做芯片设计的同学应该或多或少的听到过“异步电路”(Asynchronous Circuit)。和我们实践中使用的同步电路相比,异步电路好像一直是一个传说中的存在。虽然甚至有过完全基于异步电路的处理器,但它始终没有进入过主流的数字芯片领域。不过,伴随AI芯片的热潮,异步电路越来越多的出现在我们视野当中,甚至成了一些芯片的卖点。本文和大家一起探讨一下异步电路原理及其优势和劣势,并通过Intel的Loihi芯片看看它的实现,希望能够给大家一个更清晰的认识。
目前数字芯片的主流设计都是同步电路(Synchronous),它的基本结构如上图所示。数据的流动靠一个全局时钟信号(Clock)来同步。所有的时序器件(图中的Rn)都是在时钟边沿采样数据并向后传输。数据被处理(比如逻辑和算数操作)后到达下一级。相当于大家都只在约定好的时间点才观察输入数据线上的数据,只要保证数据在这个时间点是稳定正确的,数据就可以正确的被传递和处理。可以说,这种以时钟信号驱动的流水线结构是现代数字电路的基础。随着设计和测试的复杂度的不断提高,加之低功耗设计(比如clock gating)的需求,在一个实际设计中,时钟信号会变得异常复杂,如下图所示。这也是困扰目前大规模芯片设计的主要问题之一。
Bundled-data使用的控制协议包括几种,比如数据传输要进行4次握手的4-phase bundled-data protocol,和只要两次握手的2-phase bundled-data protocol。下图来自[2],图灵奖得主Ivan Edward Sutherland的一篇论文。正是这篇论文提出了2-phase bundled-data protocol(论文还包括了其它非常丰富的内容和思考,非常值得一看)。这张图非常清楚的描述了用两次握手来实现数据传输的方法,我就不多解释了。这里要注意的是,控制信号Request和Acknowledge的上升沿和下降沿是完全等效的。
从这里不难看出在异步电路中控制信号是非常重要的。回想一下Petascale AI芯片Vathys:靠谱项目?清奇脑洞?还是放卫星?,印度小哥给的一页PPT就是在说他们的异步电路设计的控制信号性能多好。不管是不是忽悠,关键点还是抓住了。
下面我们来讨论一下异步电路和同步电路相比的优势和劣势,以及它在AI芯片里的应用。在Wikipedia的“Asynchronous circuit”词条里,对两者进行了比较完整的对比。(可能因为主题词是异步电路,对优势讲的比较多)
Robust handling ofmetastabilityofarbiters.
对做数字芯片的同学来说,亚稳态(metastability)一直是个头疼的问题。它主要是指数字信号在翻转(比如从低电平‘0’变为高电平‘1’)的过程中会有一段时间(transition time)信号不稳定,如果我们正好在这个过程中对信号进行采样,则结果是不确定的,可能是‘0’也可能是‘1’。因此在同步电路中,必须保证在采样的时刻(时钟边沿)信号必须是稳定状态。这在时钟频率很高,和跨时钟域数据传输时是很有挑战的。而在异步设计中,由于控制信号本身就和数据信号的状态相关,可以比较容易的解决这个问题。
Higher performance function units, which provide average-case (i.e. data-dependent) completion rather than worst-case completion.
Early completionof a circuit when it is known that the inputs which have not yet arrived are irrelevant.
Lower power consumption because no transistor ever transitions unless it is performing useful computation.。.Also, clock drivers can be removed which can significantly reduce power consumption. However, when using certain encodings, asynchronous circuits may require more area, which can result in increased power consumption if the underlying process has poor leakage properties (for example, deep submicrometer processes used prior to the introduction ofHigh-k dielectrics)。
“Elastic” pipelines, which achieve high performance while gracefully handling variable input and output rates and mismatched pipeline stage delays.
Freedom from the ever-worsening difficulties of distributing a high-fan-out, timing-sensitive clock signal.
Better modularity and composability.
Far fewer assumptions about the manufacturing process are required (most assumptions are timing assumptions)。
Circuit speed adapts to changing temperature and voltage conditions rather than being locked at the speed mandated by worst-case assumptions.
