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library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all; use ieee.std_logic_arith.all; -- Uncomment the following library declaration if using -- arithmetic functions with Signed or Unsigned values --use IEEE.NUMERIC_STD.ALL; -- Uncomment the following library declaration if instantiating -- any Xilinx primitives in this code. --library UNISIM; --use UNISIM.VComponents.all; entity adc is Port ( adc_out : out STD_LOGIC_vector(15 downto 0); SCL : out STD_LOGIC; SDA : inout STD_LOGIC; clk50MHz : in STD_LOGIC; adc_en : in STD_LOGIC); end adc; architecture Behavioral of adc is constant slaveaddress : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0):=x"46"; ------------write address----------------- constant slaveaddress2 :std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := x"47"; ---------read address--------------- constant h_resolution_mode :std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := x"10"; constant poweron : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := x"01"; signal delay5us : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); type state is (step1,step2,step3,step4,step5,step6,step7,step8,step9,step10,step11,step12,step13,step14, step15,step16,step17,step18,step19,step20,step21,step22,step23,step24,step25,step26,step27,step28,step29,step30, step31,step32,step33,step34,step35,step36,step37,step38,step39,step40,step42,step43,step44,step45,step46,step47, stepplu1,stepplu2,stepplu3,stepplu4,stepplua1,stepplua2,stepplua3,stepplua4,stepplub1,stepplub2,stepplub3,stepplub4, steppluc1,steppluc2,steppluc3,steppluc4,stepplud1,stepplud2,stepplud3,stepplud4); type state_send is(a1,a2,a3,a4); signal state2 : state_send ; signal state1 : state; signal counter : integer range 0 to 7; signal delay180ms : std_logic_vector(23 downto 0); type state_receive is (b1,b2,b3,b4,b5); signal state3 :state_receive ; signal counter2 : integer range 8 to 15; signal temp : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); signal delay5ms :std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signal counter3 :integer range 0 to 7; begin process(clk50MHz,adc_en) begin if adc_en='1' then if clk50MHz' event and clk50MHz='1' then case state1 is when step1 => ---------start------------- SDA<='1'; SCL<='1'; state1<=step2; when step2 => -----------delay----------------- if delay5us=x"FA" then state1<=step3; delay5us<=x"00"; else delay5us<=delay5us+1; end if;------------------------------------------ when step3 => SDA<= '0'; state1 <=step4; when step4 => if delay5us=x"FA" then state1<=step5; delay5us<=x"00"; else delay5us<=delay5us+1; end if; when step5 => SCL<='0'; state1<=step6; -----------over-------------------- when step6 => ----------send slaveaddress+write signal------- case state2 is when a1 => SDA<=slaveaddress(counter); SCL<='1'; state2<=a2; when a2 => if delay5us=x"FA" then state2<=a3; delay5us<=x"00"; else delay5us<=delay5us+1; end if; when a3 => SCL<='0'; state2<=a4; when a4=> if delay5us=x"FA" then if counter = 0 then state1<=stepplu1; counter<=7; state2<=a1; delay5us<=x"00"; else counter<=counter-1; state2<=a1; delay5us<=x"00"; end if; else delay5us<=delay5us+1; end if; end case; -----------over--------------------- when stepplu1=> -----------receive ACK-------------- SCL<='1'; state1<=stepplu2; when stepplu2=> if delay5us=x"FA" then state1<=stepplu3; delay5us<=x"00"; else delay5us<=delay5us+1; end if; when stepplu3=> SCL<='0'; state1<=stepplu4; when stepplu4=> if delay5us=x"FA" then state1<=step7; delay5us<=x"00"; else delay5us<=delay5us+1; end if; -----------over---------------------- when step7 => -------------send power on signal-------------- case state2 is when a1 => SDA<=poweron(counter); SCL<='1'; state2<=a2; when a2 => if delay5us=x"FA" then state2<=a3; delay5us<=x"00"; else delay5us<=delay5us+1; end if; when a3 => SCL<='0'; state2<=a4; when a4=> if delay5us=x"FA" then if counter=0 then