | t1 | S1 | C4 | S1 | action_4 | t4 | S2 | C1 | S2 | action_1 | t1 | S2 | C2 | S3 | action_2 | t2 | S2 | C3 | S3 | action_3 | t33 | S2 | C4 | S1 | action_4 | t4 | S3 | C3 | S2 | action_3 | t3 | S3 | C4 | S1 | action_4 | t4 | S3 | C1 | S3 | action_3 | t33 | S3 | C2 | S3 | action_3 | t33 |
S1:InitialState |
| C1:build connect |
| action_1:LED1 off,LED2 on | S2:connect ok state |
| C2:key on |
| action_2:send Key-on to host | S3:wait host's response of key state | C3:receive host's response of key | action_3:LED1 blinking 3 times |
| C4:disconnect |
| action_4:LED1 blinking,LED2 off |
5. 主要代码:
- while (1)
- {
- static u16 cnt = 0;
- static u8 buf[FRAME_SIZE], a_byte;
- bool ret_t = FALSE;
- Data_Frame pData_Frame_t;
- check_timer();
- if(stm_connect_send_heartbeat_delay == 0)
- {
- send_CMD_data(ID_HEARTBEAT);
- stm_connect_send_heartbeat_delay = 10;// 1000ms
- }
- if(Get_Key1_Press() == TRUE)
- {
- if(g_condition_demo.key_c_can_be_change_flg == TRUE)
- {
- g_condition_demo.cond= CONDITION_2;
- g_condition_demo.changed_flg = TRUE;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- //read ringbuffer
- while(g_fifo_Rx.empty_flg == FALSE)
- { /* Do something with buf... */
- //assert(buf == cnt);
- ret_t = read_fifo(&g_fifo_Rx,&a_byte);
- buf[cnt++] = a_byte;
- if((a_byte == 0x0A)&&(ret_t == TRUE))// it's a frame data
- {
- if(check_data_whole(buf,&pData_Frame_t,FRAME_SIZE))
- if(check_data_vaild(&pData_Frame_t))// check checksum is correct
- {
- if(pData_Frame_t.id == ID_HEARTBEAT)
- {
- if(g_condition_demo.heartbeat_build_can_be_change_flg == TRUE)
- {
- stm_lost_heartbeat_3s_delay = 3;
- g_condition_demo.cond= CONDITION_1;
- g_condition_demo.changed_flg = TRUE;
- }
- cnt = 0;
- break;
- }
- else if(pData_Frame_t.id == ID_COMFIRM_KEY)
- {
- if(g_condition_demo.confirmed_response_c_can_be_change_flg == TRUE)
- {
- g_condition_demo.cond= CONDITION_3;
- g_condition_demo.changed_flg = TRUE;
- }
- cnt = 0;
- break;
- }
- else if(pData_Frame_t.id == ID_RESEND_REQUEST)
- {
- send_CMD_data(ID_HEARTBEAT);
- stm_connect_send_heartbeat_delay = 10;// 1000ms
- cnt = 0;
- break;
- }
- else{
- SEGGER_RTT_printf(0,"invaild IDrn");
- break;
- }
- }
- else
- {//send re-send command to Host & stop send heartbeat
- break;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- }
- //printf("%d Read: %dn", cnt,buf);
- }
- }
- if(g_condition_demo.changed_flg == TRUE)
- {
- state_machine_step(&g_state_machine,g_condition_demo.cond);
- g_condition_demo.changed_flg = FALSE;
- }
- }
6. python实现上位机软件
- '''
- this python shell is serial server for Coslink protocol
- '''
- import serial # install cmd: python -m pip install pyserial --user(python -m pip install --upgrade pip --user)
- from datetime import datetime
- from threading import Timer
- send_1000ms_arrive_flg = False
- heartbeat_received_flg = False
- def sendKeepConnectTimer(inc):
- global send_1000ms_arrive_flg
- print(datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))
- send_1000ms_arrive_flg = True
- t = Timer(inc,sendKeepConnectTimer,(inc,))
- t.start()
- def checksum(data_r):
- #n_position = data_r.list('n')
- #in_checksum = data_r[n_position-1]
- sum = 0
- for i in data_r:
- sum = sum+i
- sum = sum - 9 # -10+1
- print(sum)
- if(sum%256 == 0):
- return True
- else:
- return False
- def run(svr_status):
- global connect_status, send_1000ms_arrive_flg,heartbeat_received_flg
- first_start_timer_flg = True
- arr_ID_resend= [170,1,0,0,84,10]
- arr_ID_KeyResponse= [170,1,2,0,82,10]
- seri = serial.Serial()
- seri.baudrate = 115200
- seri.port = 'COM18'
- print("Serial Server Application")
- print("SCN:DAA31028AAA Build Time:2020-11-11 23:00")
- print("waiting for open serial ...")
- #seri.parity = 'ODD'
- while True:
- try:
- seri.open()
- print('serial open open successfully ')
- if(first_start_timer_flg):
- first_start_timer_flg = False
- sendKeepConnectTimer(3)
- while seri.isOpen():
- try:
- #print("waiting for connect data ...")
- if seri.inWaiting():
- data_r = seri.readline()
- #print('reveive type of data:',type(data_r))
- print('reveive hex data:',data_r)
- #print('reveive hex data[2]:%x',data_r[2])
- if(checksum(data_r) == True):
- if(data_r[2] == 3):
- print('ERROR:!!!The connect is not built or lost !!!')
- elif(data_r[2] == 85):
- heartbeat_received_flg = True
- print('send heartbeat',data_r)
- seri.write(data_r) #send heartbeat
- elif(data_r[2] == 1):
- print('send KeyResponse',arr_ID_KeyResponse)
- seri.write(arr_ID_KeyResponse) #send _KeyResponse
- else:
- print('receive wrong checksum,so send re-send resquest',arr_ID_resend)
- seri.write(arr_ID_resend)
- else:
- if(send_1000ms_arrive_flg == True):
- send_1000ms_arrive_flg = False
- #print('time arrive more than 1000ms!!!')
- if(heartbeat_received_flg == True):
- heartbeat_received_flg = False
- else:
- print('ERROR:!!!clent heartbeat package is lost for more than 3000ms!!!')
- #print('serial no data...')
- except:
- print("seri except & disconnectrn")
- break
- #else:
- #handle data
- #print("handle datarn")
- #seri.close()
- except:
- seri.close()#pass
- if(send_1000ms_arrive_flg == True):
- send_1000ms_arrive_flg = False
- print('Open Uart failed!!!')
- #break
- else:
- if(send_1000ms_arrive_flg == True):
- send_1000ms_arrive_flg = False
- print('Open Uart failed!!!')
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- #sendKeepConnectTimer(5)=
- #data_test=[170,1,85,15,240,10]
- run(0)