Figure 1: VOH testing using the GX5295
! Declare the following variables声明以下变量
short nMasterNumber !The number of the master in the chassis. There may be multiple masters in a chassis 主机在机箱中的数量。 机箱中可能有多个主机
short nMasterHandle !The handle of this master GX5295这个主GX5295的手柄
short nSlot !The slot where this master is located 该主机所在的插槽
short nDensity !The amount of memory in MB on the card卡上的内存量以MB为单位
short nBanks !The number of banks on the card卡上的bank数量
short i
short nStatus !Procedure return value过程返回值
double dPmuCurrent !PMU Current value PMU当前值
double dMeasV !Voltage measured at the PMU pin 在PMU引脚测量的电压
double dMeasI !Current measured at the PMU pin 在PMU引脚测量的电流
char sError[255] !Used to store error string 用于存储错误字符串
! Initialize variables 初始化变量
nMasterNumber = 1 !GX5295 is Master 1 in the PXI chassis GX5295是PXI机箱中的Master 1
nSlot = 10 !It is located in slot 10 它位于槽10中
nDensity = 256 !There is 256MB of memory on the card 卡上有256MB的内存
nBanks = 1 !One memory bank 一个记忆库
!Initialize the GX5295 初始化GX5295
DioSetupInitialization(0, nMasterNumber, nSlot, nDensity, nBanks, nMasterHandle, nStatus)
if nStatus<0
DioGetErrorString(nStatus, sError, 255)
error nStatus, sError ! generate exception
DioInitialize(nMasterNumber, nMasterHandle, nStatus)
!Set Logic High to 5.0V and a Low to 0.0V 将逻辑高电平设置为5.0V,低至0.0V
DioSetupOutputVoltages(nMasterHandle, 1, 1, 5.0, 0.0, nStatus)
! Set channel 1 mode to output a logic High 设置通道1模式以输出逻辑高电平
DioSetupChannelMode(nMasterHandle, 1, 1, 3, nStatus)
! Set channel 2 mode to PMU Forced Current mode 将通道2模式设置为PMU强制电流模式
DioSetupChannelMode(nMasterHandle, 2, 2, 4, nStatus)
for i=0 to 16
dPmuCurrent = -0.25*i !Run test in 0.25mA increments 以0.25mA增量运行测试
! Set channels to sink dPmuCurrent and the current range to -8mA to +8mA. 将通道设置为dPmuCurrent,当前范围为-8mA至+ 8mA。
DioPmuSetupForcedCurrent(nMasterHandle, 2, 2, dPmuCurrent, 1, nStatus)
!Allow time for the DUT output to settle允许DUT输出的时间结算
! Measure channel 2 output current using a 50rps measurement rate 使用50rps测量速率测量通道2的输出电流
DioMeasure(nMasterHandle, 2, 4, dMeasI, 50, 0, 0, nStatus)
! Measure voltage at channel 2 using a 50rps measurement rate 使用50rps测量速率测量通道2的电压
DioMeasure(nMasterHandle, 2, 5, dMeasI, 50, 0, 0, nStatus)
print "Ch2 measured output current="+str(dMeasI)+" Measured Voltage = "+str(dMeasV)+"n"
DioReset(nMasterHandle, nStatus)
泄漏电流测试通过在DUT输入引脚上逐步施加恒定电压并在每个步骤测量输入电流来执行。 由于漏电流通常在uA范围内,PMU应设置为更灵敏的电流范围,以实现更准确的测量。
要进行输入漏电测试,DUT被上电,PMU引脚设置为强制电压/测量电流模式。 在每个输入电压设置下,PMU测量由输入引起的电流,然后根据DUT规格验证该值。 也可以测量PMU所采购的实际测试电压。
Figure 2: Input Leakage testing using the GX5295 PMU capability