for (RouteInfo route : routeDiff.added) {
if (route.hasGateway() == false) continue;
if (DBG) log("Adding Route [" + route + "] to network " + netId);
try {
/**add by shihao for 4G start*/
if (route.getInterface().equals("ppp0")) {
RouteInfo xroute = RouteInfo.makeHostRoute(route.getGateway(),
route.getInterface()); // make host route for nexthop
mNetd.addRoute(netId, xroute); //add nexthop(getGateway()) for table ppp0
if (DBG) log("Adding Route [" + xroute + "] to network " + netId);
/**add by shihao for 4G end*/
mNetd.addRoute(netId, route);
} catch (Exception e) {
if ((route.getGateway() instanceof Inet4Address) || VDBG) {
loge("Exception in addRoute for gateway: " + e);
for (RouteInfo route : routeDiff.added) {
if (route.hasGateway() == false) continue;
if (DBG) log("Adding Route [" + route + "] to network " + netId);
try {
/**add by shihao for 4G start*/
if (route.getInterface().equals("ppp0")) {
RouteInfo xroute = RouteInfo.makeHostRoute(route.getGateway(),
route.getInterface()); // make host route for nexthop
mNetd.addRoute(netId, xroute); //add nexthop(getGateway()) for table ppp0
if (DBG) log("Adding Route [" + xroute + "] to network " + netId);
/**add by shihao for 4G end*/
mNetd.addRoute(netId, route);
} catch (Exception e) {
if ((route.getGateway() instanceof Inet4Address) || VDBG) {
loge("Exception in addRoute for gateway: " + e);