Immunity to transistor-to-transistor variability in the manufacturing process, which is one of the most serious problems facing the semiconductor industry as dies shrink.
Less severeelectromagnetic interference(EMI)。 Synchronous circuits create a great deal of EMI in the frequency band at (or very near) their clock frequency and its harmonics; asynchronous circuits generate EMI patterns which are much more evenly spread across the spectrum.
电磁干扰(EMI)问题相对要少。 同步电路的时钟信号,在其时钟频率及其谐波处(或非常接近)的频带内产生大量EMI; 异步电路会产生EMI,但其模式在整个频谱上是均匀分布的。
In asynchronous circuits, local signaling eliminates the need for global synchronizationwhich exploits some potential advantages in comparison with synchronous ones. They have shown potential specifications in low power consumption, design reuse, improved noise immunity and electromagnetic compatibility. Asynchronous circuits are more tolerant to process variations and external voltage fluctuations.
这个不解释了,基本是前面所说的优势的一个总结。不过还是强调一下,这些优势的原因是异步电路“local signaling”的本质特点。
Less stress on the power distribution network. Synchronous circuits tend to draw a large amount of current right at the clock edge and shortly thereafter. The number of nodes switching (and thence, amount of current drawn) drops off rapidly after the clock edge, reaching zero just before the next clock edge. In an asynchronous circuit, the switching times of the nodes are not correlated in this manner, so the current draw tends to be more uniform and less bursty.
小结一下,异步电路还是有很多特点的,我们不能简单的说一句“异步电路可以降低功耗”就作为概括。它的很多优势都是源于“local signaling”的基本特点。抓住这一点,对于思考它在特定应用的作用非常重要。
Area overhead may be up to double the number of circuit elements (transistors), due to addition of completion detection and design-for-test circuits.
Fewer people are trained in this style compared to synchronous design.
Synchronous designs are inherently easier to test and debug than asynchronous designs.However, this position is disputed by Fant, who claims that the apparent simplicity of synchronous logic is an artifact of the mathematical models used by the common design approaches.
Clock gatingin more conventional synchronous designs is an approximation of the asynchronous ideal, and in some cases, its simplicity may outweigh the advantages of a fully asynchronous design.
Performance (speed) of asynchronous circuits may be reduced in architectures that require input-completeness (more complex data path)。
Lack of dedicated, asynchronous design-focused commercialEDAtools.
异步电路曾一度在高性能处理器和低功耗设计领域占有重要地位的,但随着同步设计更快的发展,异步电路越来越边缘化;而用的人越少,这种倾向就更加严重。总的来说,异步电路目前还是“异类”,真正了解并且有经验的人非常少。没有EDA工具的支持下,做一个大型设计几乎是mission impossible。
“Biological neural networks are fundamentally asynchronous, as reflected by the absence of an explicit synchronization assumption in the continuous time SNN model given in the Spiking Neural Networks section. Accordingly, asynchronous design methods have long been seen as the appropriate tool for prototyping SNNs in silicon, and most published chips to date use this methodology.Loihi is no different, and, in fact, the asynchronous design methodology developed for Loihi is the most advanced of its kind. For rapid neuromorphic design prototyping, we extended and improved on an earlier asynchronous design methodology used to develop several generations of commercial Ethernet switches. In this methodology, designs are entered according to a top-down decomposition process usingthe CAST and CSP languages.。。
Given a hierarchical design decomposition written in CSP, a pipeline synthesis tool converts the CSP module descriptions to Verilog representations that are compatible with standard EDA tools.”
