1) Digital S
till Camera/Camcorder Encode Application for 10-Bit Pixel Data Using Raw Pixel Mode模式下,如何将ADV212连接到16-bit Host CPU?要通过25线连接到PC,如何连啊?
2) the FIFO threshold registers (FFTHRP, FFTHRC, FFTHRA) 的功能?
3) 在用轮流监测来确认固件正确下载的过程中(Initialization Procedure Using Polling:), 如何Poll EIRQFLG[10]?
(4) 在第一个像素样本中,一个VCLK周期,在框架开始时,必须标定一个VCLK周期的高信号。
5)如何在verilog中描述时序信号的关系,比如ADV212的图28(Raw Pixel Mode Encode )?
6) The host interface is used for configuration, control, and status functions, as well as for transferring compressed data streams. 如何翻译?
7) ADV212评估板ADV202P160Fsch.pdf中,为何用了两片24LC512 EEPROM?