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以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Hi, I hope someone can help me. I'm having hassles using the SPI2 setup that comes from MCC. It's for a DSPIC33EP256MC502. The basic setup appears to be correct as when I independently call readData = SPI2_Exchange16bit(writeData); I can see the data out, clk and data in signals on a scope and they correspond with the readings that the MCP3002 is supposed to be making. This is how I currently have it setup void SPI2_Initialize (void) { // MSTEN Master; DISSDO disabled; PPRE 4:1; SPRE 5:1; MODE16 enabled; SMP End; DISSCK disabled; CKP Idle:Low, Active:High; CKE Idle to Active; SSEN disabled; SPI2CON1 = 0x62E; // SPIFSD disabled; SPIBEN enabled; FRMPOL disabled; FRMDLY disabled; FRMEN disabled; SPI2CON2 = 0x1; // SISEL SPI_INT_SPIRBF; SPIROV disabled; SPIEN enabled; SPISIDL disabled; SPI2STAT = 0x800C; } with the following in code parameters int MY_BUFER_SIZE = 2; uint16_t myWriteBuffer[MY_BUFER_SIZE]; uint16_t myReadBuffer[MY_BUFER_SIZE]; uint16_t writeData = 0b0110100000000000; uint16_t readData; SPI2_STATUS status; unsigned int total; total = 0; However it is not reading in the ADC values. Using CS0_SetLow(); do { total = SPI2_Exchange16bitBuffer(&myWriteBuffer[total], MY_BUFER_SIZE - total, &myReadBuffer[total]); Fault_SetLow(); // Do something else... //total = 16; } while (total < MY_BUFER_SIZE); Fault_SetHigh(); readData = SPI2_Exchange16bit(writeData); status = SPI2_StatusGet(); CS0_SetHigh(); does not work. I've tried different values for MY_BUFER_SIZE including 0,1,2,8,16 and it never leaves the do while... loop. This comes from the SPI2.h file as an example of how to access the SPI port. Can someone advise what might be wrong with it? Could I have the wrong interrupt set? (I don't see where to upload the project if someone needs to look at the rest of my code?) I've spent 3 days at this and I'm ready to tear my hair out :( |
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Sorry, this should be under the 16 bit forum. Any chance someone can move it? |
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 I've never used MCC, so this is just a guess. I am suspicious of this line: total = SPI2_Exchange16bitBuffer(&myWriteBuffer[total], MY_BUFER_SIZE - total, &myReadBuffer[total]); What exactly is the return value from SPI2_Exchange16bitBuffer() ? If it is the number of words that were transferred, then this code is wrong, it should be: total += SPI2_Exchange16bitBuffer(&myWriteBuffer[total], MY_BUFER_SIZE - total, &myReadBuffer[total]); |
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Hi, It seems to return 1 or zero. If I am reading the right description, it is supposed to return 2. I can try that tonight and see if it fixes it. I've included the code for SPI2.h /** SPI2 Generated Driver API Header File Company: Microchip Technology Inc. File Name: spi2.h @Summary This is the generated header file for the SPI2 driver using MPLAB(c) Code Configurator @Description This header file provides APIs for driver for SPI2. Generation Information : Product Revision : MPLAB(c) Code Configurator - pic24-dspic-pic32mm : v1.25 Device : dsPIC33EP256MC502 Driver Version : 0.5 The generated drivers are tested against the following: Compiler : XC16 1.26 MPLAB : MPLAB X 3.45 */ /* (c) 2016 Microchip Technology Inc. and its subsidiaries. You may use this software and any derivatives exclusively with Microchip products. THIS SOFTWARE IS SUPPLIED BY MICROCHIP "AS IS". NO WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, APPLY TO THIS SOFTWARE, INCLUDING ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY, AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR ITS INTERACTION WITH MICROCHIP PRODUCTS, COMBINATION WITH ANY OTHER PRODUCTS, OR USE IN ANY APPLICATION. IN NO EVENT WILL MICROCHIP BE LIABLE FOR ANY INDIRECT, SPECIAL, PUNITIVE, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL LOSS, DAMAGE, COST OR EXPENSE OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER RELATED TO THE SOFTWARE, HOWEVER CAUSED, EVEN IF MICROCHIP HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OR THE DAMAGES ARE FORESEEABLE. TO THE FULLEST EXTENT ALLOWED BY LAW, MICROCHIP'S TOTAL LIABILITY