我正在使用 NUCLEO-L476RG
STM32 系列编写 GPIO 驱动程序我正在实现一个简单的逻辑,我需要在按下按钮时打开 LED。
我有一个奇怪的问题: 当 temp=10 行被注释时,面包板 LED 亮起,当 temp=10 行被取消注释时它不会亮起。
与面包板的连接如下图所示,我没有在我的代码中配置任何时钟源,这意味着它将采用默认时钟(4MHz 的 MSI)进行操作。我使用 Mini USB 为它供电
- #include
- #include "stm32l476xx.h"
- #include "stm32l476xx_gpoi_driver.h"
- #if !defined(__SOFT_FP__) && defined(__ARM_FP)
- #warning "FPU is not initialized, but the project is compiling for an FPU. Please initialize the FPU before use."
- #endif
- #define delay() {;}
- //#define delay() for(uint32_t i=0; i<=50000; i++);
- int main(void)
- {
- GPIO_Handle_t NucleoUserLED,NucleoUserPB,BreadBoardLED,BreadBoardPB;
- volatile uint8_t inputVal,BBinpVal;
- uint32_t temp;
- //User green led in the nucleo board connected to PA5
- NucleoUserLED.pGPIO = GPIOA;
- NucleoUserLED.GPIO_Pin_Cfg.GPIO_PinNumber = GPIO_PIN_5;
- NucleoUserLED.GPIO_Pin_Cfg.GPIO_PinMode = GPIO_MODE_OP;
- NucleoUserLED.GPIO_Pin_Cfg.GPIO_PinPuPdControl = GPIO_IP_NO_PUPD;
- NucleoUserLED.GPIO_Pin_Cfg.GPIO_PinOpType = GPIO_OP_TYPE_PP;
- //User blue button in the nucleo connected to PC13
- NucleoUserPB.pGPIO = GPIOC;
- NucleoUserPB.GPIO_Pin_Cfg.GPIO_PinNumber = GPIO_PIN_13;
- NucleoUserPB.GPIO_Pin_Cfg.GPIO_PinMode = GPIO_MODE_IP;
- NucleoUserPB.GPIO_Pin_Cfg.GPIO_PinPuPdControl = GPIO_IP_NO_PUPD;
- //User led in the bread board connected to PC8
- BreadBoardLED.pGPIO = GPIOC;
- BreadBoardLED.GPIO_Pin_Cfg.GPIO_PinNumber = GPIO_PIN_8;
- BreadBoardLED.GPIO_Pin_Cfg.GPIO_PinMode = GPIO_MODE_OP;
- BreadBoardLED.GPIO_Pin_Cfg.GPIO_PinPuPdControl = GPIO_IP_NO_PUPD;
- BreadBoardLED.GPIO_Pin_Cfg.GPIO_PinOpType = GPIO_OP_TYPE_PP;
- //User DPDT connected in the breadboard connected to PC6
- BreadBoardPB.pGPIO = GPIOC;
- BreadBoardPB.GPIO_Pin_Cfg.GPIO_PinNumber = GPIO_PIN_6;
- BreadBoardPB.GPIO_Pin_Cfg.GPIO_PinMode = GPIO_MODE_IP;
- BreadBoardPB.GPIO_Pin_Cfg.GPIO_PinPuPdControl = GPIO_IP_PU;
- GPIO_Init(&NucleoUserLED);
- GPIO_Init(&NucleoUserPB);
- GPIO_Init(&BreadBoardLED);
- GPIO_Init(&BreadBoardPB);
- while(1)
- {
- /*****************************************************************
- * Controlling the IO present in the nucleo board *
- *****************************************************************/
- inputVal = GPIO_ReadInputPin(NucleoUserPB.pGPIO, NucleoUserPB.GPIO_Pin_Cfg.GPIO_PinNumber);
- BBinpVal = GPIO_ReadInputPin(BreadBoardPB.pGPIO, BreadBoardPB.GPIO_Pin_Cfg.GPIO_PinNumber);
- if(inputVal == 0)
- {
- GPIO_ToggleOutputPin(NucleoUserLED.pGPIO, NucleoUserLED.GPIO_Pin_Cfg.GPIO_PinNumber);
- }
- /*****************************************************************
- * Controlling the IO present in the bread board *
- *****************************************************************/
- temp = 10;
- if (BBinpVal == 0 )
- {
- GPIO_WriteOutputPin(BreadBoardLED.pGPIO, BreadBoardLED.GPIO_Pin_Cfg.GPIO_PinNumber, 1);
- }
- else
- {
- GPIO_WriteOutputPin(BreadBoardLED.pGPIO, BreadBoardLED.GPIO_Pin_Cfg.GPIO_PinNumber, 0);
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }