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以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 OK, I know this has been discussed many times, and I have looked through many of the thread and found many examples, but every example I have tried has not worked for me. I've been banging on this for more than 3 hours so far, and I don't think it should be this hard to get the rtc to work. I could have it running on a dedicated iic device in about 3 minutes, so why am I having such difficulty here? Anyway. Can someone please look at this and tell me what I'm doing wrong? Here's the code: /* // CONFIG2 #pragma config POSCMOD = HS // Primary Oscillator Select (HS Oscillator mode selected) #pragma config I2C1SEL = PRI // I2C1 Pin Location Select (Use default SCL1/SDA1 pins) #pragma config IOL1WAY = OFF // IOLOCK Protection (IOLOCK may be changed via unlocking seq) #pragma config OSCIOFNC = ON // Primary Oscillator Output Function (OSC2/CLKO/RC15 functions as port I/O (RC15)) #pragma config FCKSM = CSDCMD // Clock Switching and Monitor (Clock switching and Fail-Safe Clock Monitor are disabled) #pragma config FNOSC = PRI // Oscillator Select (Primary Oscillator (XT, HS, EC)) #pragma config SOSCSEL = LPSOSC // Sec Oscillator Select (Low Power Secondary Oscillator (LPSOSC)) #pragma config WUTSEL = LEG // Wake-up timer Select (Legacy Wake-up Timer) #pragma config IESO = OFF // Internal External Switch Over Mode (IESO mode (Two-Speed Start-up) disabled) // CONFIG1 #pragma config WDTPS = PS32768 // Watchdog Timer Postscaler (1:32,768) #pragma config FWPSA = PR128 // WDT Prescaler (Prescaler ratio of 1:128) #pragma config WINDIS = OFF // Watchdog Timer Window (Windowed Watchdog Timer enabled; FWDTEN must be 1) #pragma config FWDTEN = OFF // Watchdog Timer Enable (Watchdog Timer is disabled) #pragma config ICS = PGx1 // Comm Channel Select (Emulator EMUC1/EMUD1 pins are shared with PGC1/PGD1) #pragma config GWRP = OFF // General Code Segment Write Protect (Writes to program memory are allowed) #pragma config GCP = OFF // General Code Segment Code Protect (Code protection is disabled) #pragma config JTAGEN = OFF // JTAG Port Enable (JTAG port is disabled) // #pragma config statements should precede project file includes. // Use project enums instead of #define for ON and OFF. //needed for delay function #define FOSC 4000000UL #define FCY (FOSC/2) #include "xc.h" #include //needed for delay function #include //Global Variables volatile union { struct { unsigned f0:1; unsigned f1:1; unsigned f2:1; unsigned f3:1; unsigned f4:1; unsigned f5:1; unsigned f6:1; unsigned f7:1; }; struct { unsigned T0Int:1; unsigned T1Int:1; unsigned T2Int:1; unsigned T3Int:1; unsigned T4Int:1; unsigned T5Int:1; unsigned INT0:1; unsigned RTCINT:1; }; } FLAGbits; void uC_Init() { AD1PCFG = 0x1fff; // all digital LATA = 0x0000; TRISA = 0x0000; LATB = 0x0000; TRISB = 0x0000; } void T1_Init() { T1CON = 0x8006; // 1:1 with external 32768 crystal, synchronized } void T2_Init() { T2CON = 0x8010; // 1:8 = 262mS int IFS0bits.T2IF = 0; // clear flag IEC0bits.T2IE = 1; // tmr2 int enabled } void RTCCUnlock() { asm volatile("disi #5"); asm volatile("mov #0x55, w7"); // write 0x55 and 0xaa to asm volatile("mov w7, _NVMKEY");// NVMKEY to disable asm volatile("mov #0xaa, w8"); // write protection asm volatile("mov w8, _NVMKEY"); asm volatile("bset _RCFGCAL, #13"); // set the RTCWREN bit asm volatile("nop"); asm volatile("nop"); } void RTC_Init() { _RTCIE = 0; /* disable RTCC interrupts */ __builtin_disi(0x3FFF); /* disable interrupts for 16383 cycles */ /* Enable the secondary oscillator for 32.768KHz crystal */ //__builtin_write_OSCCONL(OSCCON | (1<<_OSCCON_LPOSCEN_POSITION)); _SOSCEN = 1; /* enable write to the RTCC */ #ifdef BUILTIN_WRITE_RTCWEN_BROKEN asm volatile( " mov %3,%0n" " mov %4,%0n" " bset %1, #%2n" /* set the RTCWREN bit */ : /* no outputs */ : "T"(NVMKEY), "T"(RCFGCAL), "i"(_RCFGCAL_RTCWREN_POSITION), "r"(0x55), "r"(0xAA) ); #else __builtin_write_RTCWEN(); #endif __builtin_disi(0x0000); /* enable interrupts */ _RTCEN = 1; /* enable the RTCC module */ _RTCOE = 0; /* disable the RTCC output pin */ _RTSECSEL = 1; /* set RTCC output pin to toggle each second */ _RTCPTR = 0b11; /* set the RTCC Value register window to Year */ RTCVAL = 0x0016; /* set year to xx16 */ RTCVAL = 0x0401; /* set Month = 4, Day = 1 */ RTCVAL = 0x0012; /* set Weekday = 0, Hour = 12 */ RTCVAL = 0x1030; /* set Minutes = 10, Seconds = 30 */ _RTCWREN = 0; /* lock the RTCC, no more writes */ // // Set the RTCWREN bit // __builtin_write_RTCWEN(); // // RCFGCALbits.RTCEN = 1; // // // set RTCC time 2017-12-08 13-56-34 // RCFGCALbits.RTCPTR = 3; // start the sequence // RTCVAL = 0x17; // YEAR // RTCVAL = 0x1208; // MONTH-1/DAY-1 // RTCVAL = 0x513; // WEEKDAY/HOURS // RTCVAL = 0x5634; // MINUTES/SECONDS // // // set AlARM time 2017-12-08 13-56-34 // ALCFGRPTbits.ALRMEN = 0; // ALCFGRPTbits.ALRMPTR = 2; // ALRMVAL = 0x1208; // ALRMVAL = 0x513; // ALRMVAL = 0x5634; // // // ALRMPTR MIN_SEC; AMASK Every SEC; ARPT 255; CHIME enabled; ALRMEN enabled; // ALCFGRPT = 0xC4FF; // // // RTSECSEL Alarm Pulse; // PADCFG1 = 0x0000; // // //the pointer is used to set all time values // //with the ptr = 3, the 16 bits are used to set the year only // //the ptr automatically decrements, so the next write to rtcval // //is already pointing to month/day. The value written here // //in 16 bits, represents April 1. // _RTCPTR = 3; // RTCVAL = 0016; // RTCVAL = 0401; // RTCVAL = 0012; // RTCVAL = 1030; // // // Enable RTCC, clear RTCWREN // RCFGCALbits.RTCEN = 1; // RCFGCALbits.RTCWREN = 0; // // //Enable RTCC interrupt // IEC3bits.RTCIE = 1; // IPC15bits.RTCIP = 1; } int main(void) { OSCCON = 0x0202; // external crystal, secondary osc enabled uC_Init(); //T1_Init(); T2_Init(); RTC_Init(); while(1) { if(FLAGbits.RTCINT) { FLAGbits.RTCINT = 0; if(PORTAbits.RA0) LATAbits.LATA0 = 0; else LATAbits.LATA0 = 1; } } return 0; } //ISR for Timer 2// void __attribute__((interrupt, no_auto_psv))_T2Interrupt(void) { IFS0bits.T2IF = 0; // clear flag if(PORTBbits.RB15) LATBbits.LATB15 = 0; else LATBbits.LATB15 = 1; } void __attribute__ ( ( interrupt, no_auto_psv ) ) _RTCCInterrupt( void ) { /* TODO : Add interrupt handling code */ IFS3bits.RTCIF = 0; FLAGbits.RTCINT = 1; } |
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Here is a function to set the internal rtc. .include "xc.inc" .include "UtilityLib2.inc" .global _setinternalclock .section utilitycode,code ;---------------------------------------------------- .equ DT, w0 ;DateTime_t * .equ tmp, w2 _setinternalclock: ;void setinternalclock(DateTime_t *DT); bcd mov #0x55,tmp mov tmp,NVMKEY mov #0xAA,tmp mov tmp,NVMKEY bset RCFGCAL,#RTCWREN ;Set RTCWREN bit bclr RCFGCAL,#RTCEN mov RCFGCAL,tmp ior #0x300,tmp ;all mov tmp,RCFGCAL ;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ;set date mov [DT+DT_Year],tmp ;get year mov tmp,RTCVAL ;set year mov [DT+DT_DateMonth],tmp ;get date/month mov tmp,RTCVAL ;set month/date ;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ;set time mov [DT+DT_HourDay],tmp ;get hour/day mov tmp,RTCVAL ;set hour/day mov [DT+DT_SecondMinute],tmp ;get sec/min mov tmp,RTCVAL ;set min/sec bset RCFGCAL,#RTCEN bclr RCFGCAL,#RTCWREN ;Set RTCWREN bit return ;---------------------------------------------------- .end And a function to read the internal rtc. .include "xc.inc" .include "UtilityLib2.inc" .global _getinternalclock .section utilitycode,code ;---------------------------------------------------- .equ DT, w0 ;DateTime_t * .equ tmp, w2 _getinternalclock: ;void getinternalclock(DateTime_t *DT); sync: btst RCFGCAL,#RTCSYNC bra nz,sync mov RCFGCAL,tmp ior #0x300,tmp ;all mov tmp,RCFGCAL mov RTCVAL,tmp ;get year mov #0x2000,w1 ;set 20yy ior w1,tmp,tmp mov tmp,[DT+DT_Year] ;store yyyy mov RTCVAL,tmp ;get date/month mov tmp,[DT+DT_DateMonth] mov RTCVAL,tmp ;get weekday/hour mov tmp,[DT+DT_HourDay] mov RTCVAL,tmp ;get min/sec mov tmp,[DT+DT_SecondMinute] return ;---------------------------------------------------- .end Using this timedate structure. //---------------------------------------------------- typedef struct{ union{ struct{ unsigned char Second; unsigned char Minute; }; unsigned int SecondMinute; }; union{ struct{ unsigned char Hour; unsigned char Day; }; unsigned int HourDay; }; union{ struct{ union{ struct{ unsigned char Date; unsigned char Month; }; unsigned int DateMonth; }; unsigned int Year; }; unsigned long TotalSeconds; }; }DateTime_t; //---------------------------------------------------- |
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 In your code, you should push w8 before modifying it but not w0 - w7. That was old code that I no longer use since I use external rtc's. |
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Thanks for that. I'll test it here in hust a minute. Yeah, like I said, I can have one on IIC or SPI running in about 3 minutes, but I'm trying to get a single chip solution running and this is killing me. Shouldn't be this hard... |
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Thanks for that. I'll test it here in hust a minute. Yeah, like I said, I can have one on IIC or SPI running in about 3 minutes, but I'm trying to get a single chip solution running and this is killing me. Shouldn't be this hard... |
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Well, after looking closer at your code, I'm afraid I don't understand how to implement it. I understand the timedate structure and know what to do with that, but the rest is not something I understand. Are the 2 functons contined in some sort of inline asm code structure or something? I'm a bit lost on that. |
这是我的一个PIC24FV32 KA302的RTCC代码,
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 This was my RTCC code for a PIC24FV32KA302, void RTCC_init() { RTCCunlock(); // write default RTCC yyyy mmdd wdhh mmss RTCPWCbits.RTCCLK = 0; // external OSC RTCPWCbits.RTCOUT = 01; // 01 rtcc out = seconds RCFGCALbits.RTCPTR = 3; //**** pointer auto incremnent with data RTCVAL = 0x2017; // year 2013 val 3 RTCVAL = 0x0101; // month / day val 2 RTCVAL = 0x0112; // weekday / hour val 1 RTCVAL = 0x0055; // mins / sec val 55 ALCFGRPTbits.ARPT = 2; ALRMVAL = 0x0101; // month / day val 2 ALRMVAL = 0x0108; // weekday / hour val 1 ALRMVAL = 0x0000; // mins / 10SECS ALCFGRPTbits.AMASK = 3; // 5=hour 3 = each minute 2 = 10 sec ALCFGRPTbits.ARPT = 0; // ALCFGRPTbits.CHIME = 1; // repeat forever ALCFGRPTbits.ALRMEN = 1; // ENABLE RCFGCALbits.CAL = 0xF0; // Neg adjust OSC RCFGCALbits.RTCEN = 1; // enable RTCC RCFGCALbits.RTCOE = 1; // RTCC output enable RCFGCALbits.RTCWREN = 0; // lock the RTCC __delay_ms(50); } void RTCCunlock() { asm("push w7"); asm("push w8"); asm("disi #5"); asm("mov #0x55, w7"); asm("mov w7, _NVMKEY"); asm("mov #0xAA, w8"); asm("mov w8, _NVMKEY"); asm("bset _RCFGCAL, #13"); //set the RTCWREN bit asm("pop w8"); asm("pop w7"); } void RTC_update() { unsigned int mmss = 0; RTCCunlock(); ALCFGRPTbits.ALRMEN = 0; // disable allarm RCFGCALbits.RTCPTR = 3; //**** pointer auto incremnent with data RTCVAL = year; // year 2017 val 3 RTCVAL = mmdd; // month / day val 2 RTCVAL = Time_day_hr; // weekday / hour val 1 mmss = Time_min_sec; mmss = mmss << 8; mmss = (mmss | Rec_sec); // second ? RTCVAL = mmss; // ; // mins / sec ALCFGRPTbits.ALRMEN = 1; // d RCFGCALbits.RTCWREN = 0; // lock the RTCC } void RTC_write_Time() { unsigned int mmss = 0; RTCCunlock(); ALCFGRPTbits.ALRMEN = 0; // disable allarm RCFGCALbits.RTCPTR = 1; //**** pointer auto incremnent with data RTCVAL = Time_day_hr; // weekday / hour val 1 mmss = Time_min_sec; mmss = mmss << 8; mmss = (mmss | Rec_sec); // second ? RTCVAL = mmss; // ; // mins / sec ALCFGRPTbits.ALRMEN = 1; // d RCFGCALbits.RTCWREN = 0; // lock the RTCC } void get_time() { RCFGCALbits.RTCPTR = 3; //**** pointer auto decremnent with data year = RTCVAL; mmdd = RTCVAL; mhrs = (RTCVAL & 0x00FF); // weekday / hour val 1 mmss = RTCVAL; msec = mmss & 0x00FF; mmin = mmss >> 8; // mins / sec val 0 myy = (year & 0x00FF); // year mdd = mmdd & 0x00FF; mmm = mmdd >> 8; } |