ON ALL CLAIMS IN ANY WAY RELATED TO THIS SOFTWARE WILL NOT EXCEED THE AMOUNT OF FEES, IF ANY, THAT YOU HAVE PAID DIRECTLY TO MICROCHIP FOR THIS SOFTWARE. MICROCHIP PROVIDES THIS SOFTWARE CONDITIONALLY UPON YOUR ACCEPTANCE OF THESE TERMS. */ #ifndef _SPI2_H #define _SPI2_H /** Section: Included Files */ #include #include #include #include #ifdef __cplusplus // Provide C++ Compatibility extern "C" { #endif /** Section: Data Type Definitions */ /** SPI2_DUMMY_DATA @Summary Dummy data to be sent. @Description Dummy data to be sent, when no input buffer is specified in the buffer APIs. */ #define SPI2_DUMMY_DATA 0x0 /** SPI2_FIFO_FILL_LIMIT @Summary FIFO fill limit for data transmission. @Description The amount of data to be filled in the FIFO during transmission. The maximum limit allowed is 8. */ #define SPI2_FIFO_FILL_LIMIT 0x8 //Check to make sure that the FIFO limit does not exceed the maximum allowed limit of 8 #if (SPI2_FIFO_FILL_LIMIT > 8) #define SPI2_FIFO_FILL_LIMIT 8 #endif /** SPI2 Status Enumeration @Summary Defines the status enumeration for SPI2. @Description This defines the status enumeration for SPI2. */ typedef enum { SPI2_SHIFT_REGISTER_EMPTY = 1 << 7, SPI2_RECEIVE_OVERFLOW = 1 << 6, SPI2_RECEIVE_FIFO_EMPTY = 1 << 5, SPI2_TRANSMIT_BUFFER_FULL = 1 << 1, SPI2_RECEIVE_BUFFER_FULL = 1 << 0 }SPI2_STATUS; /** SPI2 Mode Enumeration @Summary Defines the mode of operation for SPI2. @Description This defines the mode of operation for SPI2. */ typedef enum { SPI2_DRIVER_TRANSFER_MODE_8BIT = 0, SPI2_DRIVER_TRANSFER_MODE_16BIT = 1, SPI2_DRIVER_TRANSFER_MODE_32BIT = 2, } SPI2_TRANSFER_MODE; /** Section: Interface Routines */ /** @Summary Initializes the SPI instance : 2 @Description This routine initializes the spi2 driver instance for : 2 index, making it ready for clients to open and use it. This routine must be called before any other SPI2 routine is called. This routine should only be called once during system initialization. @Preconditions None. @Returns None. @Param None. @Example
*/ void SPI2_Initialize (void); /** @Summary Exchanges one word of data from SPI2 @Description This routine exchanges one word of data from SPI2. This is a blocking routine. @Preconditions The SPI2_Initialize routine must have been called for the specified SPI2 driver instance. The SPI transfer mode should be selected as 16bit mode in the initialization. Do not select 8 bit mode, only the lower byte of the data will sent or received if selected. @Returns Data read from SPI2 @Param data - Data to be written onto SPI2. @Example Refer to SPI2_Initialize() for an example */ uint16_t SPI2_Exchange16bit( uint16_t data ); /** @Summary Exchanges data from a buffer of size one word from SPI2 @Description This routine exchanges data from a buffer of size one word from the SPI2. This is a blocking routine. @Preconditions The SPI2_Initialize routine must have been called for the specified SPI2 driver instance. The SPI transfer mode should be selected as 16bit mode in the initialization. Do not select 8 bit mode, only the lower byte of the data will sent or received if selected. @Returns Number of words written/read. @Param dataTransmitted - Buffer of data to be written onto SPI2. @Param byteCount - Number of bytes to be exchanged. @Param dataTransmitted - Buffer of data to be read from SPI2. @Example Refer to SPI2_Initialize() for an example */ uint16_t SPI2_Exchange16bitBuffer(uint16_t *dataTransmitted, uint16_t byteCount, uint16_t *dataReceived); /** @Summary Returns the value of the status register of SPI instance : 2 @Description This routine returns the value of the status register of SPI2 driver instance : 2 @Preconditions None. @Returns Returns the value of the status register. @Param None. @Example Refer to SPI2_Initialize() for an example */ SPI2_STATUS SPI2_StatusGet(void); #ifdef __cplusplus // Provide C++ Compatibility } #endif #endif //_SPI2_H /******************************************************************************* End of File */ |
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 It's still not working. I'm going to open a support ticket with Microchip and try out the DMA setup tomorrow. Can a Moderator please move this to the MCC thread? |
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