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以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Hello, I've been working on using SPI to communicate between a PIC18F87J94 and an external EEPROM module from ST, the M95M02-DRMN6TP. I've been able to see the SPI communication on a logic analyzer and on an oscilloscope, but for some reason, I can't get the code in the PIC to read the value being sent by the EEPROM. The value on SSP1BUF is always 0x00 when the BF flag becomes true. The PIC datasheet specifies that SDI/MISO's tristate is managed by the peripheral, so in the code below I've omitted setting the TRIS register. My experience has been that setting the TRIS register is causing the SSP1BUF register to always read 0xFF, and clearing the register causes it to always read 0x00. I've included a sample code file which exhibits the problem and is very closely based on my actual code. Is there any chance I'm missing something obvious that would cause this issue? I feel like I'm missing something small, but important. /* * File: main.c * Author: sysadmin * * Created on January 4, 2017, 9:25 PM */ #pragma config STVREN = ON // Stack Overflow/Underflow Reset (Enabled) #pragma config XINST = OFF // Extended Instruction Set (Disabled) #pragma config BOREN = ON // Brown-Out Reset Enable (Controlled with SBOREN bit, disabled in Deep Sleep) #pragma config BORV = 0 // Brown-out Reset Voltage (2.0V) #pragma config CP0 = OFF // Code Protect (Program memory is not code-protected) #pragma config FOSC = FRCPLL // Oscillator (Fast RC Oscillator with PLL module (FRCPLL)) #pragma config SOSCSEL = LOW // T1OSC/SOSC Power Selection Bits (Low Power T1OSC/SOSC circuit selected) #pragma config CLKOEN = OFF // Clock Out Enable Bit (CLKO output disabled on the RA6 pin) #pragma config IESO = OFF // Internal External Oscillator Switch Over Mode (Disabled) #pragma config PLLDIV = NODIV // PLL Frequency Multiplier Select bits (96 MHz PLL selected; No divide - Oscillator used directly (4 MHz input)) #pragma config POSCMD = NONE // Primary Oscillator Select (Primary oscillator disabled) #pragma config FSCM = CSECMD // Clock Switching and Monitor Selection Configuration bits (Clock switching is enabled, fail safe clock monitor is disabled) #pragma config WPFP = WPFP255 // Write/Erase Protect Page Start/End Boundary (Write Protect Program Flash Page 255) #pragma config WPDIS = WPDIS // Segment Write Protection Disable (Disabled) #pragma config WPEND = WPENDMEM // Segment Write Protection End Page Select (Write Protect from WPFP to the last page of memory) #pragma config WPCFG = WPCFGDIS // Write Protect Configuration Page Select (Disabled) #pragma config T5GSEL = T5G // TMR5 Gate Select bit (TMR5 Gate is driven by the T5G input) #pragma config CINASEL = DEFAULT// CxINA Gate Select bit (C1INA and C3INA are on their default pin locations) #pragma config EASHFT = ON // External Address Shift bit (Address Shifting enabled) #pragma config ABW = MM // Address Bus Width Select bits (8-bit address bus) #pragma config BW = 16 // Data Bus Width (16-bit external bus mode) #pragma config WAIT = OFF // External Bus Wait (Disabled) #pragma config IOL1WAY = OFF // IOLOCK One-Way Set Enable bit (the IOLOCK bit can be set and cleared using the unlock sequence) #pragma config LS48MHZ = SYSX2 // USB Low Speed Clock Select bit (Divide-by-2 (System clock must be 12 MHz)) #pragma config MSSPMSK2 = MSK7 // MSSP2 7-Bit Address Masking Mode Enable bit (7 Bit address masking mode) #pragma config MSSPMSK1 = MSK7 // MSSP1 7-Bit Address Masking Mode Enable bit (7 Bit address masking mode) #pragma config WDTWIN = PS25_0 // Watch Dog Timer Window (Watch Dog Timer Window Width is 25 percent) #pragma config WDTCLK = LPRC // Watch Dog Timer Clock Source (Always use INTOSC/LPRC) #pragma config WDTPS = 32768 // Watchdog Timer