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Not inline, just using the assembler. Can be in two asm files or 1 single file. Copy and paste into a new asm file, remove the .include "UtilityLib2.inc" Use the prototypes to use from C. |
在PIC24FJ64 GA22中使用RTCC是非常困难的。第二个振荡器必须明确地启用,参见这里。RTCC被供电的方式几乎不可能在主VDD未被供电时具有有效的电池备份。或任何需要实时时钟日历功能的项目。
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Using the RTCC in the PIC24FJ64GA002 is very hard to get right. The Secondary Oscillator must be explicitly enabled, see here. Also the way the RTCC gets powered it is all but impossible to have an effective battery backup when the main VDD is not powered. Today the PIC24FJ64GA002 is a rotten choice for any project that needs a Real-Time-Clock-Calender feature. |
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 I use the Maxim Integrated DS3231. It only needs a cell battery. |
好啊。我设法使RTC运行。对不起,我没有使用上面提供的任何代码。我运行MCC,并能使它运行起来。现在我还有另外一个问题,或者是一个问题。时钟正在运行…真慢。我有一个32768晶体与15PF上限地面上的SOSC引脚。我已经在一些专用的RTC芯片上使用了这个EXACT晶体,没有问题-DT是按MS每天的顺序或类似的(我忘了它是什么,但它确实很紧)。这对RTC来说真的很糟糕。这意味着手术1年后,我将失去大约42天。不好的。所以,当我在MCC中设置这个东西时,我指定了时钟速度(再次,327 68赫兹)。是不是我做了什么错事,或者我应该做些什么来从中得到更好的时间?我想我会放弃机上的RTC,并坚持专用芯片,因为这是很难设置,显然缺乏严格的公差,真正的RTC应该有。对此有什么想法?
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Ok. I have managed to get the rtc running. Sorry, but I didn't use any of the code provided above. I ran MCC and canabilzed what I needed to get it to run. Now I have another question - or maybe a concern. The clock is running .... really slow. I have a 32768 crystal with 15pf caps to ground on the sosc pins. I have used this exaact same crystal on some dedicated rtc chips with no problem - dT was on the order of mS per day or something like that (Iforget exactly what it was, but it was really tight). With the pic24 and this crystal, my rtc pin is flashing with a period of 0.5137S and and on time of 257mS. This is really bad for an RTC. that means that after 1 year of operation I will have lost about 42 days. Not good. So, when I set the thing up in MCC I specified the clock speed (again, 32768Hz). Is there something I have done wrong or something else I should have done to get a better time out of this? I imagine I will just abandon the onboard rtc and stick with the dedicated chips as this is so difficult to set up and apparently lacks the tight tolerances that a real RTC should have. Any thoughts on this? |
我放弃了内部RTC由于ACTRESION。我有一个面包板与DS323 1,我还没有检查6个月。它是大约5秒,我可能没有同步的时钟时,它是最后一套。我用的PC时钟,我应该使用原子钟。DS331不使用外部XTAL。
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 I gave up on the internal rtc due to accurracy. I had a breadboard with a DS3231 that I had not checked for 6 months. It was about 5 seconds out and I may not have synced' the clock when it was last set. I used the pc clock, I should have used an atomic clock. The DS2331 does not use an external xtal. |
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Gort, I assume you mean DS3231? Internal oscillator. I may pick up some of those. |
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Yeah, just need a backup cell battery. Also has a temperature sensor. |
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 just bought 3 off ebay. guess I'm ditching the onboard rtc. shame. I really expected better tolerances from microchip. |
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