uint8_t txbuf[1000]="helloworldrn";
uint8_t rxbuf[1000]="";
ART_HandleTypeDef huart1;
HAL_UART_Receive_DMA( huart1,rxbuf,sizeof(rxbuf));
* @brief Receives an amount of data in non blocking mode.
* @param huart: pointer to a UART_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
* the configura
tion information for the specified UART module.
* @param pData: Pointer to data buffer
* @param Size: Amount of data to be received
* @note When the UART parity is enabled (PCE = 1) the data received contain the parity bit.
* @retval HAL status
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_UART_Receive_DMA(UART_HandleTypeDef *huart, uint8_t *pData, uint16_t Size)
uint32_t *tmp;
uint32_t tmp1 = 0;
tmp1 = huart->State;
if((tmp1 == HAL_UART_STATE_READY) || (tmp1 == HAL_UART_STATE_BUSY_TX))
if((pData == NULL ) || (Size == 0))
return HAL_ERROR;
/* Process Locked */
huart->pRxBuffPtr = pData;
huart->RxXferSize = Size;
huart->ErrorCode = HAL_UART_ERROR_NONE;
/* Check if a transmit process is ongoing or not */
if(huart->State == HAL_UART_STATE_BUSY_TX)
huart->State = HAL_UART_STATE_BUSY_RX;
/* Set the UART DMA transfer complete callback */
huart->hdmarx->XferCpltCallback = UART_DMAReceiveCplt;
/* Set the UART DMA Half transfer complete callback */
huart->hdmarx->XferHalfCpltCallback = UART_DMARxHalfCplt;
/* Set the DMA error callback */
huart->hdmarx->XferErrorCallback = UART_DMAError;
/* Enable the DMA Stream */
tmp = (uint32_t*) pData;
HAL_DMA_Start_IT(huart->hdmarx, (uint32_t) huart->Instance->DR, *(uint32_t*)tmp, Size);
/* Enable the DMA transfer for the receiver request by setting the DMAR bit
in the UART CR3 register */
huart->Instance->CR3 |= USART_CR3_DMAR;
/* Process Unlocked */
return HAL_OK;
return HAL_BUSY;