您好,请问下Lattice MachXO3 Family 芯片如何配置unused pin的IO状态?
1:通过《MachXO3 Family Data Sheet》查阅到
During configuration of the user-programmable I/O, the user has an option to tri-state the
I/O and enable an internal pull-up, pull-down or buskeeper resistor. This option also applies
to unused pins (or those not bonded to a package pin).
也就是说,可以对unused pins进行配置上下拉。因为芯片上电后IO默认三态下拉,我想现在将部分IO改为三态上拉。
2:试了很久,发现在Diamond软件中,只有Spreadsheet View中可以配置上下拉,但必须限定IO为输入或输出