引用: kasonandy 发表于 2018-6-21 02:55
点击进去之后,只看到“Access Denied (Note: a common reason this message is displayed is because the thread was deleted)
You do not have permission to view/download this item.”,这个怎么解?
The values of the internal pullup/pulldown resistors are not directly stated. They can be derived from the Il parameter in Table 3-7 of the datasheet. Leakage currents with pullup/pulldown resistors enabled in the range of 80 - 240uA, typically 100uA. This would give a typical value of 18kOhm at 1.8V, or 33kOhm at 3.3V for 100uA leakage.
引用: kasonandy 发表于 2018-6-21 02:55
点击进去之后,只看到“Access Denied (Note: a common reason this message is displayed is because the thread was deleted)
You do not have permission to view/download this item.”,这个怎么解?
The values of the internal pullup/pulldown resistors are not directly stated. They can be derived from the Il parameter in Table 3-7 of the datasheet. Leakage currents with pullup/pulldown resistors enabled in the range of 80 - 240uA, typically 100uA. This would give a typical value of 18kOhm at 1.8V, or 33kOhm at 3.3V for 100uA leakage.