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2,ad9516-4时钟芯片的外围电路中,环路滤波器的设计比较重要,看参考开发板或者芯片手册,选择合适的电阻电容值 3,在调试时,PFD参数可以更改,当配置正确,时序正确是,还是出不来理想的时钟信号时,可以改变PFD参数试一下,如:16M变为4M,4M变为1M,降低PFD值重新配置 4,写FPGA程序的时候,可以将配置值存储在一个rom里,规划好地址空间,便于配置和检查更新等 5,附vhdl源代码,可供参考,rom配置信息请自己琢磨,可以交流 LIBRARY IEEE; USE IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; USE IEEE.STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED.ALL; USE IEEE.STD_LOGIC_ARITH.ALL; ENtiTY AD9516_init IS PORT(clk : in std_logic; -----for 16M rst : in std_logic; -----reset signal ,low active,from pll0. sdo : in std_logic; ----to read register sclk: out std_logic; ---same as clk cs : out std_logic; ---low active,to write or read sdio: inout std_logic; ----to write register sync : out std_logic; --manual synchronizations,not use when '1' pd : out std_logic; --powndown,low active ref_sel: out std_logic; --choose ref1,when '0'; refmon : in std_logic; ld : in std_logic; status : in std_logic; AD9516_ready: out std_logic ); END ENTITY; ARCHITECTURE BEHAVE OF AD9516_init IS signal AD9516_ready_tmp: std_logic; signal cnt: integer range 0 to 1023; ----control address and cs output signal address_c: std_logic_vector(9 downto 0); ----control rom output signal clk_rom: std_logic; -----not as clk signal cnt_cal: integer range 0 to 200000; ----need 8800*PDF cycles=140800Tclk signal ld_rising: std_logic; ----ld ��***��Ϊ��ʱ����10�����Ҹ�clk���ȶ� signal sub_wire: std_logic; -----buffer ,rom data output component rom_ad9516_4 PORT ( address : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (9 DOWNTO 0); clock : IN STD_LOGIC ; q : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (0 DOWNTO 0) ); end component; BEGIN R1: rom_ad9516_4 port map(address=>address_c,clock=>clk_rom,q(0)=>sub_wire); AD9516_ready <= AD9516_ready_tmp; sclk <= clk; clk_rom <= not clk; sync <= '1'; pd <= '1'; ref_sel <= '0'; sdio <= sub_wire; P2: process(clk_rom,rst) is ----control address and cs output,main process begin if(rst='0') then --AD9516_ready_tmp<='0'; cnt<=0; address_c<="0000000000"; cs<='1'; else if(rising_edge(clk_rom)) then if(cnt=1023) then --AD9516_ready_tmp<='1'; cnt<=1000; ------bigger than 657 (658---1022) else --AD9516_ready_tmp<=AD9516_ready_tmp; cnt<=cnt+1; end if; case cnt is ----initialize when 0 to 7 => cs<='1';address_c<="0000000000"; when 8 to 9 => cs<='1';address_c<=conv_std_logic_vector(cnt-8,10); ----translate data pll when 10 to 145 => cs<='0';address_c<=conv_std_logic_vector(cnt-8,10); when 146 to 153 => cs<='1';address_c<=conv_std_logic_vector(cnt-8,10); ----vco divider and vco calibration --vco divider and intiate vco calibration when 154 to 177 => cs<='0';address_c<=conv_std_logic_vector(cnt-8,10); when 178 to 185 => cs<='1';address_c<=conv_std_logic_vector(cnt-8,10); when 186 to 217 => cs<='0';address_c<=conv_std_logic_vector(cnt-8,10); when 218 to 225 => cs<='1';address_c<=conv_std_logic_vector(cnt-8,10); when 226 to 249 => cs<='0';address_c<=conv_std_logic_vector(cnt-8,10); when 250 to 257 => cs<='1';address_c<=conv_std_logic_vector(cnt-8,10); when 258 to 281 => cs<='0';address_c<=conv_std_logic_vector(cnt-8,10); when 282 to 289 => cs<='1';address_c<=conv_std_logic_vector(cnt-8,10); --vco calibration when 290 to 313 => cs<='0';address_c<=conv_std_logic_vector(cnt-8,10); when 314 to 321 => cs<='1';address_c<=conv_std_logic_vector(cnt-8,10); when 322 to 345 => cs<='0';address_c<=conv_std_logic_vector(cnt-8,10); when 346 to 353 => cs<='1';address_c<=conv_std_logic_vector(cnt-8,10); when 354 to 377 => cs<='0';address_c<=conv_std_logic_vector(cnt-8,10); when 378 to 385 => cs<='1';address_c<=conv_std_logic_vector(cnt-8,10); when 386 to 409 => cs<='0';address_c<=conv_std_logic_vector(cnt-8,10); when 410 to 417 => cs<='1';address_c<=conv_std_logic_vector(cnt-8,10); ----channel divider 3 and 4 when 418 to 513 => cs<='0';address_c<=conv_std_logic_vector(cnt-8,10); when 514 to 521 => cs<='1';address_c<=conv_std_logic_vector(cnt-8,10); when 522 to 545 => cs<='0';address_c<=conv_std_logic_vector(cnt-8,10); when 546 to 553 => cs<='1';address_c<=conv_std_logic_vector(cnt-8,10); ----lvds outputs when 554 to 601 => cs<='0';address_c<=conv_std_logic_vector(cnt-8,10); when 602 to 609 => cs<='1';address_c<=conv_std_logic_vector(cnt-8,10); when 610 to 633 => cs<='0';address_c<=conv_std_logic_vector(cnt-8,10); when 634 to 641 => cs<='1';address_c<=conv_std_logic_vector(cnt-8,10); ----fine delay adjust when 642 to 753 => cs<='0';address_c<=conv_std_logic_vector(cnt-8,10); when 754 to 761 => cs<='1';address_c<=conv_std_logic_vector(cnt-8,10); when 762 to 785 => cs<='0';address_c<=conv_std_logic_vector(cnt-8,10); when 786 to 793 => cs<='1';address_c<=conv_std_logic_vector(cnt-8,10); ----read back information:write 0x000,0x004,0x023; read address 0x01f --when 794 to 817 => cs<='0';address_c<=conv_std_logic_vector(cnt-8,10); --when 818 to 841 => cs<='0';address_c<=conv_std_logic_vector(cnt-8,10); --when 842 to 865 => cs<='0';address_c<=conv_std_logic_vector(cnt-8,10); --when 866 to 889 => cs<='0';address_c<=conv_std_logic_vector(cnt-8,10); ----cs pull high finish AD9516_4 when others => cs<='1'; address_c<="0000000000"; end case; end if; end if; end process; P3: process(clk_rom,rst) is ----control ad9516_ready output begin if(rst='0') then AD9516_ready_tmp<='0'; cnt_cal<=0; elsif(clk_rom'event and clk_rom='1') then if(ld_rising='1') then if(cnt_cal=200000) then AD9516_ready_tmp<='1'; cnt_cal<=0; else AD9516_ready_tmp<=AD9516_ready_tmp; cnt_cal<=cnt_cal+1; end if; end if; end if; end process; P4: process(clk_rom,rst) is ----ld rising detect begin if(rst='0') then ld_rising<='0'; elsif(clk_rom'event and clk_rom='1') then if(ld='1') then ld_rising<='1'; else ld_rising<=ld_rising; end if; end if; end process; END ARCHITECTURE;
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