Postscale (1:32768) #pragma config WDTEN = OFF // Watchdog Timer Disabled; SWDTEN can control WDT #pragma config WINDIS = WDTSTD // Windowed Watchdog Timer Disable (Standard WDT selected; windowed WDT disabled) #pragma config WPSA = 128 // WDT Prescaler (WDT prescaler ratio of 1:128) #pragma config RETEN = OFF // Retention Voltage Regulator Control Enable (Retention not available) #pragma config VBTBOR = OFF // VBAT BOR Enable (VBAT BOR is disabled) #pragma config DSBOREN = OFF // Deep Sleep BOR Enable (BOR enabled in Deep Sleep) #pragma config DSBITEN = ON // DSEN Bit Enable bit (Deep Sleep is controlled by the register bit DSEN) #pragma config DSWDTPS = DSWDTPS1F// Deep Sleep Watchdog Timer Postscale Select (1:68719476736 (25.7 Days)) #pragma config DSWDTEN = OFF // Deep Sleep Watchdog Timer Enable (DSWDT Enabled) #pragma config DSWDTOSC = LPRC // DSWDT Reference Clock Select (DSWDT uses LPRC as reference clock) // #pragma config statements should precede project file includes. // Use project enums instead of #define for ON and OFF. #include #include #include #define EEPROM_SS (LATBbits.LATB0) uint8_t dummy; void main(void) { ACTCON = 0x90; while (OSCCON2bits.LOCK == 0); LATA = 0x0; LATB = 0x0; LATC = 0x0; LATD = 0x0; LATE = 0x0; LATF = 0x0; LATG = 0x0; LATH = 0x0; LATJ = 0x0; ANCON1 = 0x00; ANCON2 = 0x00; ANCON3 = 0x00; TRISA = 0x00; TRISB = 0x00; TRISC = 0x00; TRISD = 0x00; TRISE = 0x00; TRISF = 0x00; TRISG = 0x00; TRISH = 0x00; INTCON2bits.RBPU = 1; WPUB = 0xFF; PADCFG1 = 0x00; MEMCONbits.EBDIS = 1; ODCON1bits.SSP1OD = 0; LATBbits.LATB0 = 1; EEPROM_SS = 1; //Initialize to high for inactive //Configure PPS-Lite OSCCON2bits.IOLOCK = 0; //Unlock PPS-Lite RPOR8_9bits.RPO9R = 0x4; //SDO1 -> RP9 RPINR8_9bits.SDI1R = 0x6; //SDI -> RP24 RPOR22_23bits.RPO23R = 0x3; //SCK -> RP23 RPINR10_11bits.SS1R = 0x9; //Set SS to RP14 to get rid of it OSCCON2bits.IOLOCK = 1; //Lock PPS-Lite PMD1bits.SSP1MD = 0; SSP1CON1bits.CKP = 0; //Clock idle low SSP1STATbits.CKE = 0; //Transmit on Idle->Active SSP1STATbits.SMP = 0; //Sample at middle of TX time SSP1CON1bits.SSPM = 0b0010; // Fosc/64 SSP1CON1bits.SSPEN = 1; dummy = SSP1BUF; //Dump the data in buffer, if any. while (1) { //Read the status EEPROM_SS = 0; SSP1BUF = 5; while (SSP1STATbits.BF == 0); dummy = SSP1BUF; SSP1BUF = 255; while (SSP1STATbits.BF == 0); dummy = SSP1BUF; EEPROM_SS = 1; //This EEPROM seems to like a short quiet period with SS High. for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 3; i++); //Enable Writes EEPROM_SS = 0; SSP1BUF = 6; while (SSP1STATbits.BF == 0); dummy = SSP1BUF; EEPROM_SS = 1; //This EEPROM seems to like a short quiet period with SS High. for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 3; i++); //Read the status EEPROM_SS = 0; SSP1BUF = 5; while (SSP1STATbits.BF == 0); dummy = SSP1BUF; SSP1BUF = 255; while (SSP1STATbits.BF == 0); dummy = SSP1BUF; EEPROM_SS = 1; for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 3; i++); } } |
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 If BF is getting set, then your clock signal is ok. I'd take that with a big grain of salt. It can't hurt to set it as an input, so I'd do it anyway. If changing the TRIS bit has an effect, then the datasheet is plainly wrong. #include #include #include Don't include pic18f87j94.h Including xc.h has already done that for you, so you're doing it twice, and it will trip you up if you change devices. //This EEPROM seems to like a short quiet period with SS High. for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 3; i++); Don't try to create your own delays with for() loops, the optimiser will trip you up. Use the built in __delay_us() macro. How are you checking the value that was read? The "dummy" variable is never used in this code. If you are running under a debugger, add a "volatile" qualifier to the variable declaration to make sure the optimiser doesn't discard writes to it. n.b. Do not run this under the debugger with the SSP1BUF register in the watch window! (Edit: corrected "SSPBUF1" to "SSP1BUF") |