这段话里我们可以看到一些重要信息。1.生物神经网络从根本上说是异步的,因此类脑芯片使用异步电路也是很自然的选择;2. Loihi开发的异步设计方法是同类中最先进的。设计使用CAST和CSP语言,采用自顶向下的设计过程。3. 在使用了CSP描述之后,他们使用了一个“pipeline synthesis”工具把CSP描述翻译成Verilog,之后的流程就和目前标准的EDA工具流程兼容了。
以下是Loihi中的Bundled data pipeline和Bundled data pulse generator电路,实现的就是前面介绍的2-phase bundled-data的机制。
做芯片设计的同学应该或多或少的听到过“异步电路”(Asynchronous Circuit)。和我们实践中使用的同步电路相比,异步电路好像一直是一个传说中的存在。虽然甚至有过完全基于异步电路的处理器,但它始终没有进入过主流的数字芯片领域。不过,伴随AI芯片的热潮,异步电路越来越多的出现在我们视野当中,甚至成了一些芯片的卖点。本文和大家一起探讨一下异步电路原理及其优势和劣势,并通过Intel的Loihi芯片看看它的实现,希望能够给大家一个更清晰的认识。
目前数字芯片的主流设计都是同步电路(Synchronous),它的基本结构如上图所示。数据的流动靠一个全局时钟信号(Clock)来同步。所有的时序器件(图中的Rn)都是在时钟边沿采样数据并向后传输。数据被处理(比如逻辑和算数操作)后到达下一级。相当于大家都只在约定好的时间点才观察输入数据线上的数据,只要保证数据在这个时间点是稳定正确的,数据就可以正确的被传递和处理。可以说,这种以时钟信号驱动的流水线结构是现代数字电路的基础。随着设计和测试的复杂度的不断提高,加之低功耗设计(比如clock gating)的需求,在一个实际设计中,时钟信号会变得异常复杂,如下图所示。这也是困扰目前大规模芯片设计的主要问题之一。
Bundled-data使用的控制协议包括几种,比如数据传输要进行4次握手的4-phase bundled-data protocol,和只要两次握手的2-phase bundled-data protocol。下图来自[2],图灵奖得主Ivan Edward Sutherland的一篇论文。正是这篇论文提出了2-phase bundled-data protocol(论文还包括了其它非常丰富的内容和思考,非常值得一看)。这张图非常清楚的描述了用两次握手来实现数据传输的方法,我就不多解释了。这里要注意的是,控制信号Request和Acknowledge的上升沿和下降沿是完全等效的。
从这里不难看出在异步电路中控制信号是非常重要的。回想一下Petascale AI芯片Vathys:靠谱项目?清奇脑洞?还是放卫星?,印度小哥给的一页PPT就是在说他们的异步电路设计的控制信号性能多好。不管是不是忽悠,关键点还是抓住了。
下面我们来讨论一下异步电路和同步电路相比的优势和劣势,以及它在AI芯片里的应用。在Wikipedia的“Asynchronous circuit”词条里,对两者进行了比较完整的对比。(可能因为主题词是异步电路,对优势讲的比较多)
Robust handling ofmetastabilityofarbiters.
对做数字芯片的同学来说,亚稳态(metastability)一直是个头疼的问题。它主要是指数字信号在翻转(比如从低电平‘0’变为高电平‘1’)的过程中会有一段时间(transition time)信号不稳定,如果我们正好在这个过程中对信号进行采样,则结果是不确定的,可能是‘0’也可能是‘1’。因此在同步电路中,必须保证在采样的时刻(时钟边沿)信号必须是稳定状态。这在时钟频率很高,和跨时钟域数据传输时是很有挑战的。而在异步设计中,由于控制信号本身就和数据信号的状态相关,可以比较容易的解决这个问题。
Higher performance function units, which provide average-case (i.e. data-dependent) completion rather than worst-case completion.
Early completionof a circuit when it is known that the inputs which have not yet arrived are irrelevant.
Lower power consumption because no transistor ever transitions unless it is performing useful computation.。.Also, clock drivers can be removed which can significantly reduce power consumption. However, when using certain encodings, asynchronous circuits may require more area, which can result in increased power consumption if the underlying process has poor leakage properties (for example, deep submicrometer processes used prior to the introduction ofHigh-k dielectrics)。
“Elastic” pipelines, which achieve high performance while gracefully handling variable input and output rates and mismatched pipeline stage delays.
Freedom from the ever-worsening difficulties of distributing a high-fan-out, timing-sensitive clock signal.
Better modularity and composability.
Far fewer assumptions about the manufacturing process are required (most assumptions are timing assumptions)。
Circuit speed adapts to changing temperature and voltage conditions rather than being locked at the speed mandated by worst-case assumptions.
