本帖最后由 eehome 于 2013-1-5 09:52 编辑
borland c3.1下载(uC OS-II开发工具)
#ifndef RC_INVOKED #pragma option -a- #pragma warn -bbf #endif
#if defined( __cplusplus ) extern "C" { #endif /* __cplusplus */
/* If defined, the following flags inhibit definition * of the indicated items. * * NOGDICAPMASKS - CC_*, LC_*, PC_*, CP_*, TC_*, RC_ * NOVIRTUALKEYCODES - VK_* * NOWINMESSAGES - WM_*, EM_*, LB_*, CB_* * NOWINSTYLES - WS_*, CS_*, ES_*, LBS_*, SBS_*, CBS_* * NOSYSMETRICS - SM_* * NOMENUS - MF_* * NOICONS - IDI_* * NOKEYSTATES - MK_* * NOSYSCOMMANDS - SC_* * NORASTEROPS - Binary and Tertiary raster ops * NOSHOWWINDOW - SW_* * OEMRESOURCE - OEM Resource values * NOATOM - Atom Manager routines * NOCLIPBOARD - Clipboard routines * NOCOLOR - Screen colors * NOCTLMGR - Control and Dialog routines * NODRAWTEXT - DrawText() and DT_* * NOGDI - All GDI defines and routines * NOKERNEL - All KERNEL defines and routines * NOUSER - All USER defines and routines * NOMB - MB_* and MessageBox() * NOMEMMGR - GMEM_*, LMEM_*, GHND, LHND, associated routines * NOMETAFILE - typedef METAFILEPICT * NOMINMAX - Macros min(a,b) and max(a,b) * NOMSG - typedef MSG and associated routines * NOOPENFILE - OpenFile(), OemToAnsi, AnsiToOem, and OF_* * NOSCROLL - SB_* and scrolling routines * NOSOUND - Sound driver routines * NOTEXTMETRIC - typedef TEXTMETRIC and associated routines * NOWH - SetWindowsHook and WH_* * NOWINOFFSETS - GWL_*, GCL_*, associated routines * NOCOMM - COMM driver routines * NOKANJI - Kanji support stuff. * NOHELP - Help engine interface. * NOPROFILER - Profiler interface. * NODEFERWINDOWPOS - DeferWindowPos routines */