state1<= stepplua1; counter<=7; state2<=a1; delay5us<=x"00"; else counter<=counter-1; state2<=a1; delay5us<=x"00"; end if; else delay5us<=delay5us+1; end if; end case; ------------------over-------------------- when stepplua1=> -----------receive ACK-------------- SCL<='1'; state1<=stepplua2; when stepplua2=> if delay5us=x"FA" then state1<=stepplua3; delay5us<=x"00"; else delay5us<=delay5us+1; end if; when stepplua3=> SCL<='0'; state1<=stepplua4; when stepplua4=> if delay5us=x"FA" then state1<=step8; delay5us<=x"00"; else delay5us<=delay5us+1; end if; -----------over---------------------- when step8 => ---------------stop---------------------- SDA<='0'; SCL<='1'; state1<=step9; when step9 => if delay5us=x"FA" then state1<=step10; delay5us<=x"00"; else delay5us<=delay5us+1; end if; when step10 => SDA<='1'; state1<=step11; when step11 => if delay5us=x"FA" then state1<=step12; delay5us<=x"00"; else delay5us<=delay5us+1; end if; -----------------over------------------------ when step12 => -----------------start--------------------- SDA<='1'; SCL<='1'; state1<=step13; when step13 => if delay5us=x"FA" then state1<=step14; delay5us<=x"00"; else delay5us<=delay5us+1; end if; when step14 => SDA<= '0'; state1 <=step15; when step15 => if delay5us=x"FA" then state1<=step16; delay5us<=x"00"; else delay5us<=delay5us+1; end if; when step16 => SCL<='0'; state1<=step17; -------------------over--------------------- when step17 => ----------------send slaveaddress+write signal------- case state2 is when a1 => SDA<=slaveaddress(counter); SCL<='1'; state2<=a2; when a2 => if delay5us=x"FA" then state2<=a3; delay5us<=x"00"; else delay5us<=delay5us+1; end if; when a3 => SCL<='0'; state2<=a4; when a4=> if delay5us=x"FA" then if counter = 0 then state1<= stepplub1; counter<=7; state2<=a1; delay5us<=x"00"; else counter<=counter-1; state2<=a1; delay5us<=x"00"; end if; else delay5us<=delay5us+1; end if; end case; -------------------------over--------------- when stepplub1=> -----------receive ACK-------------- SCL<='1'; state1<=stepplub2; when stepplub2=> if delay5us=x"FA" then state1<=stepplub3; delay5us<=x"00"; else delay5us<=delay5us+1; end if; when stepplub3=> SCL<='0'; state1<=stepplub4; when stepplub4=> if delay5us=x"FA" then state1<=step18; delay5us<=x"00"; else delay5us<=delay5us+1; end if; -----------over---------------------- when step18 => ----------send H- resolution mode signal------- case state2 is when a1 => SDA<=h_resolution_mode(counter); SCL<='1'; state2<=a2; when a2 => if delay5us=x"FA" then state2<=a3; delay5us<=x"00"; else delay5us<=delay5us+1; end if; when a3 => SCL<='0'; state2<=a4; when a4=> if delay5us=x"FA" then if counter=0 then state1<= steppluc1; counter<=7; state2<=a1; delay5us<=x"00"; else counter<=counter-1; state2<=a1; delay5us<=x"00"; end if; else delay5us<=delay5us+1; end if; end case; -----------over----------------- when steppluc1=> -----------receive ACK-------------- SCL<='1'; state1<=steppluc2; when steppluc2=> if delay5us=x"FA" then state1<=steppluc3; delay5us<=x"00"; else delay5us<=delay5us+1; end if; when steppluc3=> SCL<='0'; state1<=steppluc4; when steppluc4=> if delay5us=x"FA" then state1<=step19; delay5us<=x"00"; else delay5us<=delay5us+1; end if; -----------over---------------------- when step19 => -------------stop-------------- SDA<='0'; SCL<='1'; state1<=step20; when step20 => if delay5us=x"FA" then state1<=step21; delay5us<=x"00"; else delay5us<=delay5us+1; end if; when step21 => SDA<='1'; state1<=step22; when step22 => if delay5us=x"FA" then state1<=step23; delay5us<=x"00"; else delay5us<=delay5us+1; end if; ------------------over---------------- when step23 => -------------delay 180 ms ---------- if delay180ms=x"895440" then state1<=step24; delay180ms<=x"000000"; else delay180ms<=delay180ms+1; end if; ------------over----------------- when step24 => ---------start----------------------- SDA<='1'; SCL<='1'; state1<=step25; when step25 => if delay5us=x"FA" then state1<=step26; delay5us<=x"00"; else