Immunity to transistor-to-transistor variability in the manufacturing process, which is one of the most serious problems facing the semiconductor industry as dies shrink.
Less severeelectromagnetic interference(EMI)。 Synchronous circuits create a great deal of EMI in the frequency band at (or very near) their clock frequency and its harmonics; asynchronous circuits generate EMI patterns which are much more evenly spread across the spectrum.
电磁干扰(EMI)问题相对要少。 同步电路的时钟信号,在其时钟频率及其谐波处(或非常接近)的频带内产生大量EMI; 异步电路会产生EMI,但其模式在整个频谱上是均匀分布的。
In asynchronous circuits, local signaling eliminates the need for global synchronizationwhich exploits some potential advantages in comparison with synchronous ones. They have shown potential specifications in low power consumption, design reuse, improved noise immunity and electromagnetic compatibility. Asynchronous circuits are more tolerant to process variations and external voltage fluctuations.
这个不解释了,基本是前面所说的优势的一个总结。不过还是强调一下,这些优势的原因是异步电路“local signaling”的本质特点。
Less stress on the power distribution network. Synchronous circuits tend to draw a large amount of current right at the clock edge and shortly thereafter. The number of nodes switching (and thence, amount of current drawn) drops off rapidly after the clock edge, reaching zero just before the next clock edge. In an asynchronous circuit, the switching times of the nodes are not correlated in this manner, so the current draw tends to be more uniform and less bursty.
小结一下,异步电路还是有很多特点的,我们不能简单的说一句“异步电路可以降低功耗”就作为概括。它的很多优势都是源于“local signaling”的基本特点。抓住这一点,对于思考它在特定应用的作用非常重要。
Area overhead may be up to double the number of circuit elements (transistors), due to addition of completion detection and design-for-test circuits.
Fewer people are trained in this style compared to synchronous design.
Synchronous designs are inherently easier to test and debug than asynchronous designs.However, this position is disputed by Fant, who claims that the apparent simplicity of synchronous logic is an artifact of the mathematical models used by the common design approaches.
Clock gatingin more conventional synchronous designs is an approximation of the asynchronous ideal, and in some cases, its simplicity may outweigh the advantages of a fully asynchronous design.
Performance (speed) of asynchronous circuits may be reduced in architectures that require input-completeness (more complex data path)。
Lack of dedicated, asynchronous design-focused commercialEDAtools.
异步电路曾一度在高性能处理器和低功耗设计领域占有重要地位的,但随着同步设计更快的发展,异步电路越来越边缘化;而用的人越少,这种倾向就更加严重。总的来说,异步电路目前还是“异类”,真正了解并且有经验的人非常少。没有EDA工具的支持下,做一个大型设计几乎是mission impossible。
“Biological neural networks are fundamentally asynchronous, as reflected by the absence of an explicit synchronization assumption in the continuous time SNN model given in the Spiking Neural Networks section. Accordingly, asynchronous design methods have long been seen as the appropriate tool for prototyping SNNs in silicon, and most published chips to date use this methodology.Loihi is no different, and, in fact, the asynchronous design methodology developed for Loihi is the most advanced of its kind. For rapid neuromorphic design prototyping, we extended and improved on an earlier asynchronous design methodology used to develop several generations of commercial Ethernet switches. In this methodology, designs are entered according to a top-down decomposition process usingthe CAST and CSP languages.。。
Given a hierarchical design decomposition written in CSP, a pipeline synthesis tool converts the CSP module descriptions to Verilog representations that are compatible with standard EDA tools.”
这段话里我们可以看到一些重要信息。1.生物神经网络从根本上说是异步的,因此类脑芯片使用异步电路也是很自然的选择;2. Loihi开发的异步设计方法是同类中最先进的。设计使用CAST和CSP语言,采用自顶向下的设计过程。3. 在使用了CSP描述之后,他们使用了一个“pipeline synthesis”工具把CSP描述翻译成Verilog,之后的流程就和目前标准的EDA工具流程兼容了。
以下是Loihi中的Bundled data pipeline和Bundled data pulse generator电路,实现的就是前面介绍的2-phase bundled-data的机制。