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    Has anyone used the example code , example 16-1 in the PIC12LF1552 document, to implement a touch sensor? I think I understand the code and what it is doing, I just don't know what to do with the two results to determine if a touch event occurred. The whole point is to use a chip with hardware CVD built in so I don't have to use the giant, incomprehensible mtouch framework, which requires a C compiler. I don't read or understand C, so assembly or pseudo code would be appreciated.

To be more specific, I wasn't sure from the description how to use the two results.
Quoting from section 16.1.6
"Setting the ADIPEN bit prior to a double conversion will allow the user to perform a pseudo-differential CVD measurement by subtracting the results from the double conversion. This is highly recommended for noise immunity purposes."

I'm pretty hazy on what "subtracting the results" means here, but I assume it means subtract one from the other. And if I do so, what does it represent?

I'm making the assumption that this result would then be compared to a previous result. Giving a delta. Only an assumption since it is never stated that I can find.

What delta would constitute an actual event versus drift or noise? It's not clear to me from the documentation.

Also, I assume that one would get a delta from the release, which must be discriminated from the press so as not to trigger an extra result. So either only a positive or only a negative delta should be considered a press (no idea which).

I'm not opposed to some experimentation, but there are too many variables to insure correct interpretation of the experimentation results.

I was hoping someone had this part working rather than me guessing. (And rather than me trying to decipher the giant pile of C that is the "mTouch" framework.)
Alternately, if anyone can just point me at some actual working code using the hardware CVD built into this chip I would appreciate it.

Note:  I made this same appeal on another board a year and a half ago, and still no results.  If I can't get help here on the official Microchip forum, I have to wonder why Microchip has produced 30 different microcontrollers with built-in CVD and not one complete example of working code.



2019-5-23 06:55:32



    there is an application note on CVD that explains quite well how the differential capacitive mode works:

