在Debug log中, 但是Build下面编译并没有任何警告和错误,请问这些错误是怎么来的,可以忽略么?
Tue Feb 21, 2017 21:51:49: The custom SFR file 'C:Texas InstrumentsBLE-CC254x-1.4.0ProjectsbleSuitCaseCC2540SuitCaseCustomSfr.sfr' contains a modifica
tion of the factory SFR 'TL2'. This SFR
cannot be found in the used factory SFR file 'C:Program Files (x86)IAR SystemsEmbedded Workbench 6.48051configdevicesTexas InstrumentsioCC2540F256.ddf' and the definition will be ignored.
Tue Feb 21, 2017 21:54:55: Warning: There were 297 error(s) when processing the SFRs, see Debug Log window for more information.