你好,我正在附加SPI.C和SPI. H。它非常适合于PIC18F设备,希望这能帮助您……SPI设备,PIC18F设备SPI CS<----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------但下面对你有帮助。V= TF2SFSM6FQGOPE它帮助你——TS9
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Hi, I am attaching SPI.c and SPI.h . It perfectly works at my end for PIC18F device . Hope this helps you... SPI Device PIC18F Device SPI CS <--------- SPI CS SCK <--------- SCK SPI_OUT ---------> SPI_IN (4.7 K Pullup ) SPI_IN <--------- SPI_OUT For PPS I don't have idea ... But Below is helpful for you. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tf2SfSm6fQg Hope it helps you -- TS9 Attachment(s) spi.zip (0.80 KB) - downloaded 16 times |
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Yeah, from my experience, in PIC18s you had no need to double-map the SCK signal... |
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 I implemented some of the suggestions as well as a few other changes mentioned. (using __delay_us, volatile keyword, keep SSP1BUF out of Watch window). I've added the mapping for SCK1 as an Input as well. Double-mapping the SCK1 signal did not seem to have an affect. Setting the TRIS register is still yielding 0xFF, and clearing the register yields 0x00. I modified the code below so that I can capture the communication using a logic analyzer and still be able to determine that a non-zero, non-255 value was read. I've also included a screen capture of my logic analyzer confirming that the SDI line is being modified. I can provide oscope screenshots if needed as well. /* * File: main.c * Author: sysadmin * * Created on January 4, 2017, 9:25 PM */ #pragma config STVREN = ON // Stack Overflow/Underflow Reset (Enabled) #pragma config XINST = OFF // Extended Instruction Set (Disabled) #pragma config BOREN = ON // Brown-Out Reset Enable (Controlled with SBOREN bit, disabled in Deep Sleep) #pragma config BORV = 0 // Brown-out Reset Voltage (2.0V) #pragma config CP0 = OFF // Code Protect (Program memory is not code-protected) #pragma config FOSC = FRCPLL // Oscillator (Fast RC Oscillator with PLL module (FRCPLL)) #pragma config SOSCSEL = LOW // T1OSC/SOSC Power Selection Bits (Low Power T1OSC/SOSC circuit selected) #pragma config CLKOEN = OFF // Clock Out Enable Bit (CLKO output disabled on the RA6 pin) #pragma config IESO = OFF // Internal External Oscillator Switch Over Mode (Disabled) #pragma config PLLDIV = NODIV // PLL Frequency Multiplier Select bits (96 MHz PLL selected; No divide - Oscillator used directly (4 MHz input)) #pragma config POSCMD = NONE // Primary Oscillator Select (Primary oscillator disabled) #pragma config FSCM = CSECMD // Clock Switching and Monitor Selection Configuration bits (Clock switching is enabled, fail safe clock monitor is disabled) #pragma config WPFP = WPFP255 // Write/Erase Protect Page Start/End Boundary (Write Protect Program Flash Page 255) #pragma config WPDIS = WPDIS // Segment Write Protection Disable (Disabled) #pragma config WPEND = WPENDMEM // Segment Write Protection End Page Select (Write Protect from WPFP to the last page of memory) #pragma config WPCFG = WPCFGDIS // Write Protect Configuration Page Select (Disabled) #pragma config T5GSEL = T5G // TMR5 Gate Select bit (TMR5 Gate is driven by the T5G input) #pragma config CINASEL = DEFAULT// CxINA Gate Select bit (C1INA and C3INA are on their default pin locations) #pragma config EASHFT = ON // External Address Shift bit (Address Shifting enabled) #pragma config ABW = MM // Address Bus Width Select bits (8-bit address bus) #pragma config BW = 16 // Data Bus Width (16-bit external bus mode) #pragma config WAIT = OFF // External