Create an image with constant gray value.
The operator gen_image_const creates an image of the indicated size. The height and width of the image are determined by Height and Width. HALCON supports the following image types:
'byte' (1 byte per pixel, value area: 0..255)
'int1' (1 byte per pixel, signed)
'int2' (2 bytes per pixel, signed)
'uint2' (2 bytes per pixel, unsigned)
'int4' (4 bytes per pixel, signed)
'real' (4 bytes per pixel)
'complex' (two 'real' matrices)
'vector_field' (two 'real' matrices)
'dir' (1 byte per pixel, value area: 0..180))
'cyclic' (1 byte per pixel; cyclic value area: 0..255)).
The default value 0 is set via the operator set_system('init_new_image',<'true'/'false'>).