delay5us<=delay5us+1; end if; when step26 => SDA<= '0'; state1 <=step27; when step27 => if delay5us=x"FA" then state1<=step28; delay5us<=x"00"; else delay5us<=delay5us+1; end if; when step28 => SCL<='0'; state1<=step29; -----------over----------------- when step29 => -----------send slaveaddress+read signal--------- case state2 is when a1 => SDA<=slaveaddress2(counter); SCL<='1'; state2<=a2; when a2 => if delay5us=x"FA" then state2<=a3; delay5us<=x"00"; else delay5us<=delay5us+1; end if; when a3 => SCL<='0'; state2<=a4; when a4=> if delay5us=x"FA" then if counter=0 then state1<= stepplud1; counter<=7; state2<=a1; delay5us<=x"00"; else counter<=counter-1; state2<=a1; delay5us<=x"00"; end if; else delay5us<=delay5us+1; end if; end case; ------------over----------------- when stepplud1=> -----------receive ACK-------------- SCL<='1'; state1<=stepplud2; when stepplud2=> if delay5us=x"FA" then state1<=stepplud3; delay5us<=x"00"; else delay5us<=delay5us+1; end if; when stepplud3=> SCL<='0'; state1<=stepplud4; when stepplud4=> if delay5us=x"FA" then state1<=step30; delay5us<=x"00"; else delay5us<=delay5us+1; end if; -----------over---------------------- when step30 => ------------------receive h data------------------------ SDA<='1'; state1<=step31; when step31 => case state3 is when b1 => SCL<='1'; state3<=b2; when b2 => if delay5us=x"FA" then state3<=b3; delay5us<=x"00"; else delay5us<=delay5us+1; end if; when b3 => temp(counter2)<=SDA; state3<=b4; when b4 => SCL<='0'; state3<=b5; when b5 => if delay5us=x"FA" then if counter2=8 then state1<=step42; counter2<=15; delay5us<=x"00"; state3<=b1; else state3<=b1; counter2<=counter2-1; delay5us<=x"00"; end if; else delay5us<=delay5us+1; end if; end case; ----------------over---------------- when step42 => ----------------Ack=0------------------------------ SDA<='0'; SCL<='1'; state1<=step43; when step43 => if delay5us=x"FA" then state1<=step44; delay5us<=x"00"; else delay5us<=delay5us+1; end if; when step44 => SCL<='0'; state1<=step45; when step45 => if delay5us=x"FA" then state1<=step46; delay5us<=x"00"; else delay5us<=delay5us+1; end if; ----------------over-------------- when step46 => -------------receive low data---------------- SDA<='1'; state1<=step47; when step47 => case state3 is when b1 => SCL<='1'; state3<=b2; when b2 => if delay5us=x"FA" then state3<=b3; delay5us<=x"00"; else delay5us<=delay5us+1; end if; when b3 => temp(counter3)<=SDA; state3<=b4; when b4 => SCL<='0'; state3<=b5; when b5 => if delay5us=x"FA" then if counter3 = 0 then state1<=step32; counter3<=7; delay5us<=x"00"; state3<=b1; else counter3<=counter3-1; delay5us<=x"00"; state3<=b1; end if; else delay5us<=delay5us+1; end if; end case; -----------------over------------------- when step32 => -----------------ACK=1------------------ SDA<='1'; SCL<='1'; state1<=step33; when step33 => if delay5us=x"FA" then state1<=step34; delay5us<=x"00"; else delay5us<=delay5us+1; end if; when step34 => SCL<='0'; state1<=step35; when step35 => if delay5us=x"FA" then state1<=step36; delay5us<=x"00"; else delay5us<=delay5us+1; end if; when step36 => --------------stop-------------- SDA<='0'; SCL<='1'; state1<=step37; when step37 => if delay5us=x"FA" then state1<=step38; delay5us<=x"00"; else delay5us<=delay5us+1; end if; when step38 => SDA<='1'; state1<=step39; when step39 => if delay5us=x"FA" then state1<=step40; delay5us<=x"00"; else delay5us<=delay5us+1; end if; -----------------over------------------ when step40 => ---------------delay 5 ms------------ if delay5ms=x"64" then state1<=step1; delay5ms<=x"00"; else delay5ms<=delay5ms+1; end if; --------------over----------------- end case; end if; adc_out<=temp; else state1<=step1; state2<=a1; counter<=7; delay180ms<=x"000000"; state3<=b1; counter2<=15; counter3<=7; delay5ms<=x"00"; temp<=x"0000"; SDA<='1'; SCL<='1'; delay5us<=x"00"; adc_out<=X"0000"; end if; end process; end Behavioral; |
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