Bus Wait (Disabled) #pragma config IOL1WAY = OFF // IOLOCK One-Way Set Enable bit (the IOLOCK bit can be set and cleared using the unlock sequence) #pragma config LS48MHZ = SYSX2 // USB Low Speed Clock Select bit (Divide-by-2 (System clock must be 12 MHz)) #pragma config MSSPMSK2 = MSK7 // MSSP2 7-Bit Address Masking Mode Enable bit (7 Bit address masking mode) #pragma config MSSPMSK1 = MSK7 // MSSP1 7-Bit Address Masking Mode Enable bit (7 Bit address masking mode) #pragma config WDTWIN = PS25_0 // Watch Dog Timer Window (Watch Dog Timer Window Width is 25 percent) #pragma config WDTCLK = LPRC // Watch Dog Timer Clock Source (Always use INTOSC/LPRC) #pragma config WDTPS = 32768 // Watchdog Timer Postscale (1:32768) #pragma config WDTEN = OFF // Watchdog Timer Disabled; SWDTEN can control WDT #pragma config WINDIS = WDTSTD // Windowed Watchdog Timer Disable (Standard WDT selected; windowed WDT disabled) #pragma config WPSA = 128 // WDT Prescaler (WDT prescaler ratio of 1:128) #pragma config RETEN = OFF // Retention Voltage Regulator Control Enable (Retention not available) #pragma config VBTBOR = OFF // VBAT BOR Enable (VBAT BOR is disabled) #pragma config DSBOREN = OFF // Deep Sleep BOR Enable (BOR enabled in Deep Sleep) #pragma config DSBITEN = ON // DSEN Bit Enable bit (Deep Sleep is controlled by the register bit DSEN) #pragma config DSWDTPS = DSWDTPS1F// Deep Sleep Watchdog Timer Postscale Select (1:68719476736 (25.7 Days)) #pragma config DSWDTEN = OFF // Deep Sleep Watchdog Timer Enable (DSWDT Enabled) #pragma config DSWDTOSC = LPRC // DSWDT Reference Clock Select (DSWDT uses LPRC as reference clock) // #pragma config statements should precede project file includes. // Use project enums instead of #define for ON and OFF. #include #include #define _XTAL_FREQ 64000000 #define EEPROM_SS (LATBbits.LATB0) volatile uint8_t dummy; void main(void) { ACTCON = 0x90; while (OSCCON2bits.LOCK == 0); LATA = 0x0; LATB = 0x0; LATC = 0x0; LATD = 0x0; LATE = 0x0; LATF = 0x0; LATG = 0x0; LATH = 0x0; LATJ = 0x0; ANCON1 = 0x00; ANCON2 = 0x00; ANCON3 = 0x00; TRISA = 0x00; TRISB = 0x00; TRISC = 0x00; TRISD = 0x00; TRISE = 0x00; TRISF = 0x00; TRISG = 0x00; TRISH = 0x00; INTCON2bits.RBPU = 1; WPUB = 0xFF; PADCFG1 = 0x00; MEMCONbits.EBDIS = 1; ODCON1bits.SSP1OD = 0; EEPROM_SS = 1; //Initialize to high for inactive //Configure PPS-Lite EECON2 = 0x55; EECON2 = 0xAA; OSCCON2bits.IOLOCK = 0; //Unlock PPS-Lite RPOR8_9bits.RPO9R = 0x4; //SDO1 -> RP9 RPINR8_9bits.SDI1R = 0x6; //SDI -> RP24 RPOR22_23bits.RPO23R = 0x3; //SCK -> RP23 RPINR8_9bits.SCK1R = 0x5; RPINR10_11bits.SS1R = 0x9; //Set SS to RP14 to get rid of it EECON2 = 0x55; EECON2 = 0xAA; OSCCON2bits.IOLOCK = 1; //Lock PPS-Lite PMD1bits.SSP1MD = 0; SSP1CON1bits.CKP = 0; //Clock idle low SSP1STATbits.CKE = 0; //Transmit on Idle->Active SSP1STATbits.SMP = 0; //Sample at middle of TX time SSP1CON1bits.SSPM = 0b0010; // Fosc/64 //TRISDbits.TRISD4 = 1; SSP1CON1bits.SSPEN = 1; dummy = SSP1BUF; //Dump the data in buffer, if any. __delay_ms(1000); while (1) { //Read the status EEPROM_SS = 0; dummy = 100; __delay_us(1); SSP1BUF = 5; while (SSP1STATbits.BF == 0); dummy = SSP1BUF; SSP1BUF = 255; while (SSP1STATbits.BF == 0); dummy = SSP1BUF; EEPROM_SS = 1; //This EEPROM seems to like a short quiet period with SS High. __delay_us(50); if (dummy == 0 || dummy == 255) { //Enable Writes EEPROM_SS = 0; __delay_us(1); SSP1BUF = 6; while (SSP1STATbits.BF == 0); dummy = SSP1BUF; EEPROM_SS = 1; //This EEPROM seems to like a short quiet period with SS High. __delay_us(50); //Read the status EEPROM_SS = 0; __delay_us(1); SSP1BUF = 5; while (SSP1STATbits.BF == 0); dummy = SSP1BUF; SSP1BUF = 255; while (SSP1STATbits.BF == 0); dummy = SSP1BUF; EEPROM_SS = 1; __delay_us(50); } } while (1); } Attached Image(s) |
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