上回我们说到了MG32F02A的TM36 输入捕获DMA的使用。
- #include "MG32x02z_DRV.H"
- #include
- #define URTX URT0
- typedef uint8_t u8;
- typedef uint16_t u16;
- typedef uint32_t u32;
- typedef uint64_t u64;
- void CSC_Init (void)
- {
- UnProtectModuleReg(MEMprotect); // Setting flash wait state
- MEM_SetFlashWaitState(MEM_FWAIT_ONE); // 50MHz> Sysclk >=25MHz
- ProtectModuleReg(MEMprotect);
- UnProtectModuleReg(CSCprotect);
- CSC_CK_APB_Divider_Select(APB_DIV_1); // Modify CK_APB divider APB=CK_MAIN/1
- CSC_CK_AHB_Divider_Select(AHB_DIV_1); // Modify CK_AHB divider AHB=APB/1
- /* CK_HS selection */
- CSC_IHRCO_Select(IHRCO_11M0592Hz); // IHRCO Sel 11.0592MHz
- while(CSC_GetSingleFlagStatus(CSC_IHRCOF) == DRV_Normal);
- CSC_ClearFlag(CSC_IHRCOF);
- CSC_CK_HS_Select(HS_CK_IHRCO); // CK_HS select IHRCO
- /* PLL */
- /**********************************************************/
- CSC_PLL_CFG.InputDivider=PLLI_DIV_2; // 12M/2=6M
- CSC_PLL_CFG.Multiplication=PLLIx16; // 6M*16=96M
- CSC_PLL_CFG.OutputDivider=PLLO_DIV_2; // PLLO=96M/2=48M
- while(CSC_GetSingleFlagStatus(CSC_PLLF) == DRV_Normal);
- CSC_ClearFlag(CSC_PLLF);
- /**********************************************************/
- /* CK_MAIN */
- /* Configure ICKO function */
- /* Configure peripheral clock */
- CSC_PeriphProcessClockSource_Config(CSC_UART0_CKS, CK_APB);
- CSC_PeriphOnModeClock_Config(CSC_ON_UART0,ENABLE);
- CSC_PeriphOnModeClock_Config(CSC_ON_PortB,ENABLE);
- CSC_PeriphOnModeClock_Config(CSC_ON_PortC,ENABLE);
- CSC_PeriphOnModeClock_Config(CSC_ON_PortE,ENABLE);
- ProtectModuleReg(CSCprotect);
- }
- void URT0_SPIMode_Init(void)
- {
- URT_Data_TypeDef DataDef;
- PIN_InitTypeDef PINX_InitStruct;
- //==Set CSC init
- //MG32x02z_CSC_Init.h(Configuration Wizard)
- //Select CK_HS source = CK_IHRCO
- //Select IHRCO = 11.0592M
- //Select CK_MAIN Source = CK_HS
- //Configure PLL->Select APB Prescaler = CK_MAIN/1
- //Configure Peripheral On Mode Clock->Port B/URT0 = Enable
- //Configure Peripheral On Mode Clock->URT0->Select URT0_PR Source = CK_APB(11.0592)
- //==Set GPIO init
- //1. MOSI Pin
- // (1).MG32x02z_GPIO_Init.h(Configuration Wizard)->Use GPIOB->Pin8
- // (2).GPIO port initial is 0xFFFF
- // (3).Pin8 mode is PPO (Push pull output)
- // (4).Pin8 pull-up resister Enable
- // (5).Pin8 function URT0_TX
- //2. MISO Pin
- // (1).MG32x02z_GPIO_Init.h(Configuration Wizard)->Use GPIOB->Pin9
- // (2).GPIO port initial is 0xFFFF
- // (3).Pin8 mode is ODO (Open drain)
- // (4).Pin8 pull-up resister Enable
- // (5).Pin9 function URT0_RX
- //3. SPICLK Pin
- // (1).MG32x02z_GPIO_Init.h(Configuration Wizard)->Use GPIOC->Pin3
- // (2).GPIO port initial is 0xFFFF
- // (3).Pin8 mode is PPO (Push pull output)
- // (4).Pin8 pull-up resister Enable
- // (5).Pin3 function URT0_CLK
- //4. NSS Pin
- // (1).MG32x02z_GPIO_Init.h(Configuration Wizard)->Use GPIOB->Pin10
- // (2).GPIO port initial is 0xFFFF
- // (3).Pin8 mode is PPO (Push pull output)
- // (4).Pin8 pull-up resister Enable
- // (5).Pin3 function URT0_NSS
- PINX_InitStruct.PINX_Mode = PINX_Mode_PushPull_O; // Pin select Push Pull mode
- PINX_InitStruct.PINX_PUResistant = PINX_PUResistant_Enable; // Enable pull up resistor
- PINX_InitStruct.PINX_Speed = PINX_Speed_Low;
- PINX_InitStruct.PINX_OUTDrive = PINX_OUTDrive_Level0; // Pin output driver full strength.
- PINX_InitStruct.PINX_FilterDivider = PINX_FilterDivider_Bypass; // Pin input deglitch filter clock divider bypass
- PINX_InitStruct.PINX_Inverse = PINX_Inverse_Disable; // Pin input data not inverse
- PINX_InitStruct.PINX_Alternate_Function = 3; // Pin AFS = URT0_TX
- GPIO_PinMode_Config(PINB(8),&PINX_InitStruct); // TXD(MOSI) at PB8
- GPIO_PinMode_Config(PINB(10),&PINX_InitStruct); // URT0_NSS(SPI_NSS) at PB10
- GPIO_PinMode_Config(PINC(3),&PINX_InitStruct); // URT0_CLK(SPI_CLK) at PC3
- GPIO_PinMode_Config(PINE(15),&PINX_InitStruct); // D6 at PE15
- PINX_InitStruct.PINX_Mode = PINX_Mode_OpenDrain_O; // Pin select Open Drain mode
- PINX_InitStruct.PINX_Alternate_Function = 3; // Pin AFS = URT0_RX
- GPIO_PinMode_Config(PINB(9),&PINX_InitStruct); // RXD(MISO) at PB9
- //=====Set Clock=====//
- //---Set BaudRate---//
- URT_BRG.URT_InteranlClockSource = URT_BDClock_PROC;
- URT_BRG.URT_BaudRateMode = URT_BDMode_Separated;
- URT_BRG.URT_PrescalerCounterReload = 3; //Set PSR
- URT_BRG.URT_BaudRateCounterReload = 5; //Set RLR
- URT_BaudRateGenerator_Config(URTX, &URT_BRG); //BR115200 = f(CK_URTx)/(PSR+1)/(RLR+1)/(OS_NUM+1)
- URT_BaudRateGenerator_Cmd(URTX, ENABLE); //Enable BaudRateGenerator
- //---TX/RX Clock---//
- URT_TXClockSource_Select(URTX, URT_TXClock_Internal); //URT_TX use BaudRateGenerator
- URT_RXClockSource_Select(URTX, URT_RXClock_Internal); //URT_RX use BaudRateGenerator
- URT_TXOverSamplingSampleNumber_Select(URTX, 3); //Set TX OS_NUM
- URT_RXOverSamplingSampleNumber_Select(URTX, 3); //Set RX OS_NUM
- URT_RXOverSamplingMode_Select(URTX, URT_RXSMP_3TIME);
- URT_TX_Cmd(URTX, ENABLE); //Enable TX
- URT_RX_Cmd(URTX, ENABLE); //Enable RX
- //=====Set Mode=====//
- //---Set Data character config---//
- DataDef.URT_TX_DataLength = URT_DataLength_8;
- DataDef.URT_RX_DataLength = URT_DataLength_8;
- DataDef.URT_TX_DataOrder = URT_DataTyped_MSB; //UART SPI Data Mode
- DataDef.URT_RX_DataOrder = URT_DataTyped_MSB; //UART SPI Data Mode
- DataDef.URT_TX_Parity = URT_Parity_No;
- DataDef.URT_RX_Parity = URT_Parity_No;
- DataDef.URT_TX_StopBits = URT_StopBits_1_0;
- DataDef.URT_RX_StopBits = URT_StopBits_1_0;
- DataDef.URT_TX_DataInverse = DISABLE;
- DataDef.URT_RX_DataInverse = DISABLE;
- URT_DataCharacter_Config(URTX, &DataDef);
- //---Set Mode Select---//
- URT_Mode_Select(URTX, URT_SYNC_mode);
- //---Set DataLine Select---//
- URT_DataLine_Select(URTX, URT_DataLine_2);
- //=====Set Error Control=====//
- // to do...
- //=====Set Bus Status Detect Control=====//
- // to do...
- //==Set SPI Mode(CPHA = 0 , CPOL = 0)====//
- URT_CPHAMode_Select( URTX , URT_CPHA0_LeadEdge);
- URT_CPOLMode_Select( URTX , URT_CPOL0_Low );
- //=====Set Data Control=====//
- URT_TXGaudTime_Select(URTX, 0);
- //=====Enable CLK(SYSCLK)====//
- //=====Enable URT=====//
- }
- int main()
- {
- int i;
- ctype URT_RecData;
- CSC_Init();
- URT0_SPIMode_Init();
- while(1)
- {
- i++;
- if(i>=500000)
- {
- i=0;
- URT_SetTXData(URTX,1,0x30);
- while(URT_GetITSingleFlagStatus(URTX,URT_IT_TC)==DRV_UnHappened);
- URT_RecData.W = URT_GetRXData(URTX); //Receive effective data byte is equal to send data byte.
- if(URT_RecData.W==0x30)PE15=~PE15;
- }
- }
- }