目前准备用TMS320DM368的ISIF标准接口连接COMS影像传感器,DM368中有一个引脚名为“C_WE_FIELD /GIO93 / CLKOUT0/ USBDRVVBUS”其datasheet中的描述为:
Write enable input signal is used by external device
(AFE/TG) to gate the DDR output of the ISIF modu
Alternately, the field iden
tification input signal is use
by external device (AFE/TG) to indicate the which o
two frames is input to the ISIF module for sensors
with interlaced output. ISIF handles 1- or 2-field
sensors in hardware.
GIO: GIO[93]
CLKOUT0: Clock Output
USB: Digital output to control external 5 V supply
问题:当用作ISIF接口时,这个引脚作用是什么?如何和COMS连接?是连接到COMS的OE(out enable)引脚吗?可以悬空吗?请高手指点一下,谢谢!