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以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 I have been running I2C as a slave on my PIC16F15355 for some time with no problem. I cut and pasted a driver I found and cleaned it up a bunch. I have now written an I2C bootloader and I can't get the I2C to respond at all. The major difference from my other code is that there are no interrupts in the bootloader. I'm just polling and looking for the SSP1IF flag with interrupts off. I can load the bootloader with my pickit3 and break on the polling loop. But the SSP1IF flag is not being set. My scope shows the start bit and address byte but there is no ack from the PIC. The signals look exactly the same as if there was no PIC at all. Here is my main ... // I2C bootloader for PIC16LF15355 // code used with the bootloader should offset the code by 0x200 // search xc8 user manual for --CODEOFFSET and --ROM #pragma config FEXTOSC = OFF // External Oscillator mode selection bits (Oscillator not enabled) #pragma config RSTOSC = HFINT32 // Power-up default value for COSC bits (HFINTOSC with OSCFRQ= 32 MHz and CDIV = 1:1) #pragma config CLKOUTEN = OFF // Clock Out Enable bit (CLKOUT function is disabled; i/o or oscillator function on OSC2) #pragma config CSWEN = ON // Clock Switch Enable bit (Writing to NOSC and NDIV is allowed) #pragma config FCMEN = ON // Fail-Safe Clock Monitor Enable bit (FSCM timer enabled) #pragma config MCLRE = ON // Master Clear Enable bit (MCLR pin is Master Clear function) #pragma config PWRTE = OFF // Power-up Timer Enable bit (PWRT disabled) #pragma config LPBOREN = OFF // Low-Power BOR enable bit (ULPBOR disabled) #pragma config BOREN = ON // Brown-out reset enable bits (Brown-out Reset Enabled, SBOREN bit is ignored) #pragma config BORV = LO // Brown-out Reset Voltage Selection (Brown-out Reset Voltage (VBOR) set to 1.9V on LF, and 2.45V on F Devices) #pragma config ZCD = OFF // Zero-cross detect disable (Zero-cross detect circuit is disabled at POR.) #pragma config PPS1WAY = ON // Peripheral Pin Select one-way control (The PPSLOCK bit can be cleared and set only once in software) #pragma config STVREN = ON // Stack Overflow/Underflow Reset Enable bit (Stack Overflow or Underflow will cause a reset) #pragma config WDTCPS = WDTCPS_31 // WDT Period Select bits (Divider ratio 1:0x10000; software control of WDTPS) #pragma config WDTE = OFF // WDT operating mode (WDT enabled regardless of sleep; SWDTEN ignored) #pragma config WDTCWS = WDTCWS_7 // WDT Window Select bits (window always open (100%); software control; keyed access not required) #pragma config WDTCCS = SC // WDT input clock selector (Software Control) #pragma config BBSIZE = BB512 // (512 char boot block size) #pragma config BBEN = ON // (Boot Block enabled) #pragma config SAFEN = OFF // (SAF disabled) #pragma config WRTAPP = OFF // (Application Block not write protected) #pragma config WRTB = OFF // (Boot Block not write protected) #pragma config WRTC = OFF // (Configuration Register not write protected) #pragma config WRTSAF = OFF // (SAF not write protected) #pragma config LVP = OFF // Low Voltage Programming Enable bit (High Voltage on MCLR/Vpp must be used for programming) #pragma config CP = OFF // UserNVM Program memory code protection bit (UserNVM code protection disabled) #include #include "main.h" #include "i2c.h" #include "flash.h" #define _str(x) #x #define str(x) _str(x) void interrupt service_isr() { asm ("pagesel " str (NEW_INTERRUPT_VECTOR)); asm ("goto " str (NEW_INTERRUPT_VECTOR)); } void main(void) { if(haveApp()) { // jump to app STKPTR = 0x1F; asm ("pagesel " str(NEW_RESET_VECTOR)); asm ("goto " str(NEW_RESET_VECTOR)); } // run bootloader i2cInit(); while(1) chkI2c(); } And my I2C code looks like this ... #include #include "i2c.h" #include "flash.h" void i2cInit() { SSP1CLKPPS = 0x13; // RC3 => SCL in SSP1DATPPS = 0x14; // RC4 => SDA in RC3PPS = 0x15; // SCL => RC3 out RC4PPS = 0x16; // SDA => RC4 out SSP1MSK = 0xe7; // matches addr 4 and/or 8 SSP1ADD = 0; // all but 4 and 8 must be zero SSP1CON1bits.SSPM = 6; // I2C Slave, 7-bit address SSP1CON1bits.WCOL = 1; // Write Collision detect SSP1CON1bits.CKP = 1; // Zero holds clock low (clock stretch) SSP1CON1bits.SSPEN = 1; // Serial Port Enable bit SSP1CON1bits.WCOL = 0; // clr flag to allow bytes to be received // SSP1CON1 = 0b10110110; SSP1CON2bits.SEN = 1; // Stretch Enable SSP1CON2bits.GCEN = 0; // General Call Enable // SSP1CON2 = 0b00000001; SSP1CON3bits.SCIE = 0; // Start Condition Interrupt Enable SSP1CON3bits.PCIE = 0; // Stop Condition Interrupt Enable SSP1CON3bits.BOEN = 1; // Buffer Overwrite Detect Enable SSP1CON3bits.SBCDE = 1; // Bus Collision Detect Enable SSP1CON3bits.AHEN = 0; // Address Hold Enable for software ack/nak SSP1CON3bits.DHEN = 0; // Data Hold Enable for software ack/nak // SSP1CON3 = 0b00010100; SSP1IF = 0; // clear I2C int flag, is used without interrupts } // ---- SNIP ---- void chkI2c() { if(!SSP1IF) return; // int flag used without interrupts SSP1IF = 0; // <<<< A BREAK HERE NEVER HAPPENS // ---- SNIP ---- } Any help would be appreciated... |
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 SSP1CON1bits.SSPM = 6; // I2C Slave, 7-bit address Doesnt look right..... |
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Why not? 6 is 0b110, which is the pattern specified for "I2C Slave mode, 7-bit address". |
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Thank you for the detailed response. > Addresses 0 and 4 are reserved for special purposes. Address 4 is special? There was nothing in the datasheet about that. I tried using 8 instead of 4 in my test with no luck. > I would rather set SSP1ADD 0x18 Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't those bits ignored by my 0xe7 mask? BTW, I've even tried a mask of zero which should accept *all* addresses. I implemented all your suggestions. They all make sense. However there is still no joy. There is a slim chance my board broke since I ran my other I2C code so I am going back and testing that. Thanks again. I would appreciate you trying my code after I recheck the board. I know that is a lot of work. I hope you are getting paid for all your effort. :-) |
FWW,完整的引导加载程序是AthTPS://Github. COM/MARK-HAHN/XY-BOOT。
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 FWIW, the complete bootloader is at https://github.com/mark-hahn/xy-boot. |
http://www. McCHIP.COM/PROSP/8BIT-BOOTILTER http://www. McCHIP.COM/WavaPabeSe/AppNo.ASPX?AppNeNo.En56181
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 http://www.microchip.com/promo/8-bit-bootloader http://www.microchip.com/wwwAppNotes/AppNotes.aspx?appnote=en546181 |
@NKurzman感谢链接,但是第一个链接不适用,因为MCC 8位引导加载程序生成器不生成I2C代码,至少对于我的芯片是这样。您对应用程序说明的第二个链接是我尝试过的代码,但它需要对我的PIC进行大量修改,并且代码编写得非常糟糕(向作者道歉),所以我从头开始重写了它。我从UART版本和APP注释版本中盗取了代码片段。我之前从头开始编写的第一个基于I2C中断的代码没有任何问题,所以我认为重写引导加载程序是微不足道的。PIC HW似乎除了地址零之外没有任何特殊的东西。我应该尊重标准,但这与我的问题无关。无论如何,感谢您对规范的参考。这对我来说是个新闻。>所有的0X地址都被保留了。谢谢。我将遵循这个规则,即使我从来没有在任何系统文档中看到过它被引用。EDIT:根据这个规范,在127个可能的地址中只有14个地址没有被保留。这有点荒谬。该规范还提到,如果不需要,则不必保留这些内容。换句话说,如果需要的话,应该使用它们,但它们可以用于其他普通地址。-看下面的帖子。
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 @NKurzman Thanks for the links but the first doesn't apply because the MCC 8-bit boot loader generator doesn't produce I2C code, at least for my chip. Your second link to the app note is code that I tried but it required so much modification for my PIC, and the code was so poorly written (apologies to author), that I rewrote it from scratch. I stole fragments of code from the uart version and the app note version. I had no problem with the first I2C interrupt-based code I wrote from scratch before so I thought the boot loader rewrite would be trivial. @qhb I meant the PIC datasheet. The PIC HW doesn't seem to have anything special other than address zero. I should probably respect the standard but that has nothing to do with my problem. In any case thanks for the reference to the spec. That was news to me. > All the 0X addresses are reserved. Thanks. I will follow that rule even though I've never seen it referenced in any system doc. EDIT: According to that spec there are only 14 addresses out of 127 possible that aren't reserved. That is kind of ridiculous. That spec also mentions that those don't have to be reserved if not needed. In other words they should be used if you need that purpose but they can be used for other plain addresses. EDIT EDIT: Most of what I said in the last edit is wrong. :-) See following posts. |
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Most manufacturers of I2C compatible devices assume you have read the specification. I agree, use of the reserved addresses is not your immediate problem, but it's a good idea to abide by the full spec. Where do you read that? The table I quoted only says the first 8 and the last 8 are reserved. That leaves 112. |
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 You can look at the setup for the I2C Slave in both examples you compare your set up to theirs. After that if the Master sends a start and an address you should see the flags set. The I used that App note years ago. I just remember it worked. Be careful with the meaning of reserved. for example 0xA0 is reserved for EEPROM, But you could use it in is not Hardware reserved. Also be careful of the address notation. Some write the address a 7 bits other 8bits as read on a scope. (high 7 bits) |
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 > only says the first 8 and the last 8 are reserved Yes it says that. I stand corrected. But it still said later that reserving them was optional depending on your system. As I said before, I will follow those suggestions. |
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 No offence taken here. I just make a practice of pointing out incorrect assertions quickly, as a misunderstanding can often be the cause of the problem. |
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 > a misunderstanding can often be the cause of the problem. And add to the plethora of misinformation on the web. :-) I can't tell you how many wrong things I've read while googling this and everything else. |
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Hi, The main problem I found was Digital Input buffers for I2C signal pins not enabled: ANSELCbits.ANSC3 = 0; /* Enable Digital Input buffer for SCL signal. */ ANSELCbits.ANSC4 = 0; /* Enable SDA. */ Regards, Mysil Attachment(s) I2C_BootloadMSSP.zip (8.80 KB) - downloaded 47 times |
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