本范例演示对发布到 Web 文件夹的文本文件的内容进行复制、移动、编辑和删除的方式。使用的其他属性和方法包括 GetChildren、ParentURL、Source 和 Flush。
Public Sub DeleteRecordX()
'Declare and instantiate object variables
Dim objFileR As Record
Dim objDestFolderR As Record
Dim objDestFileR As Record
Dim objDestFolderRS As Recordset
Dim objStream As Stream
Set objFileR = New Record
Set objDestFolderR = New Record
Set objDestFileR = New Record
Set objDestFolderRS = New Recordset
Set objStream = New Stream
'Open a Record on a text file
objFileR.Open "", "URL=http://websrv/folder/file.txt", _
adModeReadWrite, adOpenIfExists Or adCreateNonCollection
'Edit the contents of the text file
MsgBox "Edit"
objStream.Open objFileR, , adOpenStreamFromRecord
Debug.Print "Source: " + objFileR.Source
Debug.Print "Original text: " + objStream.ReadText
objStream.Position = 0
objStream.WriteText "New Text"
objStream.Position = 0
Debug.Print "New text: " + objStream.ReadText
'Reopen Record to see new contents of text file
objFileR.Open "file.txt", "URL=http://websrv/folder/", _
adModeReadWrite, adOpenIfExists Or adCreateNonCollection
objStream.Open objFileR, adModeReadWrite, adOpenStreamFromRecord
Debug.Print "Source: " + objFileR.Source
Debug.Print "Edited text: " + objStream.ReadText
'Copy the file to a subfolder
MsgBox "Copy"
objFileR.CopyRecord , _
"URL=http://websrv/folder/subfolder/file.txt", , , _
'Delete the original file
MsgBox "Delete"
'Move the file from the subfolder back to original location
MsgBox "Move Back"
objDestFolderR.Open "", "URL=http://websrv/folder/subfolder/", , _
adOpenIfExists Or adCreateCollection
Set objDestFolderRS = objDestFolderR.GetChildren
'Position current record at on the correct file
Do While Not _
(objDestFolderRS.EOF Or (objDestFolderRS(0) = "file.txt"))
'Open a Record on the currect row of the Recordset
objDestFileR.Open objDestFolderRS
'Do the move
objDestFileR.MoveRecord , objDestFolderR.ParentURL + "/file.txt" _
, , , adMoveOverWrite 'objDestFolderR.ParentURL
MsgBox "All done"
End Sub