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Agilent N5230A PNA-L,16端口配置,使用11个端口测试4x4波束形成器。
初始设置的机器和cals和窗口有9个不同的阶段进行阶段很好,没有错误。 然后在更换一些电缆并使用完全相同的端口和端口数后进行了新的校准。 当要求保存校准时,我通过选择现有校准名称将新校准保存在旧校准上。 然后当我回想起我收到消息“调用校准集覆盖重复取消时,上面列出的校准集将覆盖现有校准集。要继续按覆盖,要取消此操作,请按取消”。 我接受覆盖,并且它加载状态和校准,但是校准是在我做新校准之前的校准是错误的,因为我刚刚做的新校准是应该与我关联的这个保存状态和 CAL。 所以然后我去回忆新的校准,我所看到的就是CAL寄存器,它由我刚刚做过的校准日期表示,是最新的校准,但没有我保存的名称,旧的校准出现在 名字我以为我保存了它但是在选择校准窗口中保存了旧的校准日期。 不应该将同名的旧cal更新为新的cal和时间和日期信息?! 然后我注意到我的一些相位图已经解决了。 这个状态我只对所有的图形和通道使用了一个cal。 所以我去尝试选择新的CAL寄存器,这是更新的校准和它的消隐所以我不能选择它。 我可以选择旧的cal,但错误的日期,并给我错误的信息。 或旧的校准是正确的吗? 但是当我选择新的Cal寄存器和旧的cal时,我可以清楚地看到差异。 我应该总是以不同的名字保存新的cal,然后用这个新的cal保存cal和state吗? 我该如何解决? 我读到每个cal都有一个真正的GUID,但这是一个更新的cal我想自动使用不同的状态进行不同的测试。 谢谢。 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Agilent N5230A PNA-L, 16 port configuration, using 11 ports to test a 4x4 beamformer. Initial set up of machine and cals and windows with 9 different channels for phases went great, no errors. Then did a new calibration after replacing some cables and using the exact same ports and number of ports. I saved the new calibration over the old calibration by selecting the existing calibration name when asked to save the cal. Then when I go to recall I get the message " Recalling Calsets Overwrite Duplicate Cancel, The calsets listed above will overwrite existing calsets. To continue press overwrite, To cancel this operation , press cancel". I accept overwrite, and it loads the state and cal, but the cal is the one before I did the new calibration which is wrong because the new cal I just did is what should be associated with the cal I am associating with this saved state and cal. So then I go and recall the new cal and all I see is CAL Register which is indicated by the date of the cal I just did and is the newest one but not with the name I saved it with, and the old cal appears with the name I thought I saved it but with the old cal date in the select cal windows. Shouldn't the old cal of the same name be updated to the new cal and time and date info?! Then I notice some of my phase graphs are way out. This state I only used one cal for all the graphs and channels. So I go to try to select the new CAL Register which is the updated cal and its blanked out so I cant select it. I can select the old cal, but its the wrong date, and gives me the wrong info. Or is the old cal correct? But when I select the new Cal register and the old cal I can clearly see a difference. Should I always save the new cal under a different name and then just save the cal and state with this new cal? How do I fix this? I read that each cal has a genuine GUID, but this is an updated cal I want to use automatically with different states for different tests. Thank you. |
当它显示您要加载的.csa文件的“覆盖/取消”警告时,它检测到存储在.csa文件中的校准与存储在pna目录中的校准之间的时间/日期不匹配( 在c: program files agilent network analyzer UserCalSets )下。 PNA系统在加载.csa文件时所执行的操作是检查.csa中的嵌入式校准文件是否存在于PNA目录中。 如果它不存在,则将其从.csa文件复制到PNA硬盘驱动器(在上面提到的位置)。 如果它确实存在并且它是相同的时间/日期,则会跳过它。 但如果它确实存在于硬盘驱动器上,但它有不同的时间/日期,则会显示警告。 问题是,如果你选择“取消”,它根本不会加载文件! 但是,如果您选择“覆盖”,那么它将替换刚刚保存到PNA硬盘的校准文件! 因此,您实际上是在替换PNA硬盘副本,无论哪个更新。 解决此问题的一种方法是唯一地命名校准文件以避免此问题。 或者将其另存为不同的文件格式,不存储校准文件。 唯一的缺点是,在加载/调用后,您必须将PNA硬盘驱动器上的校准文件链接回测量文件中的通道。 但它允许您使用相同的校准文件名,因为您将在加载后链接校准文件,因此不会有任何冲突。 希望有所帮助,rok 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Hi, I ran into the same issue as you did when I first started using the PNA systems. When it displayed the 'Overwrite/Cancel' warning for the .csa file you wanted to load, it detected a mismatch in time/date between the calibration that is stored in the .csa file versus the calibration that is stored in the pna directory (under c:program filesagilentnetwork analyzerUserCalSets). What the PNA system does when it loads a .csa file is it checks if the embedded calibration files inside the .csa exists in the PNA directory or not. If it doesn't exist, it then copies it from the .csa file to the PNA hard drive (at the location mentioned above). If it does exist and it is the same time/date, it skips it. But if it does exist on the hard drive, but it has a different time/date, it will then display the warning. The problem is that if you choose to 'Cancel', it won't load the file at all! But if you choose 'Overwrite', then it will replace the calibration file you just saved to the PNA hard drive! So you are in essence replacing the PNA hard disk copy, regardless of which one is newer or not. One way around it is to name your calibration files uniquely to avoid this problem. Or save it as a different file format, where it doesn't store the calibration files. The only drawback is that you will have to link the calibration files on the PNA hard drive back to the channels in your measurement file after loading/recalling. But it allows you to use the same calibration filename, since you will be linking the calibration files after loading, so there won't be any conflict. Hope that